Lumen Circles Certificate Recipients
Lumen Circles programs provide a unique professional development opportunity for faculty to hone their expertise as teachers through virtual communities of practice. Lumen awards Certificates in Effective Teaching to faculty fellows who engage well with their virtual communities and complete at least 80% of the assigned activities.
For additional detail about what faculty fellows have accomplished in order to earn a Lumen Circles certificate, see the “Program Achievements” at the bottom of the page.

Certificate Recipients
Debra Costa-Nino, Nashua Community College
David Hostler, SUNY University at Buffalo
Terrance Scott, Portland State University
Ildefonso Apelanz, SUNY at Albany
Kirsten DiCarlo, SUNY at Fredonia
Petra Dilling, SUNY Empire State College
Susan Rosalsky, SUNY Orange Community College
Matthew Roberts, SUNY Erie Community College
Jeffrey McMinn, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Andrew Thelian, SUNY Nassau Community College
Michelle Garretson, SUNY Schenectady County Community College
Shirin Sultana, SUNY College at Brockport
Bright Osei, SUNY Canton
Certificate Recipients
Aimee Levesque, SUNY Empire State College
Lynn Lubecki, SUNY Empire State College
Justin Pascucci, SUNY Empire State College
Herb Covington, SUNY Empire State College
Yanqing Sun, SUNY Empire State College
Maureen Kravec, SUNY Empire State College
Jolie Kennedy, SUNY Empire State College
Certificate Recipients
Stacey Souther, Cuyahoga Community College
Christina Poor, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Elizabeth Schmermund, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Erin Wagner, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Kjrsten Keane, SUNY Empire State College
Mary Ann Hughes Butts, College of Southern Nevada
Malak Gawdat, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Turquessa Francis, SUNY University at Buffalo
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Cara Tuzzolino, SUNY Nassau Community College
Angela Spires, College of Southern Nevada
Sophia Georgiakaki, SUNY Tompkins Cortland Community College
Renu Balyan, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Alketa Nina, Wor-Wic Community College
Isabelle Bichindaritz, SUNY College at Oswego
Shamsad Parvin, SUNY University at Buffalo
Scott Wersinger, SUNY University at Buffalo
Kamil Hamaoui, SUNY Westchester Community College
Jeffrey Baker, SUNY Monroe Community College
Jordan Seidel, SUNY Empire State College
Adriel Slaughter, Northeast State Community College
Eileen Metcalfe, College of Southern Nevada
Rebecca Eliseo-Arras, SUNY Empire State College
Suk-Young Kang, SUNY at Binghamton
Lisa D’Adamo-Weinstein, SUNY Empire State College
Cindy Bates, SUNY Empire State College
Judith Littlejohn, SUNY Genesee Community College
Anna Biel, SUNY Fulton-Montgomery Community College
Tony Podlaski , SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Joshua Kohan, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Megan Benson, SUNY at Binghamton
Sharon Bainbridge, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Keith Landa, SUNY at Purchase College
Allison Collins, Wor-Wic Community College
Linghong Li, SUNY College at Potsdam
Robert Becker, SUNY Broome Community College
Janita Moricette, SUNY Tompkins Cortland Community College
Judy Frels, University of Maryland-College Park
Melinda Fredenburg, SUNY North Country Community College
Asela Abeya, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Steve Nitodas, SUNY Stony Brook University
Rachmadian Wulandana, SUNY State University of New York at New Paltz
Nestor Guardado, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Jessica Parker, Metropolitan State University of Denver
Colleen Kaminski, SUNY Broome Community College
Allyson Kornahrens, SUNY Stony Brook University
Patrick Cronn, SUNY Morrisville State College
Lori Braunstein, Central Washington University
Patrick Dickey, Northwest Iowa Community College
Daniene Byrne, SUNY Stony Brook University
Etsuko Donnelly, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
James Agbo, SUNY at Binghamton
Thomas Rowley, SUNY University at Buffalo
Amy Poteet, Western Technical College
Kathleen Gradel, SUNY at Fredonia
Jeffrey Riman, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
Certificate Recipients
Katie Wiens, Bay Path University
Marcella Chiromo, SUNY College of Technology at Canton
Bilas Paul, SUNY Farmingdale State College
Shelley Kohan, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
Renee Funke, SUNY Jamestown Community College
Catherine Lewis, SUNY Nassau Community College
Nicholas Benson, SUNY Oneonta
Se Jung Kim, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Certificate Recipients
Susan Hughes, Nashua Community College
Elizabeth Bojsza, SUNY Stony Brook University
Jillian Davis, River Valley Community College
Cody Dew, SUNY at Binghamton
Elizabeth Schmermund, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Peter Marino, SUNY Rockland Community College
Caitlin Lapine, SUNY Nassau Community College
Katherine Griffes, SUNY Oneonta
Laura Adams, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Konstadinos Ritsatos, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lara Mitofsky Neuss, SUNY Oneonta
Fara Afshar, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
Veronica Murphy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Eileen MacAvery Kane, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lindsay Farray, SUNY Adirondack Community College
Allison Rheaume, Nashua Community College
Virginia Egan, Nashua Community College
Gregory VanDenBerg, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Jennifer Gerster, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Certificate Recipients
Kamal Hennayake, Chesapeake College
Michelle Saavedra, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
Certificate Recipients
Lisa Lewin, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Keith Klostermann, SUNY at Fredonia
James Agbo, SUNY at Binghamton
Pamela Furline, SUNY Rockland Community College
Takashi Crum, SUNY Rockland Community College
Mark Tinsley, Central Virginia Community College
Gabrielle Dampf, Central Virginia Community College
Brittany McLean, Central Virginia Community College
Jin Chang, Central Virginia Community College
Nelson Ayala, Central Virginia Community College
Certificate Recipients
Jonathan Auyer, SUNY College at Geneseo
Max Sparkman, SUNY College at Geneseo
Dong Yang, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
Christine Stragazzi, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
Natasha Daniels, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Holly Chase, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Dana Michelle Harris, SUNY at Purchase College
Henry Mendoza Rivera, SUNY Dutchess Community College
Sandra Lapointe, River Valley Community College
Kimberly Ambrose, River Valley Community College
Monika Espinasa, SUNY Ulster County Community College
Melissa Morales, SUNY at Binghamton
Maralyn Schlanger, Rockland Community College
Constance White, River Valley Community College
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Diedra Cardamone, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Jillian Decker, SUNY Rockland Community College
Patricia Szobonya, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lore Hannes, SUNY Orange County Community College
Melissa Blackmer, SUNY Adirondack Community College
Lauren Stephenson, SUNY Oneonta
Certificate Recipients
Deirdre Ourso, SUNY Orange County Community College
Mark Gomes, SUNY Rockland Community College
James Sandler, SUNY Rockland Community College
Dina Mounitz, SUNY Rockland Community College
Allison Hotze, Stony Brook Medicine
Erin Pauling, SUNY Binghamton University
Benjamin Williamson, SUNY Binghamton University
Nester Guardado, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Brian Dembkoski, Nashua Community College
Lisa Corprew, Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs
Ashleigh Graham, Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs
Frederick-John Benedict, SUNY Rockland Community College
Ada Uche, Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs
Certificate Recipients
Jennifer Shloming, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
David Ray, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
James Hansen, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Damindi De, Quinsigamond Community College
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Sara Dickey, SUNY Upstate Medical University
Jeannine Kennedy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Talia Lipton, SUNY Rockland Community College
Angela Northup, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lesley Vandermark, SUNY University at Buffalo
Kjrsten Keane, SUNY Empire State College
Joanne Littlefield, SUNY Empire State College
Sonja Thomson, SUNY Empire State College
Jordan Seidel, SUNY Empire State College
Kelli Scarlett, SUNY Empire State College
Susan Banks. SUNY Empire State College
Lesley Caracci, SUNY Empire State College
Lynne Zeman, SUNY Empire State College
Sarah Blood, SUNY Empire State College
Marina Layvand, SUNY Empire State College
Laura Paul, SUNY Empire State College
Gregory Milunich, SUNY Empire State College
Jillian Miller, SUNY Empire State College
Pamela Kimbrough, SUNY Empire State College
Algernon Kelley, SUNY Empire State College
William Forbes, SUNY Empire State College
Roberta Owens, SUNY Empire State College
Valerie Goodwin, SUNY Empire State College
Certificate Recipients
Maralyn Schlanger, SUNY Rockland Community College
Sanjib Dey, Stony Brook University
Kimberly Wells-Bernard, Nassau Community College
Sundeep Venkatesan, SUNY Binghamton University
Reethee Antony, SUNY Binghamton University
Peter Fiore, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lesley Vandermark, SUNY University at Buffalo
Alexander Jackson, SUNY Cortland
Lena Shaqareq, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Talia Lipton, SUNY Rockland Community College
Jacqueline Dyke, SUNY Cortland
Steven Murphy, SUNY Binghamton University
Sukbin Song, SUNY Rockland Community College
Shamika Mitchell, SUNY Rockland Community College
Latoya Collins, Monroe Community College
Dong Yang, Fashion Institute of Technology
Yogesh Malhotra, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Amy DiRenzo, SUNY Cortland
Nicholas Benson, SUNY Oneonta
Jason Van Staveren, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Brian May, Fulton-Montgomery Community College
Cynthia Lasman, SUNY Rockland Community College
Amy London, SUNY Rockland Community College
Elizabeth Bojsza, Stony Brook University
Certificate Recipients
Candace Boesiger, College of Southern Idaho
Bethany White, College of Southern Idaho
Terina Konrad, College of Southern Idaho
Amy Burgess, SUNY Rockland Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Bill Harcleroad, SUNY Oneonta
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Kamil Woronowicz, SUNY Rockland Community College
Benjamin Grange, SUNY Rockland Community College
Samuel Spellman, SUNY Albany
Subhalakshmi Gooptu, Fashion Institute of Technology
Christopher Ortega, SUNY Cortland
Quaid Iqbad, SUNY at Binghamton
James Agbo, SUNY at Binghamton
Koenraad Gieskes, SUNY at Binghamton
Kelly Catron, SUNY Empire State College
Alison Robey, SUNY Empire State College
Melissa VanWinkle, SUNY Empire State College
Dongho Kim, SUNY Empire State College
Bradford Nelson, SUNY Empire State College
Michael Zias, SUNY Empire State College
Heather Bennett, SUNY Empire State College
Himanee Gupta, SUNY Empire State College
Jake Feldman, SUNY Empire State College
Alena Rodick, SUNY Empire State College
Nichole Jakaub, SUNY Empire State College
Maree Michaud-Sacks, SUNY Empire State College
Scott Silverman, SUNY Empire State College
Shannon Pritting, SUNY Empire State College
Susanne Oaks, SUNY Empire State College
Certificate Recipients
Karen Schaffer, SUNY Rockland Community College
Cristina Cardona, Community College of Baltimore County
Kimberly Wild, Farmingdale State College
Renee Arnold-Oregan, SUNY Orange County Community College
Veronica Murphy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Miriam Cajuste, SUNY Schenectady County Community College
Cailyn Green, SUNY Empire State College
Derek Richardson, University of Maryland-College Park
Certificate Recipients
Mitali Pradhan, SUNY Farmingdale State College
Peter Marino, SUNY Rockland Community College
Donna Crapanzano, SUNY Stony Brook University
Michelle Saavedra, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
Jennifer Bremser, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Nayelee Villanueva, College of Southern Nevada
Brendan Shapiro, College of Southern Nevada
Youngjoo Kim, SUNY Old Westbury
Lara Mitofsky Neuss, SUNY Oneonta
Michael Walters, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Certificate Recipients
Jeannine Kennedy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Angela Northrup, SUNY Rockland Community College
Keith Klostermann, SUNY at Fredonia
Gregory VanDenBeg, SUNY Rockland Community College
Pamela Furlne, SUNY Rockland Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, SUNY Rockland Community College
Andrew Knapp, SUNY Monroe Community College
Lisa Lewin, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Melissa Wells, SUNY Empire State College
Stephen Ray Santa-Ramirez, SUNY University at Buffalo
Kirsten DiCarlo, SUNY at Fredonia
Brian Merrill, College of Southern Nevada
Certificate Recipients
Youngjoo Kim, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Justin Thompson, Herkimer County Community College
Nancy Jager, SUNY at Fredonia
Maja Krzyston, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Turquessa Francis, University at Buffalo
Paula McLarren-Johnson, SUNY Westchester Community College
Staci Ganson, Nassau Community College
Certificate Recipients
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Scott Silverman, SUNY Empire State College
Doreen Decorah, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Amanda Heilman, Western Iowa Tech Community College
Laura Bailey, Onondaga Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Heather Larkin, SUNY at Albany
Nicole Schiffmacher, Nassau Community College
Sabrina Lopez, Dutchess Community College
Cindy Bates, SUNY Empire College
Kelly Marcus, Southwestern Community College (ICCOC)
Brian Cocolicchio, SUNY Westchester Community College
Carrie Jackson, Eastern Iowa Community Colleges
Holly DeGrote, Northwest Iowa Community College
Catherine Lewis, Nassau Community College
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Beth Dubeck, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Deirdre Ourso, SUNY Ulster County Community College
Heather Leary, Brigham Young University
Certificate Recipients
Amy Ryan, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Donna Crapanzano, Stony Brook University
Peter Marino, SUNY Rockland Community College
Patrick Dickey, Northwest Iowa Community College
Thomas Rowley, SUNY University at Buffalo
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Certificate Recipients
Raquel Schmidt, SUNY Buffalo State
Stacey Shipe, SUNY at Binghamton
Jacob McPherson, University at Buffalo
Jason Page, SUNY Cortland
Lindsay Farrar, Adirondack Community College
Fiordaliza Ippolito, SUNY at Albany
Naftali Rottenstreich, Adirondack Community College
Desiree Keever, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Eileen MacAvery Kane, Rockland Community College
Ronnie O’Neill, Rockland Community College
Melissa Tracy, SUNY at Albany
Eduardo Millet, State University of New York at New Paltz
Talia Lipton, Rockland Community College
Jeffree Ware, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Peter Fiore, Rockland Community College
Catherine Lewis, Nassau Community College
Laurie Sanders, College of Southern Nevada
Anne Ruszkiewicz, Sullivan County Community College
Jonathan Auyer, SUNY College at Geneseo
Michael Stark, Community College System of New Hampshire
Nancy Eckert, River Valley Community College
Sonya Kuykendall, River Valley Community College
Heather Newfield, River Valley Community College
Kim-Laura Boyle, River Valley Community College
Christopher Stavisky, University at Buffalo
M Vorpahl, University at Buffalo
Eunette Gentry, College of Southern Nevada
Katherine Croom, Niagara County Community College
Michelle Saavedra, Suffolk County Community College
Ann Healy, Nashua Community College
Michael Youngs, Fulton-Montgomery Community College
Elizabeth Bojsza, Stony Brook University
Marie Dufay-Verbie, University at Buffalo
Shuang Zhao, Lone Star College System
Marie Cuillier, Lone Star College System
Jenita Thomas, LSC-University Park
DeeAndrea Phillips, Lone Star College System
Charles McNeil, Lone Star College System
Emanuela Ene, Lone Star College System
Larrissa Roberts, Lone Star College System
Daniel Thompson, Langston University
Sandra Brown, Langston University
Ruben Herron, Langston University
Kelly O’Bryan, Langston University
Bobby Fields, Langston University
Kathleen Jonas-Papile, Hudson Valley Community College
Nicole Bravo, Lone Star College System
Certificate Recipients
Kelly Shevlin, SUNY College at Brockport
Stephanie Ortel, Genesee Community College
Rebecca Eliseo-Arras, SUNY Empire State College
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Jack Tessier, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Shing Chi Leung, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Jennifer Shloming, Fashion Institute of Technology
Laurie Lacey, Schenectady County Community College
Thalia MacMilllan, SUNY Empire State College
Kjrsten Keane, SUNY Empire State College
Pamela Kimbrough, SUNY Empire State College
Jason Cash, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Pamela Furline, Rockland Community College
Mary Roth, Orange County Community College
Marsha Greene, Fashion Institute of Technology
Elena Smirnova, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Bill Harcleroad, SUNY Oneonta
John O’Connell, Schenectady County Community College
Brian Lowe, SUNY Oneonta
Certificate Recipients
Erin Boss, State University of New York at New Paltz
Maralyn Schlange, Rockland Community College
Takashi Crum, Rockland Community College
Violet Tiema, Rockland Community College
Cheryl Novins, Nassau Community College
Kimberly Wells-Bernard, Nassau Community College
Jeannine Kennedy, Rockland Community College
Vanesa Canete Jurado, SUNY at Binghamton
Deborah Vinecour, Rockland Community College
Kerry McNerney, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Forney, Jamestown Community College
Oylum Akkus Ispir, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Kristopher Baker, Rockland Community College
Jeff Lolley, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Cayla Gaworecki, Schenectady County Community College
Randall Cone, Salisbury University
Vitus Ozoke, Salisbury University
Karen Schaffer, Rockland Community College
Preeti Samudra, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Kathryn Kein, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Brooks Winchell, Quinsigamond Community College
Carolyn McGrath, Quinsigamond Community College
John Luke Parker, Quinsigamond Community College
Lori Lamothe, Quinsigamond Community College
Shrinda Trudell, Quinsigamond Community College
Steven Gambino, Quinsigamond Community College
Susan Amos, Quinsigamond Community College
Teina Lochan-Dodd, Quinsigamond Community College
Xaide Campbell, Quinsigamond Community College
Amber Pfeiffer,Quinsigamond Community College
Monique Brooks, Quinsigamond Community College
Lili Nizankiewicz, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Thomas Rowley, University at Buffalo
Christine Alexander, University of Maryland-College Park
Suhana Chattopadhyay, University of Maryland-College Park
Jennie Lee-Kim, University of Maryland-College Park
Jennifer Hadden, University of Maryland-College Park
Angela Katenkamp Shiplet, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Jennifer Schermerhorn, Salisbury University
Veronica Murphy, Rockland Community College
Angela Northrup, Rockland Community College
Sara Annunziato, Rockland Community College
Patricia Zodda, Rockland Community College
Monica VanKlompenberg, University of Maryland-College Park
Erin Moody, University of Maryland-College Park
Madeline Crocitto, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Patricia Szobonya, Rockland Community College
Wendy Gordon, Rockland Community College
Nicole Townsend, Lone Star College System
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Fotini Anagnostopoulos-King, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Isabel Rambob, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Violet Kulo, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Robert Bennett, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Certificate Recipients
Jessica Harris, SUNY Oswego
Emily Hegarty, Nassau Community College
Peter Marino, Rockland Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
April Crenshaw, Chattanooga State Community College
Anita Polk-Conley, Chattanooga State Community College
Jillian Decker, Rockland Community College
Mihai Paraschiv, SUNY College at Oswego
Sara Macel, Rockland Community College
Jiayue Shen, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Katherine Copp Brown, Rockland Community College
Carol Van Zile-Tamsen, University at Buffalo
Rosa Perez, College of Southern Nevada
Michelle Monsourf, Morrisville State College
Hilton Lasalle, LSC-Houston North
Lei Huang, SUNY at Fredonia
Mary Beth Sievens, SUNY at Fredonia
Kelly Soczka Steidinger, SUNY at Fredonia
Jessica Finkeldey, SUNY at Fredonia
Angela McGowan-Kirsch, SUNY at Fredonia
Nancy Jager, SUNY at Fredonia
Ivani Vassoler, SUNY at Fredonia
Destiny Sanvido, Lone Star College System
Certificate Recipients
Lena Shaqareq, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kathleen Locklear, SUNY College at Oswego
Jennifer Adjodha-Evans, Herkimer County Community College
Christine Van Namee, Mohawk Valley Community College
Patricia Mason-Williams, SUNY College at Brockport
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Christina Teresi, Dutchess Community College
Ann Geisendorfer, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Sharon Peck, SUNY College at Geneseo
Melinda Fredenburg, North Country Community College
Christine Morris, Nashua Community College
Danielle Richards, College of Southern Nevada
Eileen Metcalfe, College of Southern Nevada
Certificate Recipients
Jessica Hutchison, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Suk-Young Kang, SUNY at Binghamton
Krystle Chalich, Adirondack Community College
Jill Johnson, Eastern Iowa Community Colleges
Gregory Van Den Berg, Rockland Community College
Radha Ganesan, Stony Brook University
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Dae Sung Han, Rockland Community College
Elizabeth Tolman, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Ashley Seager-Cecchini, Finger Lakes Community College
Kimberly Wild, Farmingdale State College
Robert Morris, Community College System of New Hampshire
Shannon Daoust, Nashua Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, Rockland Community College
Stephanie Poplock, SUNY Oneonta
Sukbin Song, Rockland Community College
Marty Kellum, Calhoun Community College
Xin Ye, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Gerster, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Kathleen Gradel, SUNY at Fredonia
Certificate Recipients
Peter Marino, Rockland Community College
Maryalice Citera, State University of New York at New Paltz
Marybeth Heyden, Stony Brook Medicine
Kimberly Wild, Farmingdale State College
Stephanie Ortel, Genesee Community College
Nicole Schiffmacher, Nassau Community College
Jill Amati, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Jennifer Shloming, Fashion Institute of Technology
Cheryl Novins, Nassau Community College
Benjamin Williamson, Binghamton University
Richard Marcoux, Morrisville State College
Caitlin Lapine, Nassau Community College
Dorothy Hartigan, Nassau Community College
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Jessica Hutchison, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Michitake Aso, SUNY at Albany
Wendy Johnston, Adirondack Community College
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Santucci-Spero, Rockland Community College
Stephanie Andrews, Lone Star College System
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Shamsul Arefeen, Morrisville State College
Keith Pardini, Suffolk County Community College
Augusta Williams, SUNY Upstate Medical University
Melanie Medeiros, SUNY College at Geneseo
Sabrina Lopez, State University of New York at New Paltz
Cindy Shireman, ICCOC Iowa Community Colleges Online Consortium
DianeAliprandi, Southeastern Community College – IA
PatrickDickey, Northwest Iowa Community College
Connie Richardson, Dana Center
Christopher Closson, SUNY at Fredonia
Michelle Monsourf, Morrisville State College
Mitali Pradhan, Farmingdale State College
Savita Hanspal, SUNY College at Potsdam
Sharon Peck, SUNY College at Geneseo
Parvaneh Sheikh, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kathleen Locklear, SUNY College at Oswego
Lena Shaqareq, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Timothy Strode, Nassau Community College
David Rondeau, Nashua Community College
Certificate Recipients
Alicia Briganti, Dalton State College
Ann Geisendorfer, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Kamil Hamaoui, SUNY Westchester Community College
James Hansen, Alfred University
Catherine Lewis, Nassau Community College
Elizabeth Congdon, SUNY Broome Community College
Shushawna DeOliveira, SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Monika Espinasa, Ulster County Community College
Anisa Hansen, Drake University
Nancy Kane, SUNY Cortland
Jeffery McMinn, Hudson Valley Community College
Sangeeta Nischal, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Jillian Nissen, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Jessica Sarauer, Morrisville State College
