Southeast Missouri State University

    Seeking a Better Math Solution

    In 2017, Southeast Missouri State University (SEMO) campus leaders were getting an earful from students and parents about the unreasonable cost of the online homework system required for math courses. Additionally SEMO math professors were dissatisfied with the reliability of the system they were using and frustrated that it […]

      The University of Mississippi

      Addressing College Readiness Gaps in First-Year Composition

      First-year students enter the University of Mississippi with varying degrees of readiness for college-level writing. Student preparation gaps are evident in foundational content knowledge and rhetorical skills, which are areas often under-assessed […]

        Salt Lake Community College


        Finding a Smarter Solution for Math Education

        In 2013, Salt Lake Community College collaborated with Lumen Learning on the Kaleidoscope Open Course Initiative, a Next Generation Learning Challenges project to explore the impact of open educational resources (OER) on student success at institutions serving high […]

          Looking for Learning Impact

          By Kim Thanos, CEO

          January is a natural time for reflection: How are we doing? What impact are we making? What can we do differently and better in the new year?

          And what does impact mean, anyway?

          Impact = Number of students?

          When the curtain closed […]

            Cerritos College

            The Business Administration Department at Cerritos College began turning to open educational resources because faculty members saw many students struggling when they could not afford to buy expensive textbooks. After OER led to demonstrable improvement in retention rates, the department partnered with Lumen Learning to shift the […]