Brian Schwartz, Columbus State University
Nisha Varghese, Binghamton University
Marion Ben-Jacob, Rockland Community College
David Borreggine, Rockland Community College
Beatrice Bridglall, Rockland Community College
Stacy Casden, Rockland Community College
Jenny Frank, Morrisville State College
Bobbie Harman, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Khader Humied, Rockland Community College
Zhiging Teng, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Catherine Willis, Hudson Valley Community College
Jennifer Tripp, Nashua Community College
Chelsea McCracken, SUNY Oneonta
Peter Arvanites, Rockland Community College
Kevin Dames, SUNY Cortland
Lindsay Farrar, Adirondack Community College
Peter Fiore, Rockland Community College
Elyse Fuller, Rockland Community College
Dae Sung Han, Rockland Community College
Cynthia Lasman, Rockland Community College
Dino Lucido, Rockland Community College
Ingrid Montgomery, Rockland Community College
Krista Quinn, Rockland Community College
Kelli Rodriguez, North Country Community College
Naftali Rottenstreich, Adirondack Community College
Rene Arnold, Lone Star College System
Bethzabeth Berrios, Rockland Community College
Dr. Nicholas Dianuzzo, Rockland Community College
Suzanne DiRenno, Rockland Community College
Pamela Furline, Rockland Community College
Matthew Matcovich, Rockland Community College
Shamika Mitchell, Rockland Community College
Shamsad Parvin, Morrisville State College
Erin Ranft, LSC-North Harris
Nancy Rosen, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Santucci-Spero, Rockland Community College
Ralph Swain, Western Iowa Tech Community College
Gregory Van Den Berg, Rockland Community College
Xin Ye, Rockland Community College
Luis Cuesta, SUNY at Albany
Irina Holden, SUNY at Albany
Michael Jones, Western Iowa Tech Community College
Janita Moricette, Tompkins Cortland Community College
Katya Stanislavskaya, State University of New York at New Paltz
Denisa Talovic, SUNY Broome Community College
Tanja Darden, Towson University
Ayanna Lynch, Bowie State University
Ioan Marginean, University of Baltimore
Maureen Sullivan, Bowie State University
Sarah Archibald, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Carlen Bini, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Angelica Fernandez-Dizon, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Soraya Green, University of Maryland Global Campus
Heather Hall, Frostburg State University
Audra Houser, Frostburg State University
Tanner Kilpatrick, University of Maryland-College Park
Mary Bondy, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Negin Fouladi, University of Maryland-College Park
Karen Gordes, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Lindsey Leeds, University of Maryland Global Campus
Melissa McClean, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Elias Snyder, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Sylvette Latoche-Howard, University System of Maryland
Certificate Recipients
Nana Ankrah, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Tejpreet Chadha, Binghamton University
Lekisha Griffin, SUNY College at Brockport
Kevin Hofmann, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Gloria Morgan, SUNY College at Brockport
Eric Paner, Erie Community College
Michelle Saavedra, Suffolk County Community College
Mehwish Sarwari, SUNY Buffalo State
Certificate Recipients
Amanda Couitt, River Valley Community College
Bridget Conley, River Valley Community College
Shing Chi Leung, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Zoë Misiewicz, SUNY College at Oswego
Daniel Holz, Schenectady County Community College
Caitlin Parzych, Suffolk County Community College
Katherine Griffes, SUNY Oneonta
Mary Arenberg, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Christopher Stavisky, University at Buffalo
Certificate Recipients
Jayne Barnes, Nashua Community College
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
John Carlisle, Nashua Community College
Tin Chi Solomon Chak, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Mark D’Arcy, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Matthew Doggett, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Jennifer Forney, Jamestown Community College
Aimee Jahn, River Valley Community College
Eileen MacAvery Kane, Rockland Community College
Carol Anne Kozik, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Talia Lipton, Rockland Community College
Audrey Nasar, Fashion Institute of Technology
Francia Reed, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Michelle Sweeney, River Valley Community College
Certificate Recipients
Yuda Anriany, Prince George’s Community College
Jeffrey Clark, Adirondack Community College
Stacy Constantin, Bowie State University
Mary Cunill, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Natasha Daniels, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Patience Ebuwei, Coppin State University
Robert Faivre, Adirondack Community College
Glenn Gebler, Prince George’s Community College
Elizabeth Hansen, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Lilia Juele, Rockland Community College
Kelly Marcus, Southwestern Community College (ICCOC)
Lizette Martinez, SUNY Westchester Community College
Ornella Mazzuca, Dutchess Community College
Judy Naber, Iowa Lakes Community College
Brandye Nobiling, Salisbury University
Danica Nowosielski, Hudson Valley Community College
Jennifer Nyland, Salisbury University
Deirdre Ourso, Ulster County Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, Rockland Community College
Brian Schmidt, College of Southern Nevada
Karen Silverstrim, Salisbury University
Sonya Smith, Community College of Baltimore County
Angela Spires, College of Southern Nevada
Shirin Sultana, SUNY College at Brockport
Felicia Wider Lewis, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kimberly Yadon, Western State Colorado University
Chance Lee Joyner, Nashua Community College
Certificate Recipients
Susan Hughes, Nashua Community College
Elizabeth Bojsza, SUNY Stony Brook University
Jillian Davis, River Valley Community College
Cody Dew, SUNY at Binghamton
Elizabeth Schmermund, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Peter Marino, SUNY Rockland Community College
Caitlin Lapine, SUNY Nassau Community College
Katherine Griffes, SUNY Oneonta
Laura Adams, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Konstadinos Ritsatos, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lara Mitofsky Neuss, SUNY Oneonta
Fara Afshar, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
Veronica Murphy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Eileen MacAvery Kane, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lindsay Farray, SUNY Adirondack Community College
Allison Rheaume, Nashua Community College
Virginia Egan, Nashua Community College
Gregory VanDenBerg, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Jennifer Gerster, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Certificate Recipients
Kamal Hennayake, Chesapeake College
Michelle Saavedra, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
Certificate Recipients
Lisa Lewin, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Keith Klostermann, SUNY at Fredonia
James Agbo, SUNY at Binghamton
Pamela Furline, SUNY Rockland Community College
Takashi Crum, SUNY Rockland Community College
Mark Tinsley, Central Virginia Community College
Gabrielle Dampf, Central Virginia Community College
Brittany McLean, Central Virginia Community College
Jin Chang, Central Virginia Community College
Nelson Ayala, Central Virginia Community College
Certificate Recipients
Jonathan Auyer, SUNY College at Geneseo
Max Sparkman, SUNY College at Geneseo
Dong Yang, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
Christine Stragazzi, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
Natasha Daniels, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Holly Chase, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Dana Michelle Harris, SUNY at Purchase College
Henry Mendoza Rivera, SUNY Dutchess Community College
Sandra Lapointe, River Valley Community College
Kimberly Ambrose, River Valley Community College
Monika Espinasa, SUNY Ulster County Community College
Melissa Morales, SUNY at Binghamton
Maralyn Schlanger, Rockland Community College
Constance White, River Valley Community College
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Diedra Cardamone, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Jillian Decker, SUNY Rockland Community College
Patricia Szobonya, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lore Hannes, SUNY Orange County Community College
Melissa Blackmer, SUNY Adirondack Community College
Lauren Stephenson, SUNY Oneonta
Certificate Recipients
Deirdre Ourso, SUNY Orange County Community College
Mark Gomes, SUNY Rockland Community College
James Sandler, SUNY Rockland Community College
Dina Mounitz, SUNY Rockland Community College
Allison Hotze, Stony Brook Medicine
Erin Pauling, SUNY Binghamton University
Benjamin Williamson, SUNY Binghamton University
Nester Guardado, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Brian Dembkoski, Nashua Community College
Lisa Corprew, Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs
Ashleigh Graham, Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs
Frederick-John Benedict, SUNY Rockland Community College
Ada Uche, Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs
Certificate Recipients
Jennifer Shloming, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
David Ray, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
James Hansen, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Damindi De, Quinsigamond Community College
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Sara Dickey, SUNY Upstate Medical University
Jeannine Kennedy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Talia Lipton, SUNY Rockland Community College
Angela Northup, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lesley Vandermark, SUNY University at Buffalo
Kjrsten Keane, SUNY Empire State College
Joanne Littlefield, SUNY Empire State College
Sonja Thomson, SUNY Empire State College
Jordan Seidel, SUNY Empire State College
Kelli Scarlett, SUNY Empire State College
Susan Banks. SUNY Empire State College
Lesley Caracci, SUNY Empire State College
Lynne Zeman, SUNY Empire State College
Sarah Blood, SUNY Empire State College
Marina Layvand, SUNY Empire State College
Laura Paul, SUNY Empire State College
Gregory Milunich, SUNY Empire State College
Jillian Miller, SUNY Empire State College
Pamela Kimbrough, SUNY Empire State College
Algernon Kelley, SUNY Empire State College
William Forbes, SUNY Empire State College
Roberta Owens, SUNY Empire State College
Valerie Goodwin, SUNY Empire State College
Certificate Recipients
Maralyn Schlanger, SUNY Rockland Community College
Sanjib Dey, Stony Brook University
Kimberly Wells-Bernard, Nassau Community College
Sundeep Venkatesan, SUNY Binghamton University
Reethee Antony, SUNY Binghamton University
Peter Fiore, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lesley Vandermark, SUNY University at Buffalo
Alexander Jackson, SUNY Cortland
Lena Shaqareq, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Talia Lipton, SUNY Rockland Community College
Jacqueline Dyke, SUNY Cortland
Steven Murphy, SUNY Binghamton University
Sukbin Song, SUNY Rockland Community College
Shamika Mitchell, SUNY Rockland Community College
Latoya Collins, Monroe Community College
Dong Yang, Fashion Institute of Technology
Yogesh Malhotra, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Amy DiRenzo, SUNY Cortland
Nicholas Benson, SUNY Oneonta
Jason Van Staveren, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Brian May, Fulton-Montgomery Community College
Cynthia Lasman, SUNY Rockland Community College
Amy London, SUNY Rockland Community College
Elizabeth Bojsza, Stony Brook University
Certificate Recipients
Candace Boesiger, College of Southern Idaho
Bethany White, College of Southern Idaho
Terina Konrad, College of Southern Idaho
Amy Burgess, SUNY Rockland Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Bill Harcleroad, SUNY Oneonta
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Kamil Woronowicz, SUNY Rockland Community College
Benjamin Grange, SUNY Rockland Community College
Samuel Spellman, SUNY Albany
Subhalakshmi Gooptu, Fashion Institute of Technology
Christopher Ortega, SUNY Cortland
Quaid Iqbad, SUNY at Binghamton
James Agbo, SUNY at Binghamton
Koenraad Gieskes, SUNY at Binghamton
Kelly Catron, SUNY Empire State College
Alison Robey, SUNY Empire State College
Melissa VanWinkle, SUNY Empire State College
Dongho Kim, SUNY Empire State College
Bradford Nelson, SUNY Empire State College
Michael Zias, SUNY Empire State College
Heather Bennett, SUNY Empire State College
Himanee Gupta, SUNY Empire State College
Jake Feldman, SUNY Empire State College
Alena Rodick, SUNY Empire State College
Nichole Jakaub, SUNY Empire State College
Maree Michaud-Sacks, SUNY Empire State College
Scott Silverman, SUNY Empire State College
Shannon Pritting, SUNY Empire State College
Susanne Oaks, SUNY Empire State College
Certificate Recipients
Karen Schaffer, SUNY Rockland Community College
Cristina Cardona, Community College of Baltimore County
Kimberly Wild, Farmingdale State College
Renee Arnold-Oregan, SUNY Orange County Community College
Veronica Murphy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Miriam Cajuste, SUNY Schenectady County Community College
Cailyn Green, SUNY Empire State College
Derek Richardson, University of Maryland-College Park
Certificate Recipients
Mitali Pradhan, SUNY Farmingdale State College
Peter Marino, SUNY Rockland Community College
Donna Crapanzano, SUNY Stony Brook University
Michelle Saavedra, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
Jennifer Bremser, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Nayelee Villanueva, College of Southern Nevada
Brendan Shapiro, College of Southern Nevada
Youngjoo Kim, SUNY Old Westbury
Lara Mitofsky Neuss, SUNY Oneonta
Michael Walters, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Certificate Recipients
Jeannine Kennedy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Angela Northrup, SUNY Rockland Community College
Keith Klostermann, SUNY at Fredonia
Gregory VanDenBeg, SUNY Rockland Community College
Pamela Furlne, SUNY Rockland Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, SUNY Rockland Community College
Andrew Knapp, SUNY Monroe Community College
Lisa Lewin, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Melissa Wells, SUNY Empire State College
Stephen Ray Santa-Ramirez, SUNY University at Buffalo
Kirsten DiCarlo, SUNY at Fredonia
Brian Merrill, College of Southern Nevada
Certificate Recipients
Youngjoo Kim, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Justin Thompson, Herkimer County Community College
Nancy Jager, SUNY at Fredonia
Maja Krzyston, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Turquessa Francis, University at Buffalo
Paula McLarren-Johnson, SUNY Westchester Community College
Staci Ganson, Nassau Community College
Certificate Recipients
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Scott Silverman, SUNY Empire State College
Doreen Decorah, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Amanda Heilman, Western Iowa Tech Community College
Laura Bailey, Onondaga Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Heather Larkin, SUNY at Albany
Nicole Schiffmacher, Nassau Community College
Sabrina Lopez, Dutchess Community College
Cindy Bates, SUNY Empire College
Kelly Marcus, Southwestern Community College (ICCOC)
Brian Cocolicchio, SUNY Westchester Community College
Carrie Jackson, Eastern Iowa Community Colleges
Holly DeGrote, Northwest Iowa Community College
Catherine Lewis, Nassau Community College
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Beth Dubeck, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Deirdre Ourso, SUNY Ulster County Community College
Heather Leary, Brigham Young University
Certificate Recipients
Amy Ryan, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Donna Crapanzano, Stony Brook University
Peter Marino, SUNY Rockland Community College
Patrick Dickey, Northwest Iowa Community College
Thomas Rowley, SUNY University at Buffalo
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Certificate Recipients
Raquel Schmidt, SUNY Buffalo State
Stacey Shipe, SUNY at Binghamton
Jacob McPherson, University at Buffalo
Jason Page, SUNY Cortland
Lindsay Farrar, Adirondack Community College
Fiordaliza Ippolito, SUNY at Albany
Naftali Rottenstreich, Adirondack Community College
Desiree Keever, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Eileen MacAvery Kane, Rockland Community College
Ronnie O’Neill, Rockland Community College
Melissa Tracy, SUNY at Albany
Eduardo Millet, State University of New York at New Paltz
Talia Lipton, Rockland Community College
Jeffree Ware, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Peter Fiore, Rockland Community College
Catherine Lewis, Nassau Community College
Laurie Sanders, College of Southern Nevada
Anne Ruszkiewicz, Sullivan County Community College
Jonathan Auyer, SUNY College at Geneseo
Michael Stark, Community College System of New Hampshire
Nancy Eckert, River Valley Community College
Sonya Kuykendall, River Valley Community College
Heather Newfield, River Valley Community College
Kim-Laura Boyle, River Valley Community College
Christopher Stavisky, University at Buffalo
M Vorpahl, University at Buffalo
Eunette Gentry, College of Southern Nevada
Katherine Croom, Niagara County Community College
Michelle Saavedra, Suffolk County Community College
Ann Healy, Nashua Community College
Michael Youngs, Fulton-Montgomery Community College
Elizabeth Bojsza, Stony Brook University
Marie Dufay-Verbie, University at Buffalo
Shuang Zhao, Lone Star College System
Marie Cuillier, Lone Star College System
Jenita Thomas, LSC-University Park
DeeAndrea Phillips, Lone Star College System
Charles McNeil, Lone Star College System
Emanuela Ene, Lone Star College System
Larrissa Roberts, Lone Star College System
Daniel Thompson, Langston University
Sandra Brown, Langston University
Ruben Herron, Langston University
Kelly O’Bryan, Langston University
Bobby Fields, Langston University
Kathleen Jonas-Papile, Hudson Valley Community College
Nicole Bravo, Lone Star College System
Certificate Recipients
Kelly Shevlin, SUNY College at Brockport
Stephanie Ortel, Genesee Community College
Rebecca Eliseo-Arras, SUNY Empire State College
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Jack Tessier, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Shing Chi Leung, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Jennifer Shloming, Fashion Institute of Technology
Laurie Lacey, Schenectady County Community College
Thalia MacMilllan, SUNY Empire State College
Kjrsten Keane, SUNY Empire State College
Pamela Kimbrough, SUNY Empire State College
Jason Cash, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Pamela Furline, Rockland Community College
Mary Roth, Orange County Community College
Marsha Greene, Fashion Institute of Technology
Elena Smirnova, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Bill Harcleroad, SUNY Oneonta
John O’Connell, Schenectady County Community College
Brian Lowe, SUNY Oneonta
Certificate Recipients
Erin Boss, State University of New York at New Paltz
Maralyn Schlange, Rockland Community College
Takashi Crum, Rockland Community College
Violet Tiema, Rockland Community College
Cheryl Novins, Nassau Community College
Kimberly Wells-Bernard, Nassau Community College
Jeannine Kennedy, Rockland Community College
Vanesa Canete Jurado, SUNY at Binghamton
Deborah Vinecour, Rockland Community College
Kerry McNerney, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Forney, Jamestown Community College
Oylum Akkus Ispir, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Kristopher Baker, Rockland Community College
Jeff Lolley, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Cayla Gaworecki, Schenectady County Community College
Randall Cone, Salisbury University
Vitus Ozoke, Salisbury University
Karen Schaffer, Rockland Community College
Preeti Samudra, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Kathryn Kein, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Brooks Winchell, Quinsigamond Community College
Carolyn McGrath, Quinsigamond Community College
John Luke Parker, Quinsigamond Community College
Lori Lamothe, Quinsigamond Community College
Shrinda Trudell, Quinsigamond Community College
Steven Gambino, Quinsigamond Community College
Susan Amos, Quinsigamond Community College
Teina Lochan-Dodd, Quinsigamond Community College
Xaide Campbell, Quinsigamond Community College
Amber Pfeiffer,Quinsigamond Community College
Monique Brooks, Quinsigamond Community College
Lili Nizankiewicz, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Thomas Rowley, University at Buffalo
Christine Alexander, University of Maryland-College Park
Suhana Chattopadhyay, University of Maryland-College Park
Jennie Lee-Kim, University of Maryland-College Park
Jennifer Hadden, University of Maryland-College Park
Angela Katenkamp Shiplet, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Jennifer Schermerhorn, Salisbury University
Veronica Murphy, Rockland Community College
Angela Northrup, Rockland Community College
Sara Annunziato, Rockland Community College
Patricia Zodda, Rockland Community College
Monica VanKlompenberg, University of Maryland-College Park
Erin Moody, University of Maryland-College Park
Madeline Crocitto, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Patricia Szobonya, Rockland Community College
Wendy Gordon, Rockland Community College
Nicole Townsend, Lone Star College System
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Fotini Anagnostopoulos-King, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Isabel Rambob, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Violet Kulo, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Robert Bennett, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Certificate Recipients
Jessica Harris, SUNY Oswego
Emily Hegarty, Nassau Community College
Peter Marino, Rockland Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
April Crenshaw, Chattanooga State Community College
Anita Polk-Conley, Chattanooga State Community College
Jillian Decker, Rockland Community College
Mihai Paraschiv, SUNY College at Oswego
Sara Macel, Rockland Community College
Jiayue Shen, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Katherine Copp Brown, Rockland Community College
Carol Van Zile-Tamsen, University at Buffalo
Rosa Perez, College of Southern Nevada
Michelle Monsourf, Morrisville State College
Hilton Lasalle, LSC-Houston North
Lei Huang, SUNY at Fredonia
Mary Beth Sievens, SUNY at Fredonia
Kelly Soczka Steidinger, SUNY at Fredonia
Jessica Finkeldey, SUNY at Fredonia
Angela McGowan-Kirsch, SUNY at Fredonia
Nancy Jager, SUNY at Fredonia
Ivani Vassoler, SUNY at Fredonia
Destiny Sanvido, Lone Star College System
Certificate Recipients
Lena Shaqareq, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kathleen Locklear, SUNY College at Oswego
Jennifer Adjodha-Evans, Herkimer County Community College
Christine Van Namee, Mohawk Valley Community College
Patricia Mason-Williams, SUNY College at Brockport
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Christina Teresi, Dutchess Community College
Ann Geisendorfer, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Sharon Peck, SUNY College at Geneseo
Melinda Fredenburg, North Country Community College
Christine Morris, Nashua Community College
Danielle Richards, College of Southern Nevada
Eileen Metcalfe, College of Southern Nevada
Certificate Recipients
Jessica Hutchison, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Suk-Young Kang, SUNY at Binghamton
Krystle Chalich, Adirondack Community College
Jill Johnson, Eastern Iowa Community Colleges
Gregory Van Den Berg, Rockland Community College
Radha Ganesan, Stony Brook University
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Dae Sung Han, Rockland Community College
Elizabeth Tolman, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Ashley Seager-Cecchini, Finger Lakes Community College
Kimberly Wild, Farmingdale State College
Robert Morris, Community College System of New Hampshire
Shannon Daoust, Nashua Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, Rockland Community College
Stephanie Poplock, SUNY Oneonta
Sukbin Song, Rockland Community College
Marty Kellum, Calhoun Community College
Xin Ye, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Gerster, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Kathleen Gradel, SUNY at Fredonia
Certificate Recipients
Peter Marino, Rockland Community College
Maryalice Citera, State University of New York at New Paltz
Marybeth Heyden, Stony Brook Medicine
Kimberly Wild, Farmingdale State College
Stephanie Ortel, Genesee Community College
Nicole Schiffmacher, Nassau Community College
Jill Amati, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Jennifer Shloming, Fashion Institute of Technology
Cheryl Novins, Nassau Community College
Benjamin Williamson, Binghamton University
Richard Marcoux, Morrisville State College
Caitlin Lapine, Nassau Community College
Dorothy Hartigan, Nassau Community College
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Jessica Hutchison, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Michitake Aso, SUNY at Albany
Wendy Johnston, Adirondack Community College
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Santucci-Spero, Rockland Community College
Stephanie Andrews, Lone Star College System
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Shamsul Arefeen, Morrisville State College
Keith Pardini, Suffolk County Community College
Augusta Williams, SUNY Upstate Medical University
Melanie Medeiros, SUNY College at Geneseo
Sabrina Lopez, State University of New York at New Paltz
Cindy Shireman, ICCOC Iowa Community Colleges Online Consortium
DianeAliprandi, Southeastern Community College – IA
PatrickDickey, Northwest Iowa Community College
Connie Richardson, Dana Center
Christopher Closson, SUNY at Fredonia
Michelle Monsourf, Morrisville State College
Mitali Pradhan, Farmingdale State College
Savita Hanspal, SUNY College at Potsdam
Sharon Peck, SUNY College at Geneseo
Parvaneh Sheikh, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kathleen Locklear, SUNY College at Oswego
Lena Shaqareq, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Timothy Strode, Nassau Community College
David Rondeau, Nashua Community College
Certificate Recipients
Alicia Briganti, Dalton State College
Ann Geisendorfer, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Kamil Hamaoui, SUNY Westchester Community College
James Hansen, Alfred University
Catherine Lewis, Nassau Community College
Elizabeth Congdon, SUNY Broome Community College
Shushawna DeOliveira, SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Monika Espinasa, Ulster County Community College
Anisa Hansen, Drake University
Nancy Kane, SUNY Cortland
Jeffery McMinn, Hudson Valley Community College
Sangeeta Nischal, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Jillian Nissen, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Jessica Sarauer, Morrisville State College
Brian Schwartz, Columbus State University
Nisha Varghese, Binghamton University
Marion Ben-Jacob, Rockland Community College
David Borreggine, Rockland Community College
Beatrice Bridglall, Rockland Community College
Stacy Casden, Rockland Community College
Jenny Frank, Morrisville State College
Bobbie Harman, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Khader Humied, Rockland Community College
Zhiging Teng, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Catherine Willis, Hudson Valley Community College
Jennifer Tripp, Nashua Community College
Chelsea McCracken, SUNY Oneonta
Peter Arvanites, Rockland Community College
Kevin Dames, SUNY Cortland
Lindsay Farrar, Adirondack Community College
Peter Fiore, Rockland Community College
Elyse Fuller, Rockland Community College
Dae Sung Han, Rockland Community College
Cynthia Lasman, Rockland Community College
Dino Lucido, Rockland Community College
Ingrid Montgomery, Rockland Community College
Krista Quinn, Rockland Community College
Kelli Rodriguez, North Country Community College
Naftali Rottenstreich, Adirondack Community College
Rene Arnold, Lone Star College System
Bethzabeth Berrios, Rockland Community College
Dr. Nicholas Dianuzzo, Rockland Community College
Suzanne DiRenno, Rockland Community College
Pamela Furline, Rockland Community College
Matthew Matcovich, Rockland Community College
Shamika Mitchell, Rockland Community College
Shamsad Parvin, Morrisville State College
Erin Ranft, LSC-North Harris
Nancy Rosen, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Santucci-Spero, Rockland Community College
Ralph Swain, Western Iowa Tech Community College
Gregory Van Den Berg, Rockland Community College
Xin Ye, Rockland Community College
Luis Cuesta, SUNY at Albany
Irina Holden, SUNY at Albany
Michael Jones, Western Iowa Tech Community College
Janita Moricette, Tompkins Cortland Community College
Katya Stanislavskaya, State University of New York at New Paltz
Denisa Talovic, SUNY Broome Community College
Tanja Darden, Towson University
Ayanna Lynch, Bowie State University
Ioan Marginean, University of Baltimore
Maureen Sullivan, Bowie State University
Sarah Archibald, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Carlen Bini, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Angelica Fernandez-Dizon, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Soraya Green, University of Maryland Global Campus
Heather Hall, Frostburg State University
Audra Houser, Frostburg State University
Tanner Kilpatrick, University of Maryland-College Park
Mary Bondy, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Negin Fouladi, University of Maryland-College Park
Karen Gordes, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Lindsey Leeds, University of Maryland Global Campus
Melissa McClean, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Elias Snyder, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Sylvette Latoche-Howard, University System of Maryland
Certificate Recipients
Nana Ankrah, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Tejpreet Chadha, Binghamton University
Lekisha Griffin, SUNY College at Brockport
Kevin Hofmann, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Gloria Morgan, SUNY College at Brockport
Eric Paner, Erie Community College
Michelle Saavedra, Suffolk County Community College
Mehwish Sarwari, SUNY Buffalo State
Certificate Recipients
Amanda Couitt, River Valley Community College
Bridget Conley, River Valley Community College
Shing Chi Leung, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Zoë Misiewicz, SUNY College at Oswego
Daniel Holz, Schenectady County Community College
Caitlin Parzych, Suffolk County Community College
Katherine Griffes, SUNY Oneonta
Mary Arenberg, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Christopher Stavisky, University at Buffalo
Certificate Recipients
Jayne Barnes, Nashua Community College
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
John Carlisle, Nashua Community College
Tin Chi Solomon Chak, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Mark D’Arcy, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Matthew Doggett, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Jennifer Forney, Jamestown Community College
Aimee Jahn, River Valley Community College
Eileen MacAvery Kane, Rockland Community College
Carol Anne Kozik, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Talia Lipton, Rockland Community College
Audrey Nasar, Fashion Institute of Technology
Francia Reed, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Michelle Sweeney, River Valley Community College
Certificate Recipients
Yuda Anriany, Prince George’s Community College
Jeffrey Clark, Adirondack Community College
Stacy Constantin, Bowie State University
Mary Cunill, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Natasha Daniels, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Patience Ebuwei, Coppin State University
Robert Faivre, Adirondack Community College
Glenn Gebler, Prince George’s Community College
Elizabeth Hansen, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Lilia Juele, Rockland Community College
Kelly Marcus, Southwestern Community College (ICCOC)
Lizette Martinez, SUNY Westchester Community College
Ornella Mazzuca, Dutchess Community College
Judy Naber, Iowa Lakes Community College
Brandye Nobiling, Salisbury University
Danica Nowosielski, Hudson Valley Community College
Jennifer Nyland, Salisbury University
Deirdre Ourso, Ulster County Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, Rockland Community College
Brian Schmidt, College of Southern Nevada
Karen Silverstrim, Salisbury University
Sonya Smith, Community College of Baltimore County
Angela Spires, College of Southern Nevada
Shirin Sultana, SUNY College at Brockport
Felicia Wider Lewis, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kimberly Yadon, Western State Colorado University
Chance Lee Joyner, Nashua Community College
Certificate Recipients
Susan Hughes, Nashua Community College
Elizabeth Bojsza, SUNY Stony Brook University
Jillian Davis, River Valley Community College
Cody Dew, SUNY at Binghamton
Elizabeth Schmermund, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Peter Marino, SUNY Rockland Community College
Caitlin Lapine, SUNY Nassau Community College
Katherine Griffes, SUNY Oneonta
Laura Adams, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Konstadinos Ritsatos, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lara Mitofsky Neuss, SUNY Oneonta
Fara Afshar, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
Veronica Murphy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Eileen MacAvery Kane, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lindsay Farray, SUNY Adirondack Community College
Allison Rheaume, Nashua Community College
Virginia Egan, Nashua Community College
Gregory VanDenBerg, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Jennifer Gerster, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Certificate Recipients
Kamal Hennayake, Chesapeake College
Michelle Saavedra, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
Certificate Recipients
Lisa Lewin, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Keith Klostermann, SUNY at Fredonia
James Agbo, SUNY at Binghamton
Pamela Furline, SUNY Rockland Community College
Takashi Crum, SUNY Rockland Community College
Mark Tinsley, Central Virginia Community College
Gabrielle Dampf, Central Virginia Community College
Brittany McLean, Central Virginia Community College
Jin Chang, Central Virginia Community College
Nelson Ayala, Central Virginia Community College
Certificate Recipients
Jonathan Auyer, SUNY College at Geneseo
Max Sparkman, SUNY College at Geneseo
Dong Yang, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
Christine Stragazzi, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
Natasha Daniels, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Holly Chase, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Dana Michelle Harris, SUNY at Purchase College
Henry Mendoza Rivera, SUNY Dutchess Community College
Sandra Lapointe, River Valley Community College
Kimberly Ambrose, River Valley Community College
Monika Espinasa, SUNY Ulster County Community College
Melissa Morales, SUNY at Binghamton
Maralyn Schlanger, Rockland Community College
Constance White, River Valley Community College
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Diedra Cardamone, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Jillian Decker, SUNY Rockland Community College
Patricia Szobonya, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lore Hannes, SUNY Orange County Community College
Melissa Blackmer, SUNY Adirondack Community College
Lauren Stephenson, SUNY Oneonta
Certificate Recipients
Deirdre Ourso, SUNY Orange County Community College
Mark Gomes, SUNY Rockland Community College
James Sandler, SUNY Rockland Community College
Dina Mounitz, SUNY Rockland Community College
Allison Hotze, Stony Brook Medicine
Erin Pauling, SUNY Binghamton University
Benjamin Williamson, SUNY Binghamton University
Nester Guardado, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Brian Dembkoski, Nashua Community College
Lisa Corprew, Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs
Ashleigh Graham, Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs
Frederick-John Benedict, SUNY Rockland Community College
Ada Uche, Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs
Certificate Recipients
Jennifer Shloming, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
David Ray, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
James Hansen, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Damindi De, Quinsigamond Community College
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Sara Dickey, SUNY Upstate Medical University
Jeannine Kennedy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Talia Lipton, SUNY Rockland Community College
Angela Northup, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lesley Vandermark, SUNY University at Buffalo
Kjrsten Keane, SUNY Empire State College
Joanne Littlefield, SUNY Empire State College
Sonja Thomson, SUNY Empire State College
Jordan Seidel, SUNY Empire State College
Kelli Scarlett, SUNY Empire State College
Susan Banks. SUNY Empire State College
Lesley Caracci, SUNY Empire State College
Lynne Zeman, SUNY Empire State College
Sarah Blood, SUNY Empire State College
Marina Layvand, SUNY Empire State College
Laura Paul, SUNY Empire State College
Gregory Milunich, SUNY Empire State College
Jillian Miller, SUNY Empire State College
Pamela Kimbrough, SUNY Empire State College
Algernon Kelley, SUNY Empire State College
William Forbes, SUNY Empire State College
Roberta Owens, SUNY Empire State College
Valerie Goodwin, SUNY Empire State College
Certificate Recipients
Maralyn Schlanger, SUNY Rockland Community College
Sanjib Dey, Stony Brook University
Kimberly Wells-Bernard, Nassau Community College
Sundeep Venkatesan, SUNY Binghamton University
Reethee Antony, SUNY Binghamton University
Peter Fiore, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lesley Vandermark, SUNY University at Buffalo
Alexander Jackson, SUNY Cortland
Lena Shaqareq, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Talia Lipton, SUNY Rockland Community College
Jacqueline Dyke, SUNY Cortland
Steven Murphy, SUNY Binghamton University
Sukbin Song, SUNY Rockland Community College
Shamika Mitchell, SUNY Rockland Community College
Latoya Collins, Monroe Community College
Dong Yang, Fashion Institute of Technology
Yogesh Malhotra, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Amy DiRenzo, SUNY Cortland
Nicholas Benson, SUNY Oneonta
Jason Van Staveren, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Brian May, Fulton-Montgomery Community College
Cynthia Lasman, SUNY Rockland Community College
Amy London, SUNY Rockland Community College
Elizabeth Bojsza, Stony Brook University
Certificate Recipients
Candace Boesiger, College of Southern Idaho
Bethany White, College of Southern Idaho
Terina Konrad, College of Southern Idaho
Amy Burgess, SUNY Rockland Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Bill Harcleroad, SUNY Oneonta
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Kamil Woronowicz, SUNY Rockland Community College
Benjamin Grange, SUNY Rockland Community College
Samuel Spellman, SUNY Albany
Subhalakshmi Gooptu, Fashion Institute of Technology
Christopher Ortega, SUNY Cortland
Quaid Iqbad, SUNY at Binghamton
James Agbo, SUNY at Binghamton
Koenraad Gieskes, SUNY at Binghamton
Kelly Catron, SUNY Empire State College
Alison Robey, SUNY Empire State College
Melissa VanWinkle, SUNY Empire State College
Dongho Kim, SUNY Empire State College
Bradford Nelson, SUNY Empire State College
Michael Zias, SUNY Empire State College
Heather Bennett, SUNY Empire State College
Himanee Gupta, SUNY Empire State College
Jake Feldman, SUNY Empire State College
Alena Rodick, SUNY Empire State College
Nichole Jakaub, SUNY Empire State College
Maree Michaud-Sacks, SUNY Empire State College
Scott Silverman, SUNY Empire State College
Shannon Pritting, SUNY Empire State College
Susanne Oaks, SUNY Empire State College
Certificate Recipients
Karen Schaffer, SUNY Rockland Community College
Cristina Cardona, Community College of Baltimore County
Kimberly Wild, Farmingdale State College
Renee Arnold-Oregan, SUNY Orange County Community College
Veronica Murphy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Miriam Cajuste, SUNY Schenectady County Community College
Cailyn Green, SUNY Empire State College
Derek Richardson, University of Maryland-College Park
Certificate Recipients
Mitali Pradhan, SUNY Farmingdale State College
Peter Marino, SUNY Rockland Community College
Donna Crapanzano, SUNY Stony Brook University
Michelle Saavedra, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
Jennifer Bremser, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Nayelee Villanueva, College of Southern Nevada
Brendan Shapiro, College of Southern Nevada
Youngjoo Kim, SUNY Old Westbury
Lara Mitofsky Neuss, SUNY Oneonta
Michael Walters, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Certificate Recipients
Jeannine Kennedy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Angela Northrup, SUNY Rockland Community College
Keith Klostermann, SUNY at Fredonia
Gregory VanDenBeg, SUNY Rockland Community College
Pamela Furlne, SUNY Rockland Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, SUNY Rockland Community College
Andrew Knapp, SUNY Monroe Community College
Lisa Lewin, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Melissa Wells, SUNY Empire State College
Stephen Ray Santa-Ramirez, SUNY University at Buffalo
Kirsten DiCarlo, SUNY at Fredonia
Brian Merrill, College of Southern Nevada
Certificate Recipients
Youngjoo Kim, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Justin Thompson, Herkimer County Community College
Nancy Jager, SUNY at Fredonia
Maja Krzyston, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Turquessa Francis, University at Buffalo
Paula McLarren-Johnson, SUNY Westchester Community College
Staci Ganson, Nassau Community College
Certificate Recipients
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Scott Silverman, SUNY Empire State College
Doreen Decorah, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Amanda Heilman, Western Iowa Tech Community College
Laura Bailey, Onondaga Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Heather Larkin, SUNY at Albany
Nicole Schiffmacher, Nassau Community College
Sabrina Lopez, Dutchess Community College
Cindy Bates, SUNY Empire College
Kelly Marcus, Southwestern Community College (ICCOC)
Brian Cocolicchio, SUNY Westchester Community College
Carrie Jackson, Eastern Iowa Community Colleges
Holly DeGrote, Northwest Iowa Community College
Catherine Lewis, Nassau Community College
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Beth Dubeck, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Deirdre Ourso, SUNY Ulster County Community College
Heather Leary, Brigham Young University
Certificate Recipients
Amy Ryan, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Donna Crapanzano, Stony Brook University
Peter Marino, SUNY Rockland Community College
Patrick Dickey, Northwest Iowa Community College
Thomas Rowley, SUNY University at Buffalo
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Certificate Recipients
Raquel Schmidt, SUNY Buffalo State
Stacey Shipe, SUNY at Binghamton
Jacob McPherson, University at Buffalo
Jason Page, SUNY Cortland
Lindsay Farrar, Adirondack Community College
Fiordaliza Ippolito, SUNY at Albany
Naftali Rottenstreich, Adirondack Community College
Desiree Keever, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Eileen MacAvery Kane, Rockland Community College
Ronnie O’Neill, Rockland Community College
Melissa Tracy, SUNY at Albany
Eduardo Millet, State University of New York at New Paltz
Talia Lipton, Rockland Community College
Jeffree Ware, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Peter Fiore, Rockland Community College
Catherine Lewis, Nassau Community College
Laurie Sanders, College of Southern Nevada
Anne Ruszkiewicz, Sullivan County Community College
Jonathan Auyer, SUNY College at Geneseo
Michael Stark, Community College System of New Hampshire
Nancy Eckert, River Valley Community College
Sonya Kuykendall, River Valley Community College
Heather Newfield, River Valley Community College
Kim-Laura Boyle, River Valley Community College
Christopher Stavisky, University at Buffalo
M Vorpahl, University at Buffalo
Eunette Gentry, College of Southern Nevada
Katherine Croom, Niagara County Community College
Michelle Saavedra, Suffolk County Community College
Ann Healy, Nashua Community College
Michael Youngs, Fulton-Montgomery Community College
Elizabeth Bojsza, Stony Brook University
Marie Dufay-Verbie, University at Buffalo
Shuang Zhao, Lone Star College System
Marie Cuillier, Lone Star College System
Jenita Thomas, LSC-University Park
DeeAndrea Phillips, Lone Star College System
Charles McNeil, Lone Star College System
Emanuela Ene, Lone Star College System
Larrissa Roberts, Lone Star College System
Daniel Thompson, Langston University
Sandra Brown, Langston University
Ruben Herron, Langston University
Kelly O’Bryan, Langston University
Bobby Fields, Langston University
Kathleen Jonas-Papile, Hudson Valley Community College
Nicole Bravo, Lone Star College System
Certificate Recipients
Kelly Shevlin, SUNY College at Brockport
Stephanie Ortel, Genesee Community College
Rebecca Eliseo-Arras, SUNY Empire State College
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Jack Tessier, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Shing Chi Leung, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Jennifer Shloming, Fashion Institute of Technology
Laurie Lacey, Schenectady County Community College
Thalia MacMilllan, SUNY Empire State College
Kjrsten Keane, SUNY Empire State College
Pamela Kimbrough, SUNY Empire State College
Jason Cash, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Pamela Furline, Rockland Community College
Mary Roth, Orange County Community College
Marsha Greene, Fashion Institute of Technology
Elena Smirnova, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Bill Harcleroad, SUNY Oneonta
John O’Connell, Schenectady County Community College
Brian Lowe, SUNY Oneonta
Certificate Recipients
Erin Boss, State University of New York at New Paltz
Maralyn Schlange, Rockland Community College
Takashi Crum, Rockland Community College
Violet Tiema, Rockland Community College
Cheryl Novins, Nassau Community College
Kimberly Wells-Bernard, Nassau Community College
Jeannine Kennedy, Rockland Community College
Vanesa Canete Jurado, SUNY at Binghamton
Deborah Vinecour, Rockland Community College
Kerry McNerney, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Forney, Jamestown Community College
Oylum Akkus Ispir, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Kristopher Baker, Rockland Community College
Jeff Lolley, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Cayla Gaworecki, Schenectady County Community College
Randall Cone, Salisbury University
Vitus Ozoke, Salisbury University
Karen Schaffer, Rockland Community College
Preeti Samudra, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Kathryn Kein, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Brooks Winchell, Quinsigamond Community College
Carolyn McGrath, Quinsigamond Community College
John Luke Parker, Quinsigamond Community College
Lori Lamothe, Quinsigamond Community College
Shrinda Trudell, Quinsigamond Community College
Steven Gambino, Quinsigamond Community College
Susan Amos, Quinsigamond Community College
Teina Lochan-Dodd, Quinsigamond Community College
Xaide Campbell, Quinsigamond Community College
Amber Pfeiffer,Quinsigamond Community College
Monique Brooks, Quinsigamond Community College
Lili Nizankiewicz, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Thomas Rowley, University at Buffalo
Christine Alexander, University of Maryland-College Park
Suhana Chattopadhyay, University of Maryland-College Park
Jennie Lee-Kim, University of Maryland-College Park
Jennifer Hadden, University of Maryland-College Park
Angela Katenkamp Shiplet, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Jennifer Schermerhorn, Salisbury University
Veronica Murphy, Rockland Community College
Angela Northrup, Rockland Community College
Sara Annunziato, Rockland Community College
Patricia Zodda, Rockland Community College
Monica VanKlompenberg, University of Maryland-College Park
Erin Moody, University of Maryland-College Park
Madeline Crocitto, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Patricia Szobonya, Rockland Community College
Wendy Gordon, Rockland Community College
Nicole Townsend, Lone Star College System
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Fotini Anagnostopoulos-King, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Isabel Rambob, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Violet Kulo, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Robert Bennett, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Certificate Recipients
Jessica Harris, SUNY Oswego
Emily Hegarty, Nassau Community College
Peter Marino, Rockland Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
April Crenshaw, Chattanooga State Community College
Anita Polk-Conley, Chattanooga State Community College
Jillian Decker, Rockland Community College
Mihai Paraschiv, SUNY College at Oswego
Sara Macel, Rockland Community College
Jiayue Shen, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Katherine Copp Brown, Rockland Community College
Carol Van Zile-Tamsen, University at Buffalo
Rosa Perez, College of Southern Nevada
Michelle Monsourf, Morrisville State College
Hilton Lasalle, LSC-Houston North
Lei Huang, SUNY at Fredonia
Mary Beth Sievens, SUNY at Fredonia
Kelly Soczka Steidinger, SUNY at Fredonia
Jessica Finkeldey, SUNY at Fredonia
Angela McGowan-Kirsch, SUNY at Fredonia
Nancy Jager, SUNY at Fredonia
Ivani Vassoler, SUNY at Fredonia
Destiny Sanvido, Lone Star College System
Certificate Recipients
Lena Shaqareq, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kathleen Locklear, SUNY College at Oswego
Jennifer Adjodha-Evans, Herkimer County Community College
Christine Van Namee, Mohawk Valley Community College
Patricia Mason-Williams, SUNY College at Brockport
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Christina Teresi, Dutchess Community College
Ann Geisendorfer, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Sharon Peck, SUNY College at Geneseo
Melinda Fredenburg, North Country Community College
Christine Morris, Nashua Community College
Danielle Richards, College of Southern Nevada
Eileen Metcalfe, College of Southern Nevada
Certificate Recipients
Jessica Hutchison, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Suk-Young Kang, SUNY at Binghamton
Krystle Chalich, Adirondack Community College
Jill Johnson, Eastern Iowa Community Colleges
Gregory Van Den Berg, Rockland Community College
Radha Ganesan, Stony Brook University
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Dae Sung Han, Rockland Community College
Elizabeth Tolman, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Ashley Seager-Cecchini, Finger Lakes Community College
Kimberly Wild, Farmingdale State College
Robert Morris, Community College System of New Hampshire
Shannon Daoust, Nashua Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, Rockland Community College
Stephanie Poplock, SUNY Oneonta
Sukbin Song, Rockland Community College
Marty Kellum, Calhoun Community College
Xin Ye, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Gerster, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Kathleen Gradel, SUNY at Fredonia
Certificate Recipients
Peter Marino, Rockland Community College
Maryalice Citera, State University of New York at New Paltz
Marybeth Heyden, Stony Brook Medicine
Kimberly Wild, Farmingdale State College
Stephanie Ortel, Genesee Community College
Nicole Schiffmacher, Nassau Community College
Jill Amati, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Jennifer Shloming, Fashion Institute of Technology
Cheryl Novins, Nassau Community College
Benjamin Williamson, Binghamton University
Richard Marcoux, Morrisville State College
Caitlin Lapine, Nassau Community College
Dorothy Hartigan, Nassau Community College
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Jessica Hutchison, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Michitake Aso, SUNY at Albany
Wendy Johnston, Adirondack Community College
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Santucci-Spero, Rockland Community College
Stephanie Andrews, Lone Star College System
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Shamsul Arefeen, Morrisville State College
Keith Pardini, Suffolk County Community College
Augusta Williams, SUNY Upstate Medical University
Melanie Medeiros, SUNY College at Geneseo
Sabrina Lopez, State University of New York at New Paltz
Cindy Shireman, ICCOC Iowa Community Colleges Online Consortium
DianeAliprandi, Southeastern Community College – IA
PatrickDickey, Northwest Iowa Community College
Connie Richardson, Dana Center
Christopher Closson, SUNY at Fredonia
Michelle Monsourf, Morrisville State College
Mitali Pradhan, Farmingdale State College
Savita Hanspal, SUNY College at Potsdam
Sharon Peck, SUNY College at Geneseo
Parvaneh Sheikh, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kathleen Locklear, SUNY College at Oswego
Lena Shaqareq, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Timothy Strode, Nassau Community College
David Rondeau, Nashua Community College
Certificate Recipients
Alicia Briganti, Dalton State College
Ann Geisendorfer, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Kamil Hamaoui, SUNY Westchester Community College
James Hansen, Alfred University
Catherine Lewis, Nassau Community College
Elizabeth Congdon, SUNY Broome Community College
Shushawna DeOliveira, SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Monika Espinasa, Ulster County Community College
Anisa Hansen, Drake University
Nancy Kane, SUNY Cortland
Jeffery McMinn, Hudson Valley Community College
Sangeeta Nischal, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Jillian Nissen, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Jessica Sarauer, Morrisville State College
Brian Schwartz, Columbus State University
Nisha Varghese, Binghamton University
Marion Ben-Jacob, Rockland Community College
David Borreggine, Rockland Community College
Beatrice Bridglall, Rockland Community College
Stacy Casden, Rockland Community College
Jenny Frank, Morrisville State College
Bobbie Harman, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Khader Humied, Rockland Community College
Zhiging Teng, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Catherine Willis, Hudson Valley Community College
Jennifer Tripp, Nashua Community College
Chelsea McCracken, SUNY Oneonta
Peter Arvanites, Rockland Community College
Kevin Dames, SUNY Cortland
Lindsay Farrar, Adirondack Community College
Peter Fiore, Rockland Community College
Elyse Fuller, Rockland Community College
Dae Sung Han, Rockland Community College
Cynthia Lasman, Rockland Community College
Dino Lucido, Rockland Community College
Ingrid Montgomery, Rockland Community College
Krista Quinn, Rockland Community College
Kelli Rodriguez, North Country Community College
Naftali Rottenstreich, Adirondack Community College
Rene Arnold, Lone Star College System
Bethzabeth Berrios, Rockland Community College
Dr. Nicholas Dianuzzo, Rockland Community College
Suzanne DiRenno, Rockland Community College
Pamela Furline, Rockland Community College
Matthew Matcovich, Rockland Community College
Shamika Mitchell, Rockland Community College
Shamsad Parvin, Morrisville State College
Erin Ranft, LSC-North Harris
Nancy Rosen, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Santucci-Spero, Rockland Community College
Ralph Swain, Western Iowa Tech Community College
Gregory Van Den Berg, Rockland Community College
Xin Ye, Rockland Community College
Luis Cuesta, SUNY at Albany
Irina Holden, SUNY at Albany
Michael Jones, Western Iowa Tech Community College
Janita Moricette, Tompkins Cortland Community College
Katya Stanislavskaya, State University of New York at New Paltz
Denisa Talovic, SUNY Broome Community College
Tanja Darden, Towson University
Ayanna Lynch, Bowie State University
Ioan Marginean, University of Baltimore
Maureen Sullivan, Bowie State University
Sarah Archibald, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Carlen Bini, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Angelica Fernandez-Dizon, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Soraya Green, University of Maryland Global Campus
Heather Hall, Frostburg State University
Audra Houser, Frostburg State University
Tanner Kilpatrick, University of Maryland-College Park
Mary Bondy, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Negin Fouladi, University of Maryland-College Park
Karen Gordes, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Lindsey Leeds, University of Maryland Global Campus
Melissa McClean, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Elias Snyder, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Sylvette Latoche-Howard, University System of Maryland
Certificate Recipients
Nana Ankrah, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Tejpreet Chadha, Binghamton University
Lekisha Griffin, SUNY College at Brockport
Kevin Hofmann, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Gloria Morgan, SUNY College at Brockport
Eric Paner, Erie Community College
Michelle Saavedra, Suffolk County Community College
Mehwish Sarwari, SUNY Buffalo State
Certificate Recipients
Amanda Couitt, River Valley Community College
Bridget Conley, River Valley Community College
Shing Chi Leung, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Zoë Misiewicz, SUNY College at Oswego
Daniel Holz, Schenectady County Community College
Caitlin Parzych, Suffolk County Community College
Katherine Griffes, SUNY Oneonta
Mary Arenberg, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Christopher Stavisky, University at Buffalo
Certificate Recipients
Jayne Barnes, Nashua Community College
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
John Carlisle, Nashua Community College
Tin Chi Solomon Chak, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Mark D’Arcy, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Matthew Doggett, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Jennifer Forney, Jamestown Community College
Aimee Jahn, River Valley Community College
Eileen MacAvery Kane, Rockland Community College
Carol Anne Kozik, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Talia Lipton, Rockland Community College
Audrey Nasar, Fashion Institute of Technology
Francia Reed, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Michelle Sweeney, River Valley Community College
Certificate Recipients
Yuda Anriany, Prince George’s Community College
Jeffrey Clark, Adirondack Community College
Stacy Constantin, Bowie State University
Mary Cunill, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Natasha Daniels, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Patience Ebuwei, Coppin State University
Robert Faivre, Adirondack Community College
Glenn Gebler, Prince George’s Community College
Elizabeth Hansen, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Lilia Juele, Rockland Community College
Kelly Marcus, Southwestern Community College (ICCOC)
Lizette Martinez, SUNY Westchester Community College
Ornella Mazzuca, Dutchess Community College
Judy Naber, Iowa Lakes Community College
Brandye Nobiling, Salisbury University
Danica Nowosielski, Hudson Valley Community College
Jennifer Nyland, Salisbury University
Deirdre Ourso, Ulster County Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, Rockland Community College
Brian Schmidt, College of Southern Nevada
Karen Silverstrim, Salisbury University
Sonya Smith, Community College of Baltimore County
Angela Spires, College of Southern Nevada
Shirin Sultana, SUNY College at Brockport
Felicia Wider Lewis, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kimberly Yadon, Western State Colorado University
Chance Lee Joyner, Nashua Community College
Certificate Recipients
Susan Hughes, Nashua Community College
Elizabeth Bojsza, SUNY Stony Brook University
Jillian Davis, River Valley Community College
Cody Dew, SUNY at Binghamton
Elizabeth Schmermund, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Peter Marino, SUNY Rockland Community College
Caitlin Lapine, SUNY Nassau Community College
Katherine Griffes, SUNY Oneonta
Laura Adams, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Konstadinos Ritsatos, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lara Mitofsky Neuss, SUNY Oneonta
Fara Afshar, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
Veronica Murphy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Eileen MacAvery Kane, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lindsay Farray, SUNY Adirondack Community College
Allison Rheaume, Nashua Community College
Virginia Egan, Nashua Community College
Gregory VanDenBerg, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Jennifer Gerster, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Certificate Recipients
Kamal Hennayake, Chesapeake College
Michelle Saavedra, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
Certificate Recipients
Lisa Lewin, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Keith Klostermann, SUNY at Fredonia
James Agbo, SUNY at Binghamton
Pamela Furline, SUNY Rockland Community College
Takashi Crum, SUNY Rockland Community College
Mark Tinsley, Central Virginia Community College
Gabrielle Dampf, Central Virginia Community College
Brittany McLean, Central Virginia Community College
Jin Chang, Central Virginia Community College
Nelson Ayala, Central Virginia Community College
Certificate Recipients
Jonathan Auyer, SUNY College at Geneseo
Max Sparkman, SUNY College at Geneseo
Dong Yang, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
Christine Stragazzi, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
Natasha Daniels, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Holly Chase, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Dana Michelle Harris, SUNY at Purchase College
Henry Mendoza Rivera, SUNY Dutchess Community College
Sandra Lapointe, River Valley Community College
Kimberly Ambrose, River Valley Community College
Monika Espinasa, SUNY Ulster County Community College
Melissa Morales, SUNY at Binghamton
Maralyn Schlanger, Rockland Community College
Constance White, River Valley Community College
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Diedra Cardamone, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Jillian Decker, SUNY Rockland Community College
Patricia Szobonya, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lore Hannes, SUNY Orange County Community College
Melissa Blackmer, SUNY Adirondack Community College
Lauren Stephenson, SUNY Oneonta
Certificate Recipients
Deirdre Ourso, SUNY Orange County Community College
Mark Gomes, SUNY Rockland Community College
James Sandler, SUNY Rockland Community College
Dina Mounitz, SUNY Rockland Community College
Allison Hotze, Stony Brook Medicine
Erin Pauling, SUNY Binghamton University
Benjamin Williamson, SUNY Binghamton University
Nester Guardado, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Brian Dembkoski, Nashua Community College
Lisa Corprew, Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs
Ashleigh Graham, Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs
Frederick-John Benedict, SUNY Rockland Community College
Ada Uche, Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs
Certificate Recipients
Jennifer Shloming, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
David Ray, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
James Hansen, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Damindi De, Quinsigamond Community College
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Sara Dickey, SUNY Upstate Medical University
Jeannine Kennedy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Talia Lipton, SUNY Rockland Community College
Angela Northup, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lesley Vandermark, SUNY University at Buffalo
Kjrsten Keane, SUNY Empire State College
Joanne Littlefield, SUNY Empire State College
Sonja Thomson, SUNY Empire State College
Jordan Seidel, SUNY Empire State College
Kelli Scarlett, SUNY Empire State College
Susan Banks. SUNY Empire State College
Lesley Caracci, SUNY Empire State College
Lynne Zeman, SUNY Empire State College
Sarah Blood, SUNY Empire State College
Marina Layvand, SUNY Empire State College
Laura Paul, SUNY Empire State College
Gregory Milunich, SUNY Empire State College
Jillian Miller, SUNY Empire State College
Pamela Kimbrough, SUNY Empire State College
Algernon Kelley, SUNY Empire State College
William Forbes, SUNY Empire State College
Roberta Owens, SUNY Empire State College
Valerie Goodwin, SUNY Empire State College
Certificate Recipients
Maralyn Schlanger, SUNY Rockland Community College
Sanjib Dey, Stony Brook University
Kimberly Wells-Bernard, Nassau Community College
Sundeep Venkatesan, SUNY Binghamton University
Reethee Antony, SUNY Binghamton University
Peter Fiore, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lesley Vandermark, SUNY University at Buffalo
Alexander Jackson, SUNY Cortland
Lena Shaqareq, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Talia Lipton, SUNY Rockland Community College
Jacqueline Dyke, SUNY Cortland
Steven Murphy, SUNY Binghamton University
Sukbin Song, SUNY Rockland Community College
Shamika Mitchell, SUNY Rockland Community College
Latoya Collins, Monroe Community College
Dong Yang, Fashion Institute of Technology
Yogesh Malhotra, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Amy DiRenzo, SUNY Cortland
Nicholas Benson, SUNY Oneonta
Jason Van Staveren, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Brian May, Fulton-Montgomery Community College
Cynthia Lasman, SUNY Rockland Community College
Amy London, SUNY Rockland Community College
Elizabeth Bojsza, Stony Brook University
Certificate Recipients
Candace Boesiger, College of Southern Idaho
Bethany White, College of Southern Idaho
Terina Konrad, College of Southern Idaho
Amy Burgess, SUNY Rockland Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Bill Harcleroad, SUNY Oneonta
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Kamil Woronowicz, SUNY Rockland Community College
Benjamin Grange, SUNY Rockland Community College
Samuel Spellman, SUNY Albany
Subhalakshmi Gooptu, Fashion Institute of Technology
Christopher Ortega, SUNY Cortland
Quaid Iqbad, SUNY at Binghamton
James Agbo, SUNY at Binghamton
Koenraad Gieskes, SUNY at Binghamton
Kelly Catron, SUNY Empire State College
Alison Robey, SUNY Empire State College
Melissa VanWinkle, SUNY Empire State College
Dongho Kim, SUNY Empire State College
Bradford Nelson, SUNY Empire State College
Michael Zias, SUNY Empire State College
Heather Bennett, SUNY Empire State College
Himanee Gupta, SUNY Empire State College
Jake Feldman, SUNY Empire State College
Alena Rodick, SUNY Empire State College
Nichole Jakaub, SUNY Empire State College
Maree Michaud-Sacks, SUNY Empire State College
Scott Silverman, SUNY Empire State College
Shannon Pritting, SUNY Empire State College
Susanne Oaks, SUNY Empire State College
Certificate Recipients
Karen Schaffer, SUNY Rockland Community College
Cristina Cardona, Community College of Baltimore County
Kimberly Wild, Farmingdale State College
Renee Arnold-Oregan, SUNY Orange County Community College
Veronica Murphy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Miriam Cajuste, SUNY Schenectady County Community College
Cailyn Green, SUNY Empire State College
Derek Richardson, University of Maryland-College Park
Certificate Recipients
Mitali Pradhan, SUNY Farmingdale State College
Peter Marino, SUNY Rockland Community College
Donna Crapanzano, SUNY Stony Brook University
Michelle Saavedra, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
Jennifer Bremser, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Nayelee Villanueva, College of Southern Nevada
Brendan Shapiro, College of Southern Nevada
Youngjoo Kim, SUNY Old Westbury
Lara Mitofsky Neuss, SUNY Oneonta
Michael Walters, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Certificate Recipients
Jeannine Kennedy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Angela Northrup, SUNY Rockland Community College
Keith Klostermann, SUNY at Fredonia
Gregory VanDenBeg, SUNY Rockland Community College
Pamela Furlne, SUNY Rockland Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, SUNY Rockland Community College
Andrew Knapp, SUNY Monroe Community College
Lisa Lewin, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Melissa Wells, SUNY Empire State College
Stephen Ray Santa-Ramirez, SUNY University at Buffalo
Kirsten DiCarlo, SUNY at Fredonia
Brian Merrill, College of Southern Nevada
Certificate Recipients
Youngjoo Kim, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Justin Thompson, Herkimer County Community College
Nancy Jager, SUNY at Fredonia
Maja Krzyston, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Turquessa Francis, University at Buffalo
Paula McLarren-Johnson, SUNY Westchester Community College
Staci Ganson, Nassau Community College
Certificate Recipients
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Scott Silverman, SUNY Empire State College
Doreen Decorah, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Amanda Heilman, Western Iowa Tech Community College
Laura Bailey, Onondaga Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Heather Larkin, SUNY at Albany
Nicole Schiffmacher, Nassau Community College
Sabrina Lopez, Dutchess Community College
Cindy Bates, SUNY Empire College
Kelly Marcus, Southwestern Community College (ICCOC)
Brian Cocolicchio, SUNY Westchester Community College
Carrie Jackson, Eastern Iowa Community Colleges
Holly DeGrote, Northwest Iowa Community College
Catherine Lewis, Nassau Community College
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Beth Dubeck, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Deirdre Ourso, SUNY Ulster County Community College
Heather Leary, Brigham Young University
Certificate Recipients
Amy Ryan, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Donna Crapanzano, Stony Brook University
Peter Marino, SUNY Rockland Community College
Patrick Dickey, Northwest Iowa Community College
Thomas Rowley, SUNY University at Buffalo
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Certificate Recipients
Raquel Schmidt, SUNY Buffalo State
Stacey Shipe, SUNY at Binghamton
Jacob McPherson, University at Buffalo
Jason Page, SUNY Cortland
Lindsay Farrar, Adirondack Community College
Fiordaliza Ippolito, SUNY at Albany
Naftali Rottenstreich, Adirondack Community College
Desiree Keever, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Eileen MacAvery Kane, Rockland Community College
Ronnie O’Neill, Rockland Community College
Melissa Tracy, SUNY at Albany
Eduardo Millet, State University of New York at New Paltz
Talia Lipton, Rockland Community College
Jeffree Ware, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Peter Fiore, Rockland Community College
Catherine Lewis, Nassau Community College
Laurie Sanders, College of Southern Nevada
Anne Ruszkiewicz, Sullivan County Community College
Jonathan Auyer, SUNY College at Geneseo
Michael Stark, Community College System of New Hampshire
Nancy Eckert, River Valley Community College
Sonya Kuykendall, River Valley Community College
Heather Newfield, River Valley Community College
Kim-Laura Boyle, River Valley Community College
Christopher Stavisky, University at Buffalo
M Vorpahl, University at Buffalo
Eunette Gentry, College of Southern Nevada
Katherine Croom, Niagara County Community College
Michelle Saavedra, Suffolk County Community College
Ann Healy, Nashua Community College
Michael Youngs, Fulton-Montgomery Community College
Elizabeth Bojsza, Stony Brook University
Marie Dufay-Verbie, University at Buffalo
Shuang Zhao, Lone Star College System
Marie Cuillier, Lone Star College System
Jenita Thomas, LSC-University Park
DeeAndrea Phillips, Lone Star College System
Charles McNeil, Lone Star College System
Emanuela Ene, Lone Star College System
Larrissa Roberts, Lone Star College System
Daniel Thompson, Langston University
Sandra Brown, Langston University
Ruben Herron, Langston University
Kelly O’Bryan, Langston University
Bobby Fields, Langston University
Kathleen Jonas-Papile, Hudson Valley Community College
Nicole Bravo, Lone Star College System
Certificate Recipients
Kelly Shevlin, SUNY College at Brockport
Stephanie Ortel, Genesee Community College
Rebecca Eliseo-Arras, SUNY Empire State College
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Jack Tessier, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Shing Chi Leung, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Jennifer Shloming, Fashion Institute of Technology
Laurie Lacey, Schenectady County Community College
Thalia MacMilllan, SUNY Empire State College
Kjrsten Keane, SUNY Empire State College
Pamela Kimbrough, SUNY Empire State College
Jason Cash, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Pamela Furline, Rockland Community College
Mary Roth, Orange County Community College
Marsha Greene, Fashion Institute of Technology
Elena Smirnova, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Bill Harcleroad, SUNY Oneonta
John O’Connell, Schenectady County Community College
Brian Lowe, SUNY Oneonta
Certificate Recipients
Erin Boss, State University of New York at New Paltz
Maralyn Schlange, Rockland Community College
Takashi Crum, Rockland Community College
Violet Tiema, Rockland Community College
Cheryl Novins, Nassau Community College
Kimberly Wells-Bernard, Nassau Community College
Jeannine Kennedy, Rockland Community College
Vanesa Canete Jurado, SUNY at Binghamton
Deborah Vinecour, Rockland Community College
Kerry McNerney, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Forney, Jamestown Community College
Oylum Akkus Ispir, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Kristopher Baker, Rockland Community College
Jeff Lolley, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Cayla Gaworecki, Schenectady County Community College
Randall Cone, Salisbury University
Vitus Ozoke, Salisbury University
Karen Schaffer, Rockland Community College
Preeti Samudra, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Kathryn Kein, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Brooks Winchell, Quinsigamond Community College
Carolyn McGrath, Quinsigamond Community College
John Luke Parker, Quinsigamond Community College
Lori Lamothe, Quinsigamond Community College
Shrinda Trudell, Quinsigamond Community College
Steven Gambino, Quinsigamond Community College
Susan Amos, Quinsigamond Community College
Teina Lochan-Dodd, Quinsigamond Community College
Xaide Campbell, Quinsigamond Community College
Amber Pfeiffer,Quinsigamond Community College
Monique Brooks, Quinsigamond Community College
Lili Nizankiewicz, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Thomas Rowley, University at Buffalo
Christine Alexander, University of Maryland-College Park
Suhana Chattopadhyay, University of Maryland-College Park
Jennie Lee-Kim, University of Maryland-College Park
Jennifer Hadden, University of Maryland-College Park
Angela Katenkamp Shiplet, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Jennifer Schermerhorn, Salisbury University
Veronica Murphy, Rockland Community College
Angela Northrup, Rockland Community College
Sara Annunziato, Rockland Community College
Patricia Zodda, Rockland Community College
Monica VanKlompenberg, University of Maryland-College Park
Erin Moody, University of Maryland-College Park
Madeline Crocitto, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Patricia Szobonya, Rockland Community College
Wendy Gordon, Rockland Community College
Nicole Townsend, Lone Star College System
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Fotini Anagnostopoulos-King, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Isabel Rambob, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Violet Kulo, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Robert Bennett, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Certificate Recipients
Jessica Harris, SUNY Oswego
Emily Hegarty, Nassau Community College
Peter Marino, Rockland Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
April Crenshaw, Chattanooga State Community College
Anita Polk-Conley, Chattanooga State Community College
Jillian Decker, Rockland Community College
Mihai Paraschiv, SUNY College at Oswego
Sara Macel, Rockland Community College
Jiayue Shen, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Katherine Copp Brown, Rockland Community College
Carol Van Zile-Tamsen, University at Buffalo
Rosa Perez, College of Southern Nevada
Michelle Monsourf, Morrisville State College
Hilton Lasalle, LSC-Houston North
Lei Huang, SUNY at Fredonia
Mary Beth Sievens, SUNY at Fredonia
Kelly Soczka Steidinger, SUNY at Fredonia
Jessica Finkeldey, SUNY at Fredonia
Angela McGowan-Kirsch, SUNY at Fredonia
Nancy Jager, SUNY at Fredonia
Ivani Vassoler, SUNY at Fredonia
Destiny Sanvido, Lone Star College System
Certificate Recipients
Lena Shaqareq, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kathleen Locklear, SUNY College at Oswego
Jennifer Adjodha-Evans, Herkimer County Community College
Christine Van Namee, Mohawk Valley Community College
Patricia Mason-Williams, SUNY College at Brockport
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Christina Teresi, Dutchess Community College
Ann Geisendorfer, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Sharon Peck, SUNY College at Geneseo
Melinda Fredenburg, North Country Community College
Christine Morris, Nashua Community College
Danielle Richards, College of Southern Nevada
Eileen Metcalfe, College of Southern Nevada
Certificate Recipients
Jessica Hutchison, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Suk-Young Kang, SUNY at Binghamton
Krystle Chalich, Adirondack Community College
Jill Johnson, Eastern Iowa Community Colleges
Gregory Van Den Berg, Rockland Community College
Radha Ganesan, Stony Brook University
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Dae Sung Han, Rockland Community College
Elizabeth Tolman, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Ashley Seager-Cecchini, Finger Lakes Community College
Kimberly Wild, Farmingdale State College
Robert Morris, Community College System of New Hampshire
Shannon Daoust, Nashua Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, Rockland Community College
Stephanie Poplock, SUNY Oneonta
Sukbin Song, Rockland Community College
Marty Kellum, Calhoun Community College
Xin Ye, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Gerster, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Kathleen Gradel, SUNY at Fredonia
Certificate Recipients
Peter Marino, Rockland Community College
Maryalice Citera, State University of New York at New Paltz
Marybeth Heyden, Stony Brook Medicine
Kimberly Wild, Farmingdale State College
Stephanie Ortel, Genesee Community College
Nicole Schiffmacher, Nassau Community College
Jill Amati, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Jennifer Shloming, Fashion Institute of Technology
Cheryl Novins, Nassau Community College
Benjamin Williamson, Binghamton University
Richard Marcoux, Morrisville State College
Caitlin Lapine, Nassau Community College
Dorothy Hartigan, Nassau Community College
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Jessica Hutchison, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Michitake Aso, SUNY at Albany
Wendy Johnston, Adirondack Community College
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Santucci-Spero, Rockland Community College
Stephanie Andrews, Lone Star College System
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Shamsul Arefeen, Morrisville State College
Keith Pardini, Suffolk County Community College
Augusta Williams, SUNY Upstate Medical University
Melanie Medeiros, SUNY College at Geneseo
Sabrina Lopez, State University of New York at New Paltz
Cindy Shireman, ICCOC Iowa Community Colleges Online Consortium
DianeAliprandi, Southeastern Community College – IA
PatrickDickey, Northwest Iowa Community College
Connie Richardson, Dana Center
Christopher Closson, SUNY at Fredonia
Michelle Monsourf, Morrisville State College
Mitali Pradhan, Farmingdale State College
Savita Hanspal, SUNY College at Potsdam
Sharon Peck, SUNY College at Geneseo
Parvaneh Sheikh, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kathleen Locklear, SUNY College at Oswego
Lena Shaqareq, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Timothy Strode, Nassau Community College
David Rondeau, Nashua Community College
Certificate Recipients
Alicia Briganti, Dalton State College
Ann Geisendorfer, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Kamil Hamaoui, SUNY Westchester Community College
James Hansen, Alfred University
Catherine Lewis, Nassau Community College
Elizabeth Congdon, SUNY Broome Community College
Shushawna DeOliveira, SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Monika Espinasa, Ulster County Community College
Anisa Hansen, Drake University
Nancy Kane, SUNY Cortland
Jeffery McMinn, Hudson Valley Community College
Sangeeta Nischal, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Jillian Nissen, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Jessica Sarauer, Morrisville State College
Brian Schwartz, Columbus State University
Nisha Varghese, Binghamton University
Marion Ben-Jacob, Rockland Community College
David Borreggine, Rockland Community College
Beatrice Bridglall, Rockland Community College
Stacy Casden, Rockland Community College
Jenny Frank, Morrisville State College
Bobbie Harman, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Khader Humied, Rockland Community College
Zhiging Teng, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Catherine Willis, Hudson Valley Community College
Jennifer Tripp, Nashua Community College
Chelsea McCracken, SUNY Oneonta
Peter Arvanites, Rockland Community College
Kevin Dames, SUNY Cortland
Lindsay Farrar, Adirondack Community College
Peter Fiore, Rockland Community College
Elyse Fuller, Rockland Community College
Dae Sung Han, Rockland Community College
Cynthia Lasman, Rockland Community College
Dino Lucido, Rockland Community College
Ingrid Montgomery, Rockland Community College
Krista Quinn, Rockland Community College
Kelli Rodriguez, North Country Community College
Naftali Rottenstreich, Adirondack Community College
Rene Arnold, Lone Star College System
Bethzabeth Berrios, Rockland Community College
Dr. Nicholas Dianuzzo, Rockland Community College
Suzanne DiRenno, Rockland Community College
Pamela Furline, Rockland Community College
Matthew Matcovich, Rockland Community College
Shamika Mitchell, Rockland Community College
Shamsad Parvin, Morrisville State College
Erin Ranft, LSC-North Harris
Nancy Rosen, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Santucci-Spero, Rockland Community College
Ralph Swain, Western Iowa Tech Community College
Gregory Van Den Berg, Rockland Community College
Xin Ye, Rockland Community College
Luis Cuesta, SUNY at Albany
Irina Holden, SUNY at Albany
Michael Jones, Western Iowa Tech Community College
Janita Moricette, Tompkins Cortland Community College
Katya Stanislavskaya, State University of New York at New Paltz
Denisa Talovic, SUNY Broome Community College
Tanja Darden, Towson University
Ayanna Lynch, Bowie State University
Ioan Marginean, University of Baltimore
Maureen Sullivan, Bowie State University
Sarah Archibald, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Carlen Bini, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Angelica Fernandez-Dizon, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Soraya Green, University of Maryland Global Campus
Heather Hall, Frostburg State University
Audra Houser, Frostburg State University
Tanner Kilpatrick, University of Maryland-College Park
Mary Bondy, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Negin Fouladi, University of Maryland-College Park
Karen Gordes, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Lindsey Leeds, University of Maryland Global Campus
Melissa McClean, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Elias Snyder, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Sylvette Latoche-Howard, University System of Maryland
Certificate Recipients
Nana Ankrah, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Tejpreet Chadha, Binghamton University
Lekisha Griffin, SUNY College at Brockport
Kevin Hofmann, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Gloria Morgan, SUNY College at Brockport
Eric Paner, Erie Community College
Michelle Saavedra, Suffolk County Community College
Mehwish Sarwari, SUNY Buffalo State
Certificate Recipients
Amanda Couitt, River Valley Community College
Bridget Conley, River Valley Community College
Shing Chi Leung, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Zoë Misiewicz, SUNY College at Oswego
Daniel Holz, Schenectady County Community College
Caitlin Parzych, Suffolk County Community College
Katherine Griffes, SUNY Oneonta
Mary Arenberg, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Christopher Stavisky, University at Buffalo
Certificate Recipients
Jayne Barnes, Nashua Community College
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
John Carlisle, Nashua Community College
Tin Chi Solomon Chak, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Mark D’Arcy, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Matthew Doggett, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Jennifer Forney, Jamestown Community College
Aimee Jahn, River Valley Community College
Eileen MacAvery Kane, Rockland Community College
Carol Anne Kozik, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Talia Lipton, Rockland Community College
Audrey Nasar, Fashion Institute of Technology
Francia Reed, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Michelle Sweeney, River Valley Community College
Certificate Recipients
Yuda Anriany, Prince George’s Community College
Jeffrey Clark, Adirondack Community College
Stacy Constantin, Bowie State University
Mary Cunill, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Natasha Daniels, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Patience Ebuwei, Coppin State University
Robert Faivre, Adirondack Community College
Glenn Gebler, Prince George’s Community College
Elizabeth Hansen, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Lilia Juele, Rockland Community College
Kelly Marcus, Southwestern Community College (ICCOC)
Lizette Martinez, SUNY Westchester Community College
Ornella Mazzuca, Dutchess Community College
Judy Naber, Iowa Lakes Community College
Brandye Nobiling, Salisbury University
Danica Nowosielski, Hudson Valley Community College
Jennifer Nyland, Salisbury University
Deirdre Ourso, Ulster County Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, Rockland Community College
Brian Schmidt, College of Southern Nevada
Karen Silverstrim, Salisbury University
Sonya Smith, Community College of Baltimore County
Angela Spires, College of Southern Nevada
Shirin Sultana, SUNY College at Brockport
Felicia Wider Lewis, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kimberly Yadon, Western State Colorado University
Chance Lee Joyner, Nashua Community College
Certificate Recipients
Susan Hughes, Nashua Community College
Elizabeth Bojsza, SUNY Stony Brook University
Jillian Davis, River Valley Community College
Cody Dew, SUNY at Binghamton
Elizabeth Schmermund, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Peter Marino, SUNY Rockland Community College
Caitlin Lapine, SUNY Nassau Community College
Katherine Griffes, SUNY Oneonta
Laura Adams, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Konstadinos Ritsatos, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lara Mitofsky Neuss, SUNY Oneonta
Fara Afshar, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
Veronica Murphy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Eileen MacAvery Kane, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lindsay Farray, SUNY Adirondack Community College
Allison Rheaume, Nashua Community College
Virginia Egan, Nashua Community College
Gregory VanDenBerg, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Jennifer Gerster, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Certificate Recipients
Kamal Hennayake, Chesapeake College
Michelle Saavedra, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
Certificate Recipients
Lisa Lewin, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Keith Klostermann, SUNY at Fredonia
James Agbo, SUNY at Binghamton
Pamela Furline, SUNY Rockland Community College
Takashi Crum, SUNY Rockland Community College
Mark Tinsley, Central Virginia Community College
Gabrielle Dampf, Central Virginia Community College
Brittany McLean, Central Virginia Community College
Jin Chang, Central Virginia Community College
Nelson Ayala, Central Virginia Community College
Certificate Recipients
Jonathan Auyer, SUNY College at Geneseo
Max Sparkman, SUNY College at Geneseo
Dong Yang, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
Christine Stragazzi, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
Natasha Daniels, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Holly Chase, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Dana Michelle Harris, SUNY at Purchase College
Henry Mendoza Rivera, SUNY Dutchess Community College
Sandra Lapointe, River Valley Community College
Kimberly Ambrose, River Valley Community College
Monika Espinasa, SUNY Ulster County Community College
Melissa Morales, SUNY at Binghamton
Maralyn Schlanger, Rockland Community College
Constance White, River Valley Community College
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Diedra Cardamone, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Jillian Decker, SUNY Rockland Community College
Patricia Szobonya, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lore Hannes, SUNY Orange County Community College
Melissa Blackmer, SUNY Adirondack Community College
Lauren Stephenson, SUNY Oneonta
Certificate Recipients
Deirdre Ourso, SUNY Orange County Community College
Mark Gomes, SUNY Rockland Community College
James Sandler, SUNY Rockland Community College
Dina Mounitz, SUNY Rockland Community College
Allison Hotze, Stony Brook Medicine
Erin Pauling, SUNY Binghamton University
Benjamin Williamson, SUNY Binghamton University
Nester Guardado, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Brian Dembkoski, Nashua Community College
Lisa Corprew, Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs
Ashleigh Graham, Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs
Frederick-John Benedict, SUNY Rockland Community College
Ada Uche, Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs
Certificate Recipients
Jennifer Shloming, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
David Ray, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
James Hansen, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Damindi De, Quinsigamond Community College
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Sara Dickey, SUNY Upstate Medical University
Jeannine Kennedy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Talia Lipton, SUNY Rockland Community College
Angela Northup, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lesley Vandermark, SUNY University at Buffalo
Kjrsten Keane, SUNY Empire State College
Joanne Littlefield, SUNY Empire State College
Sonja Thomson, SUNY Empire State College
Jordan Seidel, SUNY Empire State College
Kelli Scarlett, SUNY Empire State College
Susan Banks. SUNY Empire State College
Lesley Caracci, SUNY Empire State College
Lynne Zeman, SUNY Empire State College
Sarah Blood, SUNY Empire State College
Marina Layvand, SUNY Empire State College
Laura Paul, SUNY Empire State College
Gregory Milunich, SUNY Empire State College
Jillian Miller, SUNY Empire State College
Pamela Kimbrough, SUNY Empire State College
Algernon Kelley, SUNY Empire State College
William Forbes, SUNY Empire State College
Roberta Owens, SUNY Empire State College
Valerie Goodwin, SUNY Empire State College
Certificate Recipients
Maralyn Schlanger, SUNY Rockland Community College
Sanjib Dey, Stony Brook University
Kimberly Wells-Bernard, Nassau Community College
Sundeep Venkatesan, SUNY Binghamton University
Reethee Antony, SUNY Binghamton University
Peter Fiore, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lesley Vandermark, SUNY University at Buffalo
Alexander Jackson, SUNY Cortland
Lena Shaqareq, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Talia Lipton, SUNY Rockland Community College
Jacqueline Dyke, SUNY Cortland
Steven Murphy, SUNY Binghamton University
Sukbin Song, SUNY Rockland Community College
Shamika Mitchell, SUNY Rockland Community College
Latoya Collins, Monroe Community College
Dong Yang, Fashion Institute of Technology
Yogesh Malhotra, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Amy DiRenzo, SUNY Cortland
Nicholas Benson, SUNY Oneonta
Jason Van Staveren, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Brian May, Fulton-Montgomery Community College
Cynthia Lasman, SUNY Rockland Community College
Amy London, SUNY Rockland Community College
Elizabeth Bojsza, Stony Brook University
Certificate Recipients
Candace Boesiger, College of Southern Idaho
Bethany White, College of Southern Idaho
Terina Konrad, College of Southern Idaho
Amy Burgess, SUNY Rockland Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Bill Harcleroad, SUNY Oneonta
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Kamil Woronowicz, SUNY Rockland Community College
Benjamin Grange, SUNY Rockland Community College
Samuel Spellman, SUNY Albany
Subhalakshmi Gooptu, Fashion Institute of Technology
Christopher Ortega, SUNY Cortland
Quaid Iqbad, SUNY at Binghamton
James Agbo, SUNY at Binghamton
Koenraad Gieskes, SUNY at Binghamton
Kelly Catron, SUNY Empire State College
Alison Robey, SUNY Empire State College
Melissa VanWinkle, SUNY Empire State College
Dongho Kim, SUNY Empire State College
Bradford Nelson, SUNY Empire State College
Michael Zias, SUNY Empire State College
Heather Bennett, SUNY Empire State College
Himanee Gupta, SUNY Empire State College
Jake Feldman, SUNY Empire State College
Alena Rodick, SUNY Empire State College
Nichole Jakaub, SUNY Empire State College
Maree Michaud-Sacks, SUNY Empire State College
Scott Silverman, SUNY Empire State College
Shannon Pritting, SUNY Empire State College
Susanne Oaks, SUNY Empire State College
Certificate Recipients
Karen Schaffer, SUNY Rockland Community College
Cristina Cardona, Community College of Baltimore County
Kimberly Wild, Farmingdale State College
Renee Arnold-Oregan, SUNY Orange County Community College
Veronica Murphy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Miriam Cajuste, SUNY Schenectady County Community College
Cailyn Green, SUNY Empire State College
Derek Richardson, University of Maryland-College Park
Certificate Recipients
Mitali Pradhan, SUNY Farmingdale State College
Peter Marino, SUNY Rockland Community College
Donna Crapanzano, SUNY Stony Brook University
Michelle Saavedra, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
Jennifer Bremser, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Nayelee Villanueva, College of Southern Nevada
Brendan Shapiro, College of Southern Nevada
Youngjoo Kim, SUNY Old Westbury
Lara Mitofsky Neuss, SUNY Oneonta
Michael Walters, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Certificate Recipients
Jeannine Kennedy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Angela Northrup, SUNY Rockland Community College
Keith Klostermann, SUNY at Fredonia
Gregory VanDenBeg, SUNY Rockland Community College
Pamela Furlne, SUNY Rockland Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, SUNY Rockland Community College
Andrew Knapp, SUNY Monroe Community College
Lisa Lewin, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Melissa Wells, SUNY Empire State College
Stephen Ray Santa-Ramirez, SUNY University at Buffalo
Kirsten DiCarlo, SUNY at Fredonia
Brian Merrill, College of Southern Nevada
Certificate Recipients
Youngjoo Kim, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Justin Thompson, Herkimer County Community College
Nancy Jager, SUNY at Fredonia
Maja Krzyston, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Turquessa Francis, University at Buffalo
Paula McLarren-Johnson, SUNY Westchester Community College
Staci Ganson, Nassau Community College
Certificate Recipients
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Scott Silverman, SUNY Empire State College
Doreen Decorah, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Amanda Heilman, Western Iowa Tech Community College
Laura Bailey, Onondaga Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Heather Larkin, SUNY at Albany
Nicole Schiffmacher, Nassau Community College
Sabrina Lopez, Dutchess Community College
Cindy Bates, SUNY Empire College
Kelly Marcus, Southwestern Community College (ICCOC)
Brian Cocolicchio, SUNY Westchester Community College
Carrie Jackson, Eastern Iowa Community Colleges
Holly DeGrote, Northwest Iowa Community College
Catherine Lewis, Nassau Community College
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Beth Dubeck, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Deirdre Ourso, SUNY Ulster County Community College
Heather Leary, Brigham Young University
Certificate Recipients
Amy Ryan, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Donna Crapanzano, Stony Brook University
Peter Marino, SUNY Rockland Community College
Patrick Dickey, Northwest Iowa Community College
Thomas Rowley, SUNY University at Buffalo
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Certificate Recipients
Raquel Schmidt, SUNY Buffalo State
Stacey Shipe, SUNY at Binghamton
Jacob McPherson, University at Buffalo
Jason Page, SUNY Cortland
Lindsay Farrar, Adirondack Community College
Fiordaliza Ippolito, SUNY at Albany
Naftali Rottenstreich, Adirondack Community College
Desiree Keever, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Eileen MacAvery Kane, Rockland Community College
Ronnie O’Neill, Rockland Community College
Melissa Tracy, SUNY at Albany
Eduardo Millet, State University of New York at New Paltz
Talia Lipton, Rockland Community College
Jeffree Ware, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Peter Fiore, Rockland Community College
Catherine Lewis, Nassau Community College
Laurie Sanders, College of Southern Nevada
Anne Ruszkiewicz, Sullivan County Community College
Jonathan Auyer, SUNY College at Geneseo
Michael Stark, Community College System of New Hampshire
Nancy Eckert, River Valley Community College
Sonya Kuykendall, River Valley Community College
Heather Newfield, River Valley Community College
Kim-Laura Boyle, River Valley Community College
Christopher Stavisky, University at Buffalo
M Vorpahl, University at Buffalo
Eunette Gentry, College of Southern Nevada
Katherine Croom, Niagara County Community College
Michelle Saavedra, Suffolk County Community College
Ann Healy, Nashua Community College
Michael Youngs, Fulton-Montgomery Community College
Elizabeth Bojsza, Stony Brook University
Marie Dufay-Verbie, University at Buffalo
Shuang Zhao, Lone Star College System
Marie Cuillier, Lone Star College System
Jenita Thomas, LSC-University Park
DeeAndrea Phillips, Lone Star College System
Charles McNeil, Lone Star College System
Emanuela Ene, Lone Star College System
Larrissa Roberts, Lone Star College System
Daniel Thompson, Langston University
Sandra Brown, Langston University
Ruben Herron, Langston University
Kelly O’Bryan, Langston University
Bobby Fields, Langston University
Kathleen Jonas-Papile, Hudson Valley Community College
Nicole Bravo, Lone Star College System
Certificate Recipients
Kelly Shevlin, SUNY College at Brockport
Stephanie Ortel, Genesee Community College
Rebecca Eliseo-Arras, SUNY Empire State College
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Jack Tessier, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Shing Chi Leung, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Jennifer Shloming, Fashion Institute of Technology
Laurie Lacey, Schenectady County Community College
Thalia MacMilllan, SUNY Empire State College
Kjrsten Keane, SUNY Empire State College
Pamela Kimbrough, SUNY Empire State College
Jason Cash, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Pamela Furline, Rockland Community College
Mary Roth, Orange County Community College
Marsha Greene, Fashion Institute of Technology
Elena Smirnova, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Bill Harcleroad, SUNY Oneonta
John O’Connell, Schenectady County Community College
Brian Lowe, SUNY Oneonta
Certificate Recipients
Erin Boss, State University of New York at New Paltz
Maralyn Schlange, Rockland Community College
Takashi Crum, Rockland Community College
Violet Tiema, Rockland Community College
Cheryl Novins, Nassau Community College
Kimberly Wells-Bernard, Nassau Community College
Jeannine Kennedy, Rockland Community College
Vanesa Canete Jurado, SUNY at Binghamton
Deborah Vinecour, Rockland Community College
Kerry McNerney, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Forney, Jamestown Community College
Oylum Akkus Ispir, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Kristopher Baker, Rockland Community College
Jeff Lolley, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Cayla Gaworecki, Schenectady County Community College
Randall Cone, Salisbury University
Vitus Ozoke, Salisbury University
Karen Schaffer, Rockland Community College
Preeti Samudra, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Kathryn Kein, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Brooks Winchell, Quinsigamond Community College
Carolyn McGrath, Quinsigamond Community College
John Luke Parker, Quinsigamond Community College
Lori Lamothe, Quinsigamond Community College
Shrinda Trudell, Quinsigamond Community College
Steven Gambino, Quinsigamond Community College
Susan Amos, Quinsigamond Community College
Teina Lochan-Dodd, Quinsigamond Community College
Xaide Campbell, Quinsigamond Community College
Amber Pfeiffer,Quinsigamond Community College
Monique Brooks, Quinsigamond Community College
Lili Nizankiewicz, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Thomas Rowley, University at Buffalo
Christine Alexander, University of Maryland-College Park
Suhana Chattopadhyay, University of Maryland-College Park
Jennie Lee-Kim, University of Maryland-College Park
Jennifer Hadden, University of Maryland-College Park
Angela Katenkamp Shiplet, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Jennifer Schermerhorn, Salisbury University
Veronica Murphy, Rockland Community College
Angela Northrup, Rockland Community College
Sara Annunziato, Rockland Community College
Patricia Zodda, Rockland Community College
Monica VanKlompenberg, University of Maryland-College Park
Erin Moody, University of Maryland-College Park
Madeline Crocitto, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Patricia Szobonya, Rockland Community College
Wendy Gordon, Rockland Community College
Nicole Townsend, Lone Star College System
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Fotini Anagnostopoulos-King, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Isabel Rambob, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Violet Kulo, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Robert Bennett, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Certificate Recipients
Jessica Harris, SUNY Oswego
Emily Hegarty, Nassau Community College
Peter Marino, Rockland Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
April Crenshaw, Chattanooga State Community College
Anita Polk-Conley, Chattanooga State Community College
Jillian Decker, Rockland Community College
Mihai Paraschiv, SUNY College at Oswego
Sara Macel, Rockland Community College
Jiayue Shen, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Katherine Copp Brown, Rockland Community College
Carol Van Zile-Tamsen, University at Buffalo
Rosa Perez, College of Southern Nevada
Michelle Monsourf, Morrisville State College
Hilton Lasalle, LSC-Houston North
Lei Huang, SUNY at Fredonia
Mary Beth Sievens, SUNY at Fredonia
Kelly Soczka Steidinger, SUNY at Fredonia
Jessica Finkeldey, SUNY at Fredonia
Angela McGowan-Kirsch, SUNY at Fredonia
Nancy Jager, SUNY at Fredonia
Ivani Vassoler, SUNY at Fredonia
Destiny Sanvido, Lone Star College System
Certificate Recipients
Lena Shaqareq, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kathleen Locklear, SUNY College at Oswego
Jennifer Adjodha-Evans, Herkimer County Community College
Christine Van Namee, Mohawk Valley Community College
Patricia Mason-Williams, SUNY College at Brockport
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Christina Teresi, Dutchess Community College
Ann Geisendorfer, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Sharon Peck, SUNY College at Geneseo
Melinda Fredenburg, North Country Community College
Christine Morris, Nashua Community College
Danielle Richards, College of Southern Nevada
Eileen Metcalfe, College of Southern Nevada
Certificate Recipients
Jessica Hutchison, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Suk-Young Kang, SUNY at Binghamton
Krystle Chalich, Adirondack Community College
Jill Johnson, Eastern Iowa Community Colleges
Gregory Van Den Berg, Rockland Community College
Radha Ganesan, Stony Brook University
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Dae Sung Han, Rockland Community College
Elizabeth Tolman, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Ashley Seager-Cecchini, Finger Lakes Community College
Kimberly Wild, Farmingdale State College
Robert Morris, Community College System of New Hampshire
Shannon Daoust, Nashua Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, Rockland Community College
Stephanie Poplock, SUNY Oneonta
Sukbin Song, Rockland Community College
Marty Kellum, Calhoun Community College
Xin Ye, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Gerster, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Kathleen Gradel, SUNY at Fredonia
Certificate Recipients
Peter Marino, Rockland Community College
Maryalice Citera, State University of New York at New Paltz
Marybeth Heyden, Stony Brook Medicine
Kimberly Wild, Farmingdale State College
Stephanie Ortel, Genesee Community College
Nicole Schiffmacher, Nassau Community College
Jill Amati, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Jennifer Shloming, Fashion Institute of Technology
Cheryl Novins, Nassau Community College
Benjamin Williamson, Binghamton University
Richard Marcoux, Morrisville State College
Caitlin Lapine, Nassau Community College
Dorothy Hartigan, Nassau Community College
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Jessica Hutchison, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Michitake Aso, SUNY at Albany
Wendy Johnston, Adirondack Community College
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Santucci-Spero, Rockland Community College
Stephanie Andrews, Lone Star College System
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Shamsul Arefeen, Morrisville State College
Keith Pardini, Suffolk County Community College
Augusta Williams, SUNY Upstate Medical University
Melanie Medeiros, SUNY College at Geneseo
Sabrina Lopez, State University of New York at New Paltz
Cindy Shireman, ICCOC Iowa Community Colleges Online Consortium
DianeAliprandi, Southeastern Community College – IA
PatrickDickey, Northwest Iowa Community College
Connie Richardson, Dana Center
Christopher Closson, SUNY at Fredonia
Michelle Monsourf, Morrisville State College
Mitali Pradhan, Farmingdale State College
Savita Hanspal, SUNY College at Potsdam
Sharon Peck, SUNY College at Geneseo
Parvaneh Sheikh, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kathleen Locklear, SUNY College at Oswego
Lena Shaqareq, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Timothy Strode, Nassau Community College
David Rondeau, Nashua Community College
Certificate Recipients
Alicia Briganti, Dalton State College
Ann Geisendorfer, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Kamil Hamaoui, SUNY Westchester Community College
James Hansen, Alfred University
Catherine Lewis, Nassau Community College
Elizabeth Congdon, SUNY Broome Community College
Shushawna DeOliveira, SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Monika Espinasa, Ulster County Community College
Anisa Hansen, Drake University
Nancy Kane, SUNY Cortland
Jeffery McMinn, Hudson Valley Community College
Sangeeta Nischal, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Jillian Nissen, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Jessica Sarauer, Morrisville State College
Brian Schwartz, Columbus State University
Nisha Varghese, Binghamton University
Marion Ben-Jacob, Rockland Community College
David Borreggine, Rockland Community College
Beatrice Bridglall, Rockland Community College
Stacy Casden, Rockland Community College
Jenny Frank, Morrisville State College
Bobbie Harman, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Khader Humied, Rockland Community College
Zhiging Teng, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Catherine Willis, Hudson Valley Community College
Jennifer Tripp, Nashua Community College
Chelsea McCracken, SUNY Oneonta
Peter Arvanites, Rockland Community College
Kevin Dames, SUNY Cortland
Lindsay Farrar, Adirondack Community College
Peter Fiore, Rockland Community College
Elyse Fuller, Rockland Community College
Dae Sung Han, Rockland Community College
Cynthia Lasman, Rockland Community College
Dino Lucido, Rockland Community College
Ingrid Montgomery, Rockland Community College
Krista Quinn, Rockland Community College
Kelli Rodriguez, North Country Community College
Naftali Rottenstreich, Adirondack Community College
Rene Arnold, Lone Star College System
Bethzabeth Berrios, Rockland Community College
Dr. Nicholas Dianuzzo, Rockland Community College
Suzanne DiRenno, Rockland Community College
Pamela Furline, Rockland Community College
Matthew Matcovich, Rockland Community College
Shamika Mitchell, Rockland Community College
Shamsad Parvin, Morrisville State College
Erin Ranft, LSC-North Harris
Nancy Rosen, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Santucci-Spero, Rockland Community College
Ralph Swain, Western Iowa Tech Community College
Gregory Van Den Berg, Rockland Community College
Xin Ye, Rockland Community College
Luis Cuesta, SUNY at Albany
Irina Holden, SUNY at Albany
Michael Jones, Western Iowa Tech Community College
Janita Moricette, Tompkins Cortland Community College
Katya Stanislavskaya, State University of New York at New Paltz
Denisa Talovic, SUNY Broome Community College
Tanja Darden, Towson University
Ayanna Lynch, Bowie State University
Ioan Marginean, University of Baltimore
Maureen Sullivan, Bowie State University
Sarah Archibald, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Carlen Bini, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Angelica Fernandez-Dizon, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Soraya Green, University of Maryland Global Campus
Heather Hall, Frostburg State University
Audra Houser, Frostburg State University
Tanner Kilpatrick, University of Maryland-College Park
Mary Bondy, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Negin Fouladi, University of Maryland-College Park
Karen Gordes, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Lindsey Leeds, University of Maryland Global Campus
Melissa McClean, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Elias Snyder, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Sylvette Latoche-Howard, University System of Maryland
Certificate Recipients
Nana Ankrah, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Tejpreet Chadha, Binghamton University
Lekisha Griffin, SUNY College at Brockport
Kevin Hofmann, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Gloria Morgan, SUNY College at Brockport
Eric Paner, Erie Community College
Michelle Saavedra, Suffolk County Community College
Mehwish Sarwari, SUNY Buffalo State
Certificate Recipients
Amanda Couitt, River Valley Community College
Bridget Conley, River Valley Community College
Shing Chi Leung, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Zoë Misiewicz, SUNY College at Oswego
Daniel Holz, Schenectady County Community College
Caitlin Parzych, Suffolk County Community College
Katherine Griffes, SUNY Oneonta
Mary Arenberg, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Christopher Stavisky, University at Buffalo
Certificate Recipients
Jayne Barnes, Nashua Community College
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
John Carlisle, Nashua Community College
Tin Chi Solomon Chak, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Mark D’Arcy, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Matthew Doggett, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Jennifer Forney, Jamestown Community College
Aimee Jahn, River Valley Community College
Eileen MacAvery Kane, Rockland Community College
Carol Anne Kozik, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Talia Lipton, Rockland Community College
Audrey Nasar, Fashion Institute of Technology
Francia Reed, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Michelle Sweeney, River Valley Community College
Certificate Recipients
Yuda Anriany, Prince George’s Community College
Jeffrey Clark, Adirondack Community College
Stacy Constantin, Bowie State University
Mary Cunill, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Natasha Daniels, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Patience Ebuwei, Coppin State University
Robert Faivre, Adirondack Community College
Glenn Gebler, Prince George’s Community College
Elizabeth Hansen, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Lilia Juele, Rockland Community College
Kelly Marcus, Southwestern Community College (ICCOC)
Lizette Martinez, SUNY Westchester Community College
Ornella Mazzuca, Dutchess Community College
Judy Naber, Iowa Lakes Community College
Brandye Nobiling, Salisbury University
Danica Nowosielski, Hudson Valley Community College
Jennifer Nyland, Salisbury University
Deirdre Ourso, Ulster County Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, Rockland Community College
Brian Schmidt, College of Southern Nevada
Karen Silverstrim, Salisbury University
Sonya Smith, Community College of Baltimore County
Angela Spires, College of Southern Nevada
Shirin Sultana, SUNY College at Brockport
Felicia Wider Lewis, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kimberly Yadon, Western State Colorado University
Chance Lee Joyner, Nashua Community College
Certificate Recipients
Susan Hughes, Nashua Community College
Elizabeth Bojsza, SUNY Stony Brook University
Jillian Davis, River Valley Community College
Cody Dew, SUNY at Binghamton
Elizabeth Schmermund, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Peter Marino, SUNY Rockland Community College
Caitlin Lapine, SUNY Nassau Community College
Katherine Griffes, SUNY Oneonta
Laura Adams, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Konstadinos Ritsatos, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lara Mitofsky Neuss, SUNY Oneonta
Fara Afshar, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
Veronica Murphy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Eileen MacAvery Kane, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lindsay Farray, SUNY Adirondack Community College
Allison Rheaume, Nashua Community College
Virginia Egan, Nashua Community College
Gregory VanDenBerg, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Jennifer Gerster, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Certificate Recipients
Kamal Hennayake, Chesapeake College
Michelle Saavedra, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
Certificate Recipients
Lisa Lewin, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Keith Klostermann, SUNY at Fredonia
James Agbo, SUNY at Binghamton
Pamela Furline, SUNY Rockland Community College
Takashi Crum, SUNY Rockland Community College
Mark Tinsley, Central Virginia Community College
Gabrielle Dampf, Central Virginia Community College
Brittany McLean, Central Virginia Community College
Jin Chang, Central Virginia Community College
Nelson Ayala, Central Virginia Community College
Certificate Recipients
Jonathan Auyer, SUNY College at Geneseo
Max Sparkman, SUNY College at Geneseo
Dong Yang, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
Christine Stragazzi, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
Natasha Daniels, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Holly Chase, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Dana Michelle Harris, SUNY at Purchase College
Henry Mendoza Rivera, SUNY Dutchess Community College
Sandra Lapointe, River Valley Community College
Kimberly Ambrose, River Valley Community College
Monika Espinasa, SUNY Ulster County Community College
Melissa Morales, SUNY at Binghamton
Maralyn Schlanger, Rockland Community College
Constance White, River Valley Community College
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Diedra Cardamone, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Jillian Decker, SUNY Rockland Community College
Patricia Szobonya, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lore Hannes, SUNY Orange County Community College
Melissa Blackmer, SUNY Adirondack Community College
Lauren Stephenson, SUNY Oneonta
Certificate Recipients
Deirdre Ourso, SUNY Orange County Community College
Mark Gomes, SUNY Rockland Community College
James Sandler, SUNY Rockland Community College
Dina Mounitz, SUNY Rockland Community College
Allison Hotze, Stony Brook Medicine
Erin Pauling, SUNY Binghamton University
Benjamin Williamson, SUNY Binghamton University
Nester Guardado, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Brian Dembkoski, Nashua Community College
Lisa Corprew, Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs
Ashleigh Graham, Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs
Frederick-John Benedict, SUNY Rockland Community College
Ada Uche, Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs
Certificate Recipients
Jennifer Shloming, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
David Ray, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
James Hansen, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Damindi De, Quinsigamond Community College
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Sara Dickey, SUNY Upstate Medical University
Jeannine Kennedy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Talia Lipton, SUNY Rockland Community College
Angela Northup, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lesley Vandermark, SUNY University at Buffalo
Kjrsten Keane, SUNY Empire State College
Joanne Littlefield, SUNY Empire State College
Sonja Thomson, SUNY Empire State College
Jordan Seidel, SUNY Empire State College
Kelli Scarlett, SUNY Empire State College
Susan Banks. SUNY Empire State College
Lesley Caracci, SUNY Empire State College
Lynne Zeman, SUNY Empire State College
Sarah Blood, SUNY Empire State College
Marina Layvand, SUNY Empire State College
Laura Paul, SUNY Empire State College
Gregory Milunich, SUNY Empire State College
Jillian Miller, SUNY Empire State College
Pamela Kimbrough, SUNY Empire State College
Algernon Kelley, SUNY Empire State College
William Forbes, SUNY Empire State College
Roberta Owens, SUNY Empire State College
Valerie Goodwin, SUNY Empire State College
Certificate Recipients
Maralyn Schlanger, SUNY Rockland Community College
Sanjib Dey, Stony Brook University
Kimberly Wells-Bernard, Nassau Community College
Sundeep Venkatesan, SUNY Binghamton University
Reethee Antony, SUNY Binghamton University
Peter Fiore, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lesley Vandermark, SUNY University at Buffalo
Alexander Jackson, SUNY Cortland
Lena Shaqareq, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Talia Lipton, SUNY Rockland Community College
Jacqueline Dyke, SUNY Cortland
Steven Murphy, SUNY Binghamton University
Sukbin Song, SUNY Rockland Community College
Shamika Mitchell, SUNY Rockland Community College
Latoya Collins, Monroe Community College
Dong Yang, Fashion Institute of Technology
Yogesh Malhotra, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Amy DiRenzo, SUNY Cortland
Nicholas Benson, SUNY Oneonta
Jason Van Staveren, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Brian May, Fulton-Montgomery Community College
Cynthia Lasman, SUNY Rockland Community College
Amy London, SUNY Rockland Community College
Elizabeth Bojsza, Stony Brook University
Certificate Recipients
Candace Boesiger, College of Southern Idaho
Bethany White, College of Southern Idaho
Terina Konrad, College of Southern Idaho
Amy Burgess, SUNY Rockland Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Bill Harcleroad, SUNY Oneonta
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Kamil Woronowicz, SUNY Rockland Community College
Benjamin Grange, SUNY Rockland Community College
Samuel Spellman, SUNY Albany
Subhalakshmi Gooptu, Fashion Institute of Technology
Christopher Ortega, SUNY Cortland
Quaid Iqbad, SUNY at Binghamton
James Agbo, SUNY at Binghamton
Koenraad Gieskes, SUNY at Binghamton
Kelly Catron, SUNY Empire State College
Alison Robey, SUNY Empire State College
Melissa VanWinkle, SUNY Empire State College
Dongho Kim, SUNY Empire State College
Bradford Nelson, SUNY Empire State College
Michael Zias, SUNY Empire State College
Heather Bennett, SUNY Empire State College
Himanee Gupta, SUNY Empire State College
Jake Feldman, SUNY Empire State College
Alena Rodick, SUNY Empire State College
Nichole Jakaub, SUNY Empire State College
Maree Michaud-Sacks, SUNY Empire State College
Scott Silverman, SUNY Empire State College
Shannon Pritting, SUNY Empire State College
Susanne Oaks, SUNY Empire State College
Certificate Recipients
Karen Schaffer, SUNY Rockland Community College
Cristina Cardona, Community College of Baltimore County
Kimberly Wild, Farmingdale State College
Renee Arnold-Oregan, SUNY Orange County Community College
Veronica Murphy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Miriam Cajuste, SUNY Schenectady County Community College
Cailyn Green, SUNY Empire State College
Derek Richardson, University of Maryland-College Park
Certificate Recipients
Mitali Pradhan, SUNY Farmingdale State College
Peter Marino, SUNY Rockland Community College
Donna Crapanzano, SUNY Stony Brook University
Michelle Saavedra, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
Jennifer Bremser, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Nayelee Villanueva, College of Southern Nevada
Brendan Shapiro, College of Southern Nevada
Youngjoo Kim, SUNY Old Westbury
Lara Mitofsky Neuss, SUNY Oneonta
Michael Walters, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Certificate Recipients
Jeannine Kennedy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Angela Northrup, SUNY Rockland Community College
Keith Klostermann, SUNY at Fredonia
Gregory VanDenBeg, SUNY Rockland Community College
Pamela Furlne, SUNY Rockland Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, SUNY Rockland Community College
Andrew Knapp, SUNY Monroe Community College
Lisa Lewin, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Melissa Wells, SUNY Empire State College
Stephen Ray Santa-Ramirez, SUNY University at Buffalo
Kirsten DiCarlo, SUNY at Fredonia
Brian Merrill, College of Southern Nevada
Certificate Recipients
Youngjoo Kim, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Justin Thompson, Herkimer County Community College
Nancy Jager, SUNY at Fredonia
Maja Krzyston, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Turquessa Francis, University at Buffalo
Paula McLarren-Johnson, SUNY Westchester Community College
Staci Ganson, Nassau Community College
Certificate Recipients
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Scott Silverman, SUNY Empire State College
Doreen Decorah, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Amanda Heilman, Western Iowa Tech Community College
Laura Bailey, Onondaga Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Heather Larkin, SUNY at Albany
Nicole Schiffmacher, Nassau Community College
Sabrina Lopez, Dutchess Community College
Cindy Bates, SUNY Empire College
Kelly Marcus, Southwestern Community College (ICCOC)
Brian Cocolicchio, SUNY Westchester Community College
Carrie Jackson, Eastern Iowa Community Colleges
Holly DeGrote, Northwest Iowa Community College
Catherine Lewis, Nassau Community College
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Beth Dubeck, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Deirdre Ourso, SUNY Ulster County Community College
Heather Leary, Brigham Young University
Certificate Recipients
Amy Ryan, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Donna Crapanzano, Stony Brook University
Peter Marino, SUNY Rockland Community College
Patrick Dickey, Northwest Iowa Community College
Thomas Rowley, SUNY University at Buffalo
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Certificate Recipients
Raquel Schmidt, SUNY Buffalo State
Stacey Shipe, SUNY at Binghamton
Jacob McPherson, University at Buffalo
Jason Page, SUNY Cortland
Lindsay Farrar, Adirondack Community College
Fiordaliza Ippolito, SUNY at Albany
Naftali Rottenstreich, Adirondack Community College
Desiree Keever, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Eileen MacAvery Kane, Rockland Community College
Ronnie O’Neill, Rockland Community College
Melissa Tracy, SUNY at Albany
Eduardo Millet, State University of New York at New Paltz
Talia Lipton, Rockland Community College
Jeffree Ware, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Peter Fiore, Rockland Community College
Catherine Lewis, Nassau Community College
Laurie Sanders, College of Southern Nevada
Anne Ruszkiewicz, Sullivan County Community College
Jonathan Auyer, SUNY College at Geneseo
Michael Stark, Community College System of New Hampshire
Nancy Eckert, River Valley Community College
Sonya Kuykendall, River Valley Community College
Heather Newfield, River Valley Community College
Kim-Laura Boyle, River Valley Community College
Christopher Stavisky, University at Buffalo
M Vorpahl, University at Buffalo
Eunette Gentry, College of Southern Nevada
Katherine Croom, Niagara County Community College
Michelle Saavedra, Suffolk County Community College
Ann Healy, Nashua Community College
Michael Youngs, Fulton-Montgomery Community College
Elizabeth Bojsza, Stony Brook University
Marie Dufay-Verbie, University at Buffalo
Shuang Zhao, Lone Star College System
Marie Cuillier, Lone Star College System
Jenita Thomas, LSC-University Park
DeeAndrea Phillips, Lone Star College System
Charles McNeil, Lone Star College System
Emanuela Ene, Lone Star College System
Larrissa Roberts, Lone Star College System
Daniel Thompson, Langston University
Sandra Brown, Langston University
Ruben Herron, Langston University
Kelly O’Bryan, Langston University
Bobby Fields, Langston University
Kathleen Jonas-Papile, Hudson Valley Community College
Nicole Bravo, Lone Star College System
Certificate Recipients
Kelly Shevlin, SUNY College at Brockport
Stephanie Ortel, Genesee Community College
Rebecca Eliseo-Arras, SUNY Empire State College
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Jack Tessier, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Shing Chi Leung, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Jennifer Shloming, Fashion Institute of Technology
Laurie Lacey, Schenectady County Community College
Thalia MacMilllan, SUNY Empire State College
Kjrsten Keane, SUNY Empire State College
Pamela Kimbrough, SUNY Empire State College
Jason Cash, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Pamela Furline, Rockland Community College
Mary Roth, Orange County Community College
Marsha Greene, Fashion Institute of Technology
Elena Smirnova, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Bill Harcleroad, SUNY Oneonta
John O’Connell, Schenectady County Community College
Brian Lowe, SUNY Oneonta
Certificate Recipients
Erin Boss, State University of New York at New Paltz
Maralyn Schlange, Rockland Community College
Takashi Crum, Rockland Community College
Violet Tiema, Rockland Community College
Cheryl Novins, Nassau Community College
Kimberly Wells-Bernard, Nassau Community College
Jeannine Kennedy, Rockland Community College
Vanesa Canete Jurado, SUNY at Binghamton
Deborah Vinecour, Rockland Community College
Kerry McNerney, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Forney, Jamestown Community College
Oylum Akkus Ispir, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Kristopher Baker, Rockland Community College
Jeff Lolley, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Cayla Gaworecki, Schenectady County Community College
Randall Cone, Salisbury University
Vitus Ozoke, Salisbury University
Karen Schaffer, Rockland Community College
Preeti Samudra, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Kathryn Kein, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Brooks Winchell, Quinsigamond Community College
Carolyn McGrath, Quinsigamond Community College
John Luke Parker, Quinsigamond Community College
Lori Lamothe, Quinsigamond Community College
Shrinda Trudell, Quinsigamond Community College
Steven Gambino, Quinsigamond Community College
Susan Amos, Quinsigamond Community College
Teina Lochan-Dodd, Quinsigamond Community College
Xaide Campbell, Quinsigamond Community College
Amber Pfeiffer,Quinsigamond Community College
Monique Brooks, Quinsigamond Community College
Lili Nizankiewicz, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Thomas Rowley, University at Buffalo
Christine Alexander, University of Maryland-College Park
Suhana Chattopadhyay, University of Maryland-College Park
Jennie Lee-Kim, University of Maryland-College Park
Jennifer Hadden, University of Maryland-College Park
Angela Katenkamp Shiplet, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Jennifer Schermerhorn, Salisbury University
Veronica Murphy, Rockland Community College
Angela Northrup, Rockland Community College
Sara Annunziato, Rockland Community College
Patricia Zodda, Rockland Community College
Monica VanKlompenberg, University of Maryland-College Park
Erin Moody, University of Maryland-College Park
Madeline Crocitto, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Patricia Szobonya, Rockland Community College
Wendy Gordon, Rockland Community College
Nicole Townsend, Lone Star College System
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Fotini Anagnostopoulos-King, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Isabel Rambob, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Violet Kulo, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Robert Bennett, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Certificate Recipients
Jessica Harris, SUNY Oswego
Emily Hegarty, Nassau Community College
Peter Marino, Rockland Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
April Crenshaw, Chattanooga State Community College
Anita Polk-Conley, Chattanooga State Community College
Jillian Decker, Rockland Community College
Mihai Paraschiv, SUNY College at Oswego
Sara Macel, Rockland Community College
Jiayue Shen, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Katherine Copp Brown, Rockland Community College
Carol Van Zile-Tamsen, University at Buffalo
Rosa Perez, College of Southern Nevada
Michelle Monsourf, Morrisville State College
Hilton Lasalle, LSC-Houston North
Lei Huang, SUNY at Fredonia
Mary Beth Sievens, SUNY at Fredonia
Kelly Soczka Steidinger, SUNY at Fredonia
Jessica Finkeldey, SUNY at Fredonia
Angela McGowan-Kirsch, SUNY at Fredonia
Nancy Jager, SUNY at Fredonia
Ivani Vassoler, SUNY at Fredonia
Destiny Sanvido, Lone Star College System
Certificate Recipients
Lena Shaqareq, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kathleen Locklear, SUNY College at Oswego
Jennifer Adjodha-Evans, Herkimer County Community College
Christine Van Namee, Mohawk Valley Community College
Patricia Mason-Williams, SUNY College at Brockport
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Christina Teresi, Dutchess Community College
Ann Geisendorfer, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Sharon Peck, SUNY College at Geneseo
Melinda Fredenburg, North Country Community College
Christine Morris, Nashua Community College
Danielle Richards, College of Southern Nevada
Eileen Metcalfe, College of Southern Nevada
Certificate Recipients
Jessica Hutchison, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Suk-Young Kang, SUNY at Binghamton
Krystle Chalich, Adirondack Community College
Jill Johnson, Eastern Iowa Community Colleges
Gregory Van Den Berg, Rockland Community College
Radha Ganesan, Stony Brook University
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Dae Sung Han, Rockland Community College
Elizabeth Tolman, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Ashley Seager-Cecchini, Finger Lakes Community College
Kimberly Wild, Farmingdale State College
Robert Morris, Community College System of New Hampshire
Shannon Daoust, Nashua Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, Rockland Community College
Stephanie Poplock, SUNY Oneonta
Sukbin Song, Rockland Community College
Marty Kellum, Calhoun Community College
Xin Ye, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Gerster, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Kathleen Gradel, SUNY at Fredonia
Certificate Recipients
Peter Marino, Rockland Community College
Maryalice Citera, State University of New York at New Paltz
Marybeth Heyden, Stony Brook Medicine
Kimberly Wild, Farmingdale State College
Stephanie Ortel, Genesee Community College
Nicole Schiffmacher, Nassau Community College
Jill Amati, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Jennifer Shloming, Fashion Institute of Technology
Cheryl Novins, Nassau Community College
Benjamin Williamson, Binghamton University
Richard Marcoux, Morrisville State College
Caitlin Lapine, Nassau Community College
Dorothy Hartigan, Nassau Community College
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Jessica Hutchison, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Michitake Aso, SUNY at Albany
Wendy Johnston, Adirondack Community College
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Santucci-Spero, Rockland Community College
Stephanie Andrews, Lone Star College System
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Shamsul Arefeen, Morrisville State College
Keith Pardini, Suffolk County Community College
Augusta Williams, SUNY Upstate Medical University
Melanie Medeiros, SUNY College at Geneseo
Sabrina Lopez, State University of New York at New Paltz
Cindy Shireman, ICCOC Iowa Community Colleges Online Consortium
DianeAliprandi, Southeastern Community College – IA
PatrickDickey, Northwest Iowa Community College
Connie Richardson, Dana Center
Christopher Closson, SUNY at Fredonia
Michelle Monsourf, Morrisville State College
Mitali Pradhan, Farmingdale State College
Savita Hanspal, SUNY College at Potsdam
Sharon Peck, SUNY College at Geneseo
Parvaneh Sheikh, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kathleen Locklear, SUNY College at Oswego
Lena Shaqareq, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Timothy Strode, Nassau Community College
David Rondeau, Nashua Community College
Certificate Recipients
Alicia Briganti, Dalton State College
Ann Geisendorfer, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Kamil Hamaoui, SUNY Westchester Community College
James Hansen, Alfred University
Catherine Lewis, Nassau Community College
Elizabeth Congdon, SUNY Broome Community College
Shushawna DeOliveira, SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Monika Espinasa, Ulster County Community College
Anisa Hansen, Drake University
Nancy Kane, SUNY Cortland
Jeffery McMinn, Hudson Valley Community College
Sangeeta Nischal, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Jillian Nissen, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Jessica Sarauer, Morrisville State College
Brian Schwartz, Columbus State University
Nisha Varghese, Binghamton University
Marion Ben-Jacob, Rockland Community College
David Borreggine, Rockland Community College
Beatrice Bridglall, Rockland Community College
Stacy Casden, Rockland Community College
Jenny Frank, Morrisville State College
Bobbie Harman, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Khader Humied, Rockland Community College
Zhiging Teng, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Catherine Willis, Hudson Valley Community College
Jennifer Tripp, Nashua Community College
Chelsea McCracken, SUNY Oneonta
Peter Arvanites, Rockland Community College
Kevin Dames, SUNY Cortland
Lindsay Farrar, Adirondack Community College
Peter Fiore, Rockland Community College
Elyse Fuller, Rockland Community College
Dae Sung Han, Rockland Community College
Cynthia Lasman, Rockland Community College
Dino Lucido, Rockland Community College
Ingrid Montgomery, Rockland Community College
Krista Quinn, Rockland Community College
Kelli Rodriguez, North Country Community College
Naftali Rottenstreich, Adirondack Community College
Rene Arnold, Lone Star College System
Bethzabeth Berrios, Rockland Community College
Dr. Nicholas Dianuzzo, Rockland Community College
Suzanne DiRenno, Rockland Community College
Pamela Furline, Rockland Community College
Matthew Matcovich, Rockland Community College
Shamika Mitchell, Rockland Community College
Shamsad Parvin, Morrisville State College
Erin Ranft, LSC-North Harris
Nancy Rosen, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Santucci-Spero, Rockland Community College
Ralph Swain, Western Iowa Tech Community College
Gregory Van Den Berg, Rockland Community College
Xin Ye, Rockland Community College
Luis Cuesta, SUNY at Albany
Irina Holden, SUNY at Albany
Michael Jones, Western Iowa Tech Community College
Janita Moricette, Tompkins Cortland Community College
Katya Stanislavskaya, State University of New York at New Paltz
Denisa Talovic, SUNY Broome Community College
Tanja Darden, Towson University
Ayanna Lynch, Bowie State University
Ioan Marginean, University of Baltimore
Maureen Sullivan, Bowie State University
Sarah Archibald, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Carlen Bini, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Angelica Fernandez-Dizon, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Soraya Green, University of Maryland Global Campus
Heather Hall, Frostburg State University
Audra Houser, Frostburg State University
Tanner Kilpatrick, University of Maryland-College Park
Mary Bondy, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Negin Fouladi, University of Maryland-College Park
Karen Gordes, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Lindsey Leeds, University of Maryland Global Campus
Melissa McClean, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Elias Snyder, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Sylvette Latoche-Howard, University System of Maryland
Certificate Recipients
Nana Ankrah, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Tejpreet Chadha, Binghamton University
Lekisha Griffin, SUNY College at Brockport
Kevin Hofmann, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Gloria Morgan, SUNY College at Brockport
Eric Paner, Erie Community College
Michelle Saavedra, Suffolk County Community College
Mehwish Sarwari, SUNY Buffalo State
Certificate Recipients
Amanda Couitt, River Valley Community College
Bridget Conley, River Valley Community College
Shing Chi Leung, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Zoë Misiewicz, SUNY College at Oswego
Daniel Holz, Schenectady County Community College
Caitlin Parzych, Suffolk County Community College
Katherine Griffes, SUNY Oneonta
Mary Arenberg, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Christopher Stavisky, University at Buffalo
Certificate Recipients
Jayne Barnes, Nashua Community College
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
John Carlisle, Nashua Community College
Tin Chi Solomon Chak, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Mark D’Arcy, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Matthew Doggett, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Jennifer Forney, Jamestown Community College
Aimee Jahn, River Valley Community College
Eileen MacAvery Kane, Rockland Community College
Carol Anne Kozik, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Talia Lipton, Rockland Community College
Audrey Nasar, Fashion Institute of Technology
Francia Reed, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Michelle Sweeney, River Valley Community College
Certificate Recipients
Yuda Anriany, Prince George’s Community College
Jeffrey Clark, Adirondack Community College
Stacy Constantin, Bowie State University
Mary Cunill, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Natasha Daniels, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Patience Ebuwei, Coppin State University
Robert Faivre, Adirondack Community College
Glenn Gebler, Prince George’s Community College
Elizabeth Hansen, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Lilia Juele, Rockland Community College
Kelly Marcus, Southwestern Community College (ICCOC)
Lizette Martinez, SUNY Westchester Community College
Ornella Mazzuca, Dutchess Community College
Judy Naber, Iowa Lakes Community College
Brandye Nobiling, Salisbury University
Danica Nowosielski, Hudson Valley Community College
Jennifer Nyland, Salisbury University
Deirdre Ourso, Ulster County Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, Rockland Community College
Brian Schmidt, College of Southern Nevada
Karen Silverstrim, Salisbury University
Sonya Smith, Community College of Baltimore County
Angela Spires, College of Southern Nevada
Shirin Sultana, SUNY College at Brockport
Felicia Wider Lewis, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kimberly Yadon, Western State Colorado University
Chance Lee Joyner, Nashua Community College
Certificate Recipients
Susan Hughes, Nashua Community College
Elizabeth Bojsza, SUNY Stony Brook University
Jillian Davis, River Valley Community College
Cody Dew, SUNY at Binghamton
Elizabeth Schmermund, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Peter Marino, SUNY Rockland Community College
Caitlin Lapine, SUNY Nassau Community College
Katherine Griffes, SUNY Oneonta
Laura Adams, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Konstadinos Ritsatos, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lara Mitofsky Neuss, SUNY Oneonta
Fara Afshar, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
Veronica Murphy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Eileen MacAvery Kane, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lindsay Farray, SUNY Adirondack Community College
Allison Rheaume, Nashua Community College
Virginia Egan, Nashua Community College
Gregory VanDenBerg, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Jennifer Gerster, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Certificate Recipients
Kamal Hennayake, Chesapeake College
Michelle Saavedra, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
Certificate Recipients
Lisa Lewin, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Keith Klostermann, SUNY at Fredonia
James Agbo, SUNY at Binghamton
Pamela Furline, SUNY Rockland Community College
Takashi Crum, SUNY Rockland Community College
Mark Tinsley, Central Virginia Community College
Gabrielle Dampf, Central Virginia Community College
Brittany McLean, Central Virginia Community College
Jin Chang, Central Virginia Community College
Nelson Ayala, Central Virginia Community College
Certificate Recipients
Jonathan Auyer, SUNY College at Geneseo
Max Sparkman, SUNY College at Geneseo
Dong Yang, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
Christine Stragazzi, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
Natasha Daniels, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Holly Chase, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Dana Michelle Harris, SUNY at Purchase College
Henry Mendoza Rivera, SUNY Dutchess Community College
Sandra Lapointe, River Valley Community College
Kimberly Ambrose, River Valley Community College
Monika Espinasa, SUNY Ulster County Community College
Melissa Morales, SUNY at Binghamton
Maralyn Schlanger, Rockland Community College
Constance White, River Valley Community College
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Diedra Cardamone, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Jillian Decker, SUNY Rockland Community College
Patricia Szobonya, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lore Hannes, SUNY Orange County Community College
Melissa Blackmer, SUNY Adirondack Community College
Lauren Stephenson, SUNY Oneonta
Certificate Recipients
Deirdre Ourso, SUNY Orange County Community College
Mark Gomes, SUNY Rockland Community College
James Sandler, SUNY Rockland Community College
Dina Mounitz, SUNY Rockland Community College
Allison Hotze, Stony Brook Medicine
Erin Pauling, SUNY Binghamton University
Benjamin Williamson, SUNY Binghamton University
Nester Guardado, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Brian Dembkoski, Nashua Community College
Lisa Corprew, Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs
Ashleigh Graham, Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs
Frederick-John Benedict, SUNY Rockland Community College
Ada Uche, Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs
Certificate Recipients
Jennifer Shloming, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
David Ray, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
James Hansen, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Damindi De, Quinsigamond Community College
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Sara Dickey, SUNY Upstate Medical University
Jeannine Kennedy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Talia Lipton, SUNY Rockland Community College
Angela Northup, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lesley Vandermark, SUNY University at Buffalo
Kjrsten Keane, SUNY Empire State College
Joanne Littlefield, SUNY Empire State College
Sonja Thomson, SUNY Empire State College
Jordan Seidel, SUNY Empire State College
Kelli Scarlett, SUNY Empire State College
Susan Banks. SUNY Empire State College
Lesley Caracci, SUNY Empire State College
Lynne Zeman, SUNY Empire State College
Sarah Blood, SUNY Empire State College
Marina Layvand, SUNY Empire State College
Laura Paul, SUNY Empire State College
Gregory Milunich, SUNY Empire State College
Jillian Miller, SUNY Empire State College
Pamela Kimbrough, SUNY Empire State College
Algernon Kelley, SUNY Empire State College
William Forbes, SUNY Empire State College
Roberta Owens, SUNY Empire State College
Valerie Goodwin, SUNY Empire State College
Certificate Recipients
Maralyn Schlanger, SUNY Rockland Community College
Sanjib Dey, Stony Brook University
Kimberly Wells-Bernard, Nassau Community College
Sundeep Venkatesan, SUNY Binghamton University
Reethee Antony, SUNY Binghamton University
Peter Fiore, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lesley Vandermark, SUNY University at Buffalo
Alexander Jackson, SUNY Cortland
Lena Shaqareq, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Talia Lipton, SUNY Rockland Community College
Jacqueline Dyke, SUNY Cortland
Steven Murphy, SUNY Binghamton University
Sukbin Song, SUNY Rockland Community College
Shamika Mitchell, SUNY Rockland Community College
Latoya Collins, Monroe Community College
Dong Yang, Fashion Institute of Technology
Yogesh Malhotra, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Amy DiRenzo, SUNY Cortland
Nicholas Benson, SUNY Oneonta
Jason Van Staveren, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Brian May, Fulton-Montgomery Community College
Cynthia Lasman, SUNY Rockland Community College
Amy London, SUNY Rockland Community College
Elizabeth Bojsza, Stony Brook University
Certificate Recipients
Candace Boesiger, College of Southern Idaho
Bethany White, College of Southern Idaho
Terina Konrad, College of Southern Idaho
Amy Burgess, SUNY Rockland Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Bill Harcleroad, SUNY Oneonta
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Kamil Woronowicz, SUNY Rockland Community College
Benjamin Grange, SUNY Rockland Community College
Samuel Spellman, SUNY Albany
Subhalakshmi Gooptu, Fashion Institute of Technology
Christopher Ortega, SUNY Cortland
Quaid Iqbad, SUNY at Binghamton
James Agbo, SUNY at Binghamton
Koenraad Gieskes, SUNY at Binghamton
Kelly Catron, SUNY Empire State College
Alison Robey, SUNY Empire State College
Melissa VanWinkle, SUNY Empire State College
Dongho Kim, SUNY Empire State College
Bradford Nelson, SUNY Empire State College
Michael Zias, SUNY Empire State College
Heather Bennett, SUNY Empire State College
Himanee Gupta, SUNY Empire State College
Jake Feldman, SUNY Empire State College
Alena Rodick, SUNY Empire State College
Nichole Jakaub, SUNY Empire State College
Maree Michaud-Sacks, SUNY Empire State College
Scott Silverman, SUNY Empire State College
Shannon Pritting, SUNY Empire State College
Susanne Oaks, SUNY Empire State College
Certificate Recipients
Karen Schaffer, SUNY Rockland Community College
Cristina Cardona, Community College of Baltimore County
Kimberly Wild, Farmingdale State College
Renee Arnold-Oregan, SUNY Orange County Community College
Veronica Murphy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Miriam Cajuste, SUNY Schenectady County Community College
Cailyn Green, SUNY Empire State College
Derek Richardson, University of Maryland-College Park
Certificate Recipients
Mitali Pradhan, SUNY Farmingdale State College
Peter Marino, SUNY Rockland Community College
Donna Crapanzano, SUNY Stony Brook University
Michelle Saavedra, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
Jennifer Bremser, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Nayelee Villanueva, College of Southern Nevada
Brendan Shapiro, College of Southern Nevada
Youngjoo Kim, SUNY Old Westbury
Lara Mitofsky Neuss, SUNY Oneonta
Michael Walters, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Certificate Recipients
Jeannine Kennedy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Angela Northrup, SUNY Rockland Community College
Keith Klostermann, SUNY at Fredonia
Gregory VanDenBeg, SUNY Rockland Community College
Pamela Furlne, SUNY Rockland Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, SUNY Rockland Community College
Andrew Knapp, SUNY Monroe Community College
Lisa Lewin, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Melissa Wells, SUNY Empire State College
Stephen Ray Santa-Ramirez, SUNY University at Buffalo
Kirsten DiCarlo, SUNY at Fredonia
Brian Merrill, College of Southern Nevada
Certificate Recipients
Youngjoo Kim, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Justin Thompson, Herkimer County Community College
Nancy Jager, SUNY at Fredonia
Maja Krzyston, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Turquessa Francis, University at Buffalo
Paula McLarren-Johnson, SUNY Westchester Community College
Staci Ganson, Nassau Community College
Certificate Recipients
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Scott Silverman, SUNY Empire State College
Doreen Decorah, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Amanda Heilman, Western Iowa Tech Community College
Laura Bailey, Onondaga Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Heather Larkin, SUNY at Albany
Nicole Schiffmacher, Nassau Community College
Sabrina Lopez, Dutchess Community College
Cindy Bates, SUNY Empire College
Kelly Marcus, Southwestern Community College (ICCOC)
Brian Cocolicchio, SUNY Westchester Community College
Carrie Jackson, Eastern Iowa Community Colleges
Holly DeGrote, Northwest Iowa Community College
Catherine Lewis, Nassau Community College
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Beth Dubeck, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Deirdre Ourso, SUNY Ulster County Community College
Heather Leary, Brigham Young University
Certificate Recipients
Amy Ryan, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Donna Crapanzano, Stony Brook University
Peter Marino, SUNY Rockland Community College
Patrick Dickey, Northwest Iowa Community College
Thomas Rowley, SUNY University at Buffalo
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Certificate Recipients
Raquel Schmidt, SUNY Buffalo State
Stacey Shipe, SUNY at Binghamton
Jacob McPherson, University at Buffalo
Jason Page, SUNY Cortland
Lindsay Farrar, Adirondack Community College
Fiordaliza Ippolito, SUNY at Albany
Naftali Rottenstreich, Adirondack Community College
Desiree Keever, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Eileen MacAvery Kane, Rockland Community College
Ronnie O’Neill, Rockland Community College
Melissa Tracy, SUNY at Albany
Eduardo Millet, State University of New York at New Paltz
Talia Lipton, Rockland Community College
Jeffree Ware, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Peter Fiore, Rockland Community College
Catherine Lewis, Nassau Community College
Laurie Sanders, College of Southern Nevada
Anne Ruszkiewicz, Sullivan County Community College
Jonathan Auyer, SUNY College at Geneseo
Michael Stark, Community College System of New Hampshire
Nancy Eckert, River Valley Community College
Sonya Kuykendall, River Valley Community College
Heather Newfield, River Valley Community College
Kim-Laura Boyle, River Valley Community College
Christopher Stavisky, University at Buffalo
M Vorpahl, University at Buffalo
Eunette Gentry, College of Southern Nevada
Katherine Croom, Niagara County Community College
Michelle Saavedra, Suffolk County Community College
Ann Healy, Nashua Community College
Michael Youngs, Fulton-Montgomery Community College
Elizabeth Bojsza, Stony Brook University
Marie Dufay-Verbie, University at Buffalo
Shuang Zhao, Lone Star College System
Marie Cuillier, Lone Star College System
Jenita Thomas, LSC-University Park
DeeAndrea Phillips, Lone Star College System
Charles McNeil, Lone Star College System
Emanuela Ene, Lone Star College System
Larrissa Roberts, Lone Star College System
Daniel Thompson, Langston University
Sandra Brown, Langston University
Ruben Herron, Langston University
Kelly O’Bryan, Langston University
Bobby Fields, Langston University
Kathleen Jonas-Papile, Hudson Valley Community College
Nicole Bravo, Lone Star College System
Certificate Recipients
Kelly Shevlin, SUNY College at Brockport
Stephanie Ortel, Genesee Community College
Rebecca Eliseo-Arras, SUNY Empire State College
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Jack Tessier, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Shing Chi Leung, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Jennifer Shloming, Fashion Institute of Technology
Laurie Lacey, Schenectady County Community College
Thalia MacMilllan, SUNY Empire State College
Kjrsten Keane, SUNY Empire State College
Pamela Kimbrough, SUNY Empire State College
Jason Cash, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Pamela Furline, Rockland Community College
Mary Roth, Orange County Community College
Marsha Greene, Fashion Institute of Technology
Elena Smirnova, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Bill Harcleroad, SUNY Oneonta
John O’Connell, Schenectady County Community College
Brian Lowe, SUNY Oneonta
Certificate Recipients
Erin Boss, State University of New York at New Paltz
Maralyn Schlange, Rockland Community College
Takashi Crum, Rockland Community College
Violet Tiema, Rockland Community College
Cheryl Novins, Nassau Community College
Kimberly Wells-Bernard, Nassau Community College
Jeannine Kennedy, Rockland Community College
Vanesa Canete Jurado, SUNY at Binghamton
Deborah Vinecour, Rockland Community College
Kerry McNerney, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Forney, Jamestown Community College
Oylum Akkus Ispir, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Kristopher Baker, Rockland Community College
Jeff Lolley, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Cayla Gaworecki, Schenectady County Community College
Randall Cone, Salisbury University
Vitus Ozoke, Salisbury University
Karen Schaffer, Rockland Community College
Preeti Samudra, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Kathryn Kein, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Brooks Winchell, Quinsigamond Community College
Carolyn McGrath, Quinsigamond Community College
John Luke Parker, Quinsigamond Community College
Lori Lamothe, Quinsigamond Community College
Shrinda Trudell, Quinsigamond Community College
Steven Gambino, Quinsigamond Community College
Susan Amos, Quinsigamond Community College
Teina Lochan-Dodd, Quinsigamond Community College
Xaide Campbell, Quinsigamond Community College
Amber Pfeiffer,Quinsigamond Community College
Monique Brooks, Quinsigamond Community College
Lili Nizankiewicz, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Thomas Rowley, University at Buffalo
Christine Alexander, University of Maryland-College Park
Suhana Chattopadhyay, University of Maryland-College Park
Jennie Lee-Kim, University of Maryland-College Park
Jennifer Hadden, University of Maryland-College Park
Angela Katenkamp Shiplet, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Jennifer Schermerhorn, Salisbury University
Veronica Murphy, Rockland Community College
Angela Northrup, Rockland Community College
Sara Annunziato, Rockland Community College
Patricia Zodda, Rockland Community College
Monica VanKlompenberg, University of Maryland-College Park
Erin Moody, University of Maryland-College Park
Madeline Crocitto, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Patricia Szobonya, Rockland Community College
Wendy Gordon, Rockland Community College
Nicole Townsend, Lone Star College System
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Fotini Anagnostopoulos-King, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Isabel Rambob, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Violet Kulo, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Robert Bennett, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Certificate Recipients
Jessica Harris, SUNY Oswego
Emily Hegarty, Nassau Community College
Peter Marino, Rockland Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
April Crenshaw, Chattanooga State Community College
Anita Polk-Conley, Chattanooga State Community College
Jillian Decker, Rockland Community College
Mihai Paraschiv, SUNY College at Oswego
Sara Macel, Rockland Community College
Jiayue Shen, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Katherine Copp Brown, Rockland Community College
Carol Van Zile-Tamsen, University at Buffalo
Rosa Perez, College of Southern Nevada
Michelle Monsourf, Morrisville State College
Hilton Lasalle, LSC-Houston North
Lei Huang, SUNY at Fredonia
Mary Beth Sievens, SUNY at Fredonia
Kelly Soczka Steidinger, SUNY at Fredonia
Jessica Finkeldey, SUNY at Fredonia
Angela McGowan-Kirsch, SUNY at Fredonia
Nancy Jager, SUNY at Fredonia
Ivani Vassoler, SUNY at Fredonia
Destiny Sanvido, Lone Star College System
Certificate Recipients
Lena Shaqareq, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kathleen Locklear, SUNY College at Oswego
Jennifer Adjodha-Evans, Herkimer County Community College
Christine Van Namee, Mohawk Valley Community College
Patricia Mason-Williams, SUNY College at Brockport
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Christina Teresi, Dutchess Community College
Ann Geisendorfer, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Sharon Peck, SUNY College at Geneseo
Melinda Fredenburg, North Country Community College
Christine Morris, Nashua Community College
Danielle Richards, College of Southern Nevada
Eileen Metcalfe, College of Southern Nevada
Certificate Recipients
Jessica Hutchison, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Suk-Young Kang, SUNY at Binghamton
Krystle Chalich, Adirondack Community College
Jill Johnson, Eastern Iowa Community Colleges
Gregory Van Den Berg, Rockland Community College
Radha Ganesan, Stony Brook University
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Dae Sung Han, Rockland Community College
Elizabeth Tolman, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Ashley Seager-Cecchini, Finger Lakes Community College
Kimberly Wild, Farmingdale State College
Robert Morris, Community College System of New Hampshire
Shannon Daoust, Nashua Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, Rockland Community College
Stephanie Poplock, SUNY Oneonta
Sukbin Song, Rockland Community College
Marty Kellum, Calhoun Community College
Xin Ye, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Gerster, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Kathleen Gradel, SUNY at Fredonia
Certificate Recipients
Peter Marino, Rockland Community College
Maryalice Citera, State University of New York at New Paltz
Marybeth Heyden, Stony Brook Medicine
Kimberly Wild, Farmingdale State College
Stephanie Ortel, Genesee Community College
Nicole Schiffmacher, Nassau Community College
Jill Amati, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Jennifer Shloming, Fashion Institute of Technology
Cheryl Novins, Nassau Community College
Benjamin Williamson, Binghamton University
Richard Marcoux, Morrisville State College
Caitlin Lapine, Nassau Community College
Dorothy Hartigan, Nassau Community College
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Jessica Hutchison, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Michitake Aso, SUNY at Albany
Wendy Johnston, Adirondack Community College
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Santucci-Spero, Rockland Community College
Stephanie Andrews, Lone Star College System
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Shamsul Arefeen, Morrisville State College
Keith Pardini, Suffolk County Community College
Augusta Williams, SUNY Upstate Medical University
Melanie Medeiros, SUNY College at Geneseo
Sabrina Lopez, State University of New York at New Paltz
Cindy Shireman, ICCOC Iowa Community Colleges Online Consortium
DianeAliprandi, Southeastern Community College – IA
PatrickDickey, Northwest Iowa Community College
Connie Richardson, Dana Center
Christopher Closson, SUNY at Fredonia
Michelle Monsourf, Morrisville State College
Mitali Pradhan, Farmingdale State College
Savita Hanspal, SUNY College at Potsdam
Sharon Peck, SUNY College at Geneseo
Parvaneh Sheikh, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kathleen Locklear, SUNY College at Oswego
Lena Shaqareq, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Timothy Strode, Nassau Community College
David Rondeau, Nashua Community College
Certificate Recipients
Alicia Briganti, Dalton State College
Ann Geisendorfer, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Kamil Hamaoui, SUNY Westchester Community College
James Hansen, Alfred University
Catherine Lewis, Nassau Community College
Elizabeth Congdon, SUNY Broome Community College
Shushawna DeOliveira, SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Monika Espinasa, Ulster County Community College
Anisa Hansen, Drake University
Nancy Kane, SUNY Cortland
Jeffery McMinn, Hudson Valley Community College
Sangeeta Nischal, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Jillian Nissen, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Jessica Sarauer, Morrisville State College
Brian Schwartz, Columbus State University
Nisha Varghese, Binghamton University
Marion Ben-Jacob, Rockland Community College
David Borreggine, Rockland Community College
Beatrice Bridglall, Rockland Community College
Stacy Casden, Rockland Community College
Jenny Frank, Morrisville State College
Bobbie Harman, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Khader Humied, Rockland Community College
Zhiging Teng, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Catherine Willis, Hudson Valley Community College
Jennifer Tripp, Nashua Community College
Chelsea McCracken, SUNY Oneonta
Peter Arvanites, Rockland Community College
Kevin Dames, SUNY Cortland
Lindsay Farrar, Adirondack Community College
Peter Fiore, Rockland Community College
Elyse Fuller, Rockland Community College
Dae Sung Han, Rockland Community College
Cynthia Lasman, Rockland Community College
Dino Lucido, Rockland Community College
Ingrid Montgomery, Rockland Community College
Krista Quinn, Rockland Community College
Kelli Rodriguez, North Country Community College
Naftali Rottenstreich, Adirondack Community College
Rene Arnold, Lone Star College System
Bethzabeth Berrios, Rockland Community College
Dr. Nicholas Dianuzzo, Rockland Community College
Suzanne DiRenno, Rockland Community College
Pamela Furline, Rockland Community College
Matthew Matcovich, Rockland Community College
Shamika Mitchell, Rockland Community College
Shamsad Parvin, Morrisville State College
Erin Ranft, LSC-North Harris
Nancy Rosen, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Santucci-Spero, Rockland Community College
Ralph Swain, Western Iowa Tech Community College
Gregory Van Den Berg, Rockland Community College
Xin Ye, Rockland Community College
Luis Cuesta, SUNY at Albany
Irina Holden, SUNY at Albany
Michael Jones, Western Iowa Tech Community College
Janita Moricette, Tompkins Cortland Community College
Katya Stanislavskaya, State University of New York at New Paltz
Denisa Talovic, SUNY Broome Community College
Tanja Darden, Towson University
Ayanna Lynch, Bowie State University
Ioan Marginean, University of Baltimore
Maureen Sullivan, Bowie State University
Sarah Archibald, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Carlen Bini, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Angelica Fernandez-Dizon, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Soraya Green, University of Maryland Global Campus
Heather Hall, Frostburg State University
Audra Houser, Frostburg State University
Tanner Kilpatrick, University of Maryland-College Park
Mary Bondy, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Negin Fouladi, University of Maryland-College Park
Karen Gordes, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Lindsey Leeds, University of Maryland Global Campus
Melissa McClean, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Elias Snyder, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Sylvette Latoche-Howard, University System of Maryland
Certificate Recipients
Nana Ankrah, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Tejpreet Chadha, Binghamton University
Lekisha Griffin, SUNY College at Brockport
Kevin Hofmann, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Gloria Morgan, SUNY College at Brockport
Eric Paner, Erie Community College
Michelle Saavedra, Suffolk County Community College
Mehwish Sarwari, SUNY Buffalo State
Certificate Recipients
Amanda Couitt, River Valley Community College
Bridget Conley, River Valley Community College
Shing Chi Leung, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Zoë Misiewicz, SUNY College at Oswego
Daniel Holz, Schenectady County Community College
Caitlin Parzych, Suffolk County Community College
Katherine Griffes, SUNY Oneonta
Mary Arenberg, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Christopher Stavisky, University at Buffalo
Certificate Recipients
Jayne Barnes, Nashua Community College
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
John Carlisle, Nashua Community College
Tin Chi Solomon Chak, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Mark D’Arcy, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Matthew Doggett, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Jennifer Forney, Jamestown Community College
Aimee Jahn, River Valley Community College
Eileen MacAvery Kane, Rockland Community College
Carol Anne Kozik, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Talia Lipton, Rockland Community College
Audrey Nasar, Fashion Institute of Technology
Francia Reed, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Michelle Sweeney, River Valley Community College
Certificate Recipients
Yuda Anriany, Prince George’s Community College
Jeffrey Clark, Adirondack Community College
Stacy Constantin, Bowie State University
Mary Cunill, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Natasha Daniels, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Patience Ebuwei, Coppin State University
Robert Faivre, Adirondack Community College
Glenn Gebler, Prince George’s Community College
Elizabeth Hansen, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Lilia Juele, Rockland Community College
Kelly Marcus, Southwestern Community College (ICCOC)
Lizette Martinez, SUNY Westchester Community College
Ornella Mazzuca, Dutchess Community College
Judy Naber, Iowa Lakes Community College
Brandye Nobiling, Salisbury University
Danica Nowosielski, Hudson Valley Community College
Jennifer Nyland, Salisbury University
Deirdre Ourso, Ulster County Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, Rockland Community College
Brian Schmidt, College of Southern Nevada
Karen Silverstrim, Salisbury University
Sonya Smith, Community College of Baltimore County
Angela Spires, College of Southern Nevada
Shirin Sultana, SUNY College at Brockport
Felicia Wider Lewis, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kimberly Yadon, Western State Colorado University
Chance Lee Joyner, Nashua Community College
Certificate Recipients
Susan Hughes, Nashua Community College
Elizabeth Bojsza, SUNY Stony Brook University
Jillian Davis, River Valley Community College
Cody Dew, SUNY at Binghamton
Elizabeth Schmermund, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Peter Marino, SUNY Rockland Community College
Caitlin Lapine, SUNY Nassau Community College
Katherine Griffes, SUNY Oneonta
Laura Adams, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Konstadinos Ritsatos, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lara Mitofsky Neuss, SUNY Oneonta
Fara Afshar, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
Veronica Murphy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Eileen MacAvery Kane, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lindsay Farray, SUNY Adirondack Community College
Allison Rheaume, Nashua Community College
Virginia Egan, Nashua Community College
Gregory VanDenBerg, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Jennifer Gerster, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Certificate Recipients
Kamal Hennayake, Chesapeake College
Michelle Saavedra, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
Certificate Recipients
Lisa Lewin, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Keith Klostermann, SUNY at Fredonia
James Agbo, SUNY at Binghamton
Pamela Furline, SUNY Rockland Community College
Takashi Crum, SUNY Rockland Community College
Mark Tinsley, Central Virginia Community College
Gabrielle Dampf, Central Virginia Community College
Brittany McLean, Central Virginia Community College
Jin Chang, Central Virginia Community College
Nelson Ayala, Central Virginia Community College
Certificate Recipients
Jonathan Auyer, SUNY College at Geneseo
Max Sparkman, SUNY College at Geneseo
Dong Yang, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
Christine Stragazzi, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
Natasha Daniels, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Holly Chase, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Dana Michelle Harris, SUNY at Purchase College
Henry Mendoza Rivera, SUNY Dutchess Community College
Sandra Lapointe, River Valley Community College
Kimberly Ambrose, River Valley Community College
Monika Espinasa, SUNY Ulster County Community College
Melissa Morales, SUNY at Binghamton
Maralyn Schlanger, Rockland Community College
Constance White, River Valley Community College
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Diedra Cardamone, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Jillian Decker, SUNY Rockland Community College
Patricia Szobonya, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lore Hannes, SUNY Orange County Community College
Melissa Blackmer, SUNY Adirondack Community College
Lauren Stephenson, SUNY Oneonta
Certificate Recipients
Deirdre Ourso, SUNY Orange County Community College
Mark Gomes, SUNY Rockland Community College
James Sandler, SUNY Rockland Community College
Dina Mounitz, SUNY Rockland Community College
Allison Hotze, Stony Brook Medicine
Erin Pauling, SUNY Binghamton University
Benjamin Williamson, SUNY Binghamton University
Nester Guardado, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Brian Dembkoski, Nashua Community College
Lisa Corprew, Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs
Ashleigh Graham, Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs
Frederick-John Benedict, SUNY Rockland Community College
Ada Uche, Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs
Certificate Recipients
Jennifer Shloming, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
David Ray, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
James Hansen, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Damindi De, Quinsigamond Community College
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Sara Dickey, SUNY Upstate Medical University
Jeannine Kennedy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Talia Lipton, SUNY Rockland Community College
Angela Northup, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lesley Vandermark, SUNY University at Buffalo
Kjrsten Keane, SUNY Empire State College
Joanne Littlefield, SUNY Empire State College
Sonja Thomson, SUNY Empire State College
Jordan Seidel, SUNY Empire State College
Kelli Scarlett, SUNY Empire State College
Susan Banks. SUNY Empire State College
Lesley Caracci, SUNY Empire State College
Lynne Zeman, SUNY Empire State College
Sarah Blood, SUNY Empire State College
Marina Layvand, SUNY Empire State College
Laura Paul, SUNY Empire State College
Gregory Milunich, SUNY Empire State College
Jillian Miller, SUNY Empire State College
Pamela Kimbrough, SUNY Empire State College
Algernon Kelley, SUNY Empire State College
William Forbes, SUNY Empire State College
Roberta Owens, SUNY Empire State College
Valerie Goodwin, SUNY Empire State College
Certificate Recipients
Maralyn Schlanger, SUNY Rockland Community College
Sanjib Dey, Stony Brook University
Kimberly Wells-Bernard, Nassau Community College
Sundeep Venkatesan, SUNY Binghamton University
Reethee Antony, SUNY Binghamton University
Peter Fiore, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lesley Vandermark, SUNY University at Buffalo
Alexander Jackson, SUNY Cortland
Lena Shaqareq, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Talia Lipton, SUNY Rockland Community College
Jacqueline Dyke, SUNY Cortland
Steven Murphy, SUNY Binghamton University
Sukbin Song, SUNY Rockland Community College
Shamika Mitchell, SUNY Rockland Community College
Latoya Collins, Monroe Community College
Dong Yang, Fashion Institute of Technology
Yogesh Malhotra, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Amy DiRenzo, SUNY Cortland
Nicholas Benson, SUNY Oneonta
Jason Van Staveren, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Brian May, Fulton-Montgomery Community College
Cynthia Lasman, SUNY Rockland Community College
Amy London, SUNY Rockland Community College
Elizabeth Bojsza, Stony Brook University
Certificate Recipients
Candace Boesiger, College of Southern Idaho
Bethany White, College of Southern Idaho
Terina Konrad, College of Southern Idaho
Amy Burgess, SUNY Rockland Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Bill Harcleroad, SUNY Oneonta
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Kamil Woronowicz, SUNY Rockland Community College
Benjamin Grange, SUNY Rockland Community College
Samuel Spellman, SUNY Albany
Subhalakshmi Gooptu, Fashion Institute of Technology
Christopher Ortega, SUNY Cortland
Quaid Iqbad, SUNY at Binghamton
James Agbo, SUNY at Binghamton
Koenraad Gieskes, SUNY at Binghamton
Kelly Catron, SUNY Empire State College
Alison Robey, SUNY Empire State College
Melissa VanWinkle, SUNY Empire State College
Dongho Kim, SUNY Empire State College
Bradford Nelson, SUNY Empire State College
Michael Zias, SUNY Empire State College
Heather Bennett, SUNY Empire State College
Himanee Gupta, SUNY Empire State College
Jake Feldman, SUNY Empire State College
Alena Rodick, SUNY Empire State College
Nichole Jakaub, SUNY Empire State College
Maree Michaud-Sacks, SUNY Empire State College
Scott Silverman, SUNY Empire State College
Shannon Pritting, SUNY Empire State College
Susanne Oaks, SUNY Empire State College
Certificate Recipients
Karen Schaffer, SUNY Rockland Community College
Cristina Cardona, Community College of Baltimore County
Kimberly Wild, Farmingdale State College
Renee Arnold-Oregan, SUNY Orange County Community College
Veronica Murphy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Miriam Cajuste, SUNY Schenectady County Community College
Cailyn Green, SUNY Empire State College
Derek Richardson, University of Maryland-College Park
Certificate Recipients
Mitali Pradhan, SUNY Farmingdale State College
Peter Marino, SUNY Rockland Community College
Donna Crapanzano, SUNY Stony Brook University
Michelle Saavedra, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
Jennifer Bremser, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Nayelee Villanueva, College of Southern Nevada
Brendan Shapiro, College of Southern Nevada
Youngjoo Kim, SUNY Old Westbury
Lara Mitofsky Neuss, SUNY Oneonta
Michael Walters, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Certificate Recipients
Jeannine Kennedy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Angela Northrup, SUNY Rockland Community College
Keith Klostermann, SUNY at Fredonia
Gregory VanDenBeg, SUNY Rockland Community College
Pamela Furlne, SUNY Rockland Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, SUNY Rockland Community College
Andrew Knapp, SUNY Monroe Community College
Lisa Lewin, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Melissa Wells, SUNY Empire State College
Stephen Ray Santa-Ramirez, SUNY University at Buffalo
Kirsten DiCarlo, SUNY at Fredonia
Brian Merrill, College of Southern Nevada
Certificate Recipients
Youngjoo Kim, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Justin Thompson, Herkimer County Community College
Nancy Jager, SUNY at Fredonia
Maja Krzyston, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Turquessa Francis, University at Buffalo
Paula McLarren-Johnson, SUNY Westchester Community College
Staci Ganson, Nassau Community College
Certificate Recipients
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Scott Silverman, SUNY Empire State College
Doreen Decorah, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Amanda Heilman, Western Iowa Tech Community College
Laura Bailey, Onondaga Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Heather Larkin, SUNY at Albany
Nicole Schiffmacher, Nassau Community College
Sabrina Lopez, Dutchess Community College
Cindy Bates, SUNY Empire College
Kelly Marcus, Southwestern Community College (ICCOC)
Brian Cocolicchio, SUNY Westchester Community College
Carrie Jackson, Eastern Iowa Community Colleges
Holly DeGrote, Northwest Iowa Community College
Catherine Lewis, Nassau Community College
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Beth Dubeck, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Deirdre Ourso, SUNY Ulster County Community College
Heather Leary, Brigham Young University
Certificate Recipients
Amy Ryan, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Donna Crapanzano, Stony Brook University
Peter Marino, SUNY Rockland Community College
Patrick Dickey, Northwest Iowa Community College
Thomas Rowley, SUNY University at Buffalo
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Certificate Recipients
Raquel Schmidt, SUNY Buffalo State
Stacey Shipe, SUNY at Binghamton
Jacob McPherson, University at Buffalo
Jason Page, SUNY Cortland
Lindsay Farrar, Adirondack Community College
Fiordaliza Ippolito, SUNY at Albany
Naftali Rottenstreich, Adirondack Community College
Desiree Keever, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Eileen MacAvery Kane, Rockland Community College
Ronnie O’Neill, Rockland Community College
Melissa Tracy, SUNY at Albany
Eduardo Millet, State University of New York at New Paltz
Talia Lipton, Rockland Community College
Jeffree Ware, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Peter Fiore, Rockland Community College
Catherine Lewis, Nassau Community College
Laurie Sanders, College of Southern Nevada
Anne Ruszkiewicz, Sullivan County Community College
Jonathan Auyer, SUNY College at Geneseo
Michael Stark, Community College System of New Hampshire
Nancy Eckert, River Valley Community College
Sonya Kuykendall, River Valley Community College
Heather Newfield, River Valley Community College
Kim-Laura Boyle, River Valley Community College
Christopher Stavisky, University at Buffalo
M Vorpahl, University at Buffalo
Eunette Gentry, College of Southern Nevada
Katherine Croom, Niagara County Community College
Michelle Saavedra, Suffolk County Community College
Ann Healy, Nashua Community College
Michael Youngs, Fulton-Montgomery Community College
Elizabeth Bojsza, Stony Brook University
Marie Dufay-Verbie, University at Buffalo
Shuang Zhao, Lone Star College System
Marie Cuillier, Lone Star College System
Jenita Thomas, LSC-University Park
DeeAndrea Phillips, Lone Star College System
Charles McNeil, Lone Star College System
Emanuela Ene, Lone Star College System
Larrissa Roberts, Lone Star College System
Daniel Thompson, Langston University
Sandra Brown, Langston University
Ruben Herron, Langston University
Kelly O’Bryan, Langston University
Bobby Fields, Langston University
Kathleen Jonas-Papile, Hudson Valley Community College
Nicole Bravo, Lone Star College System
Certificate Recipients
Kelly Shevlin, SUNY College at Brockport
Stephanie Ortel, Genesee Community College
Rebecca Eliseo-Arras, SUNY Empire State College
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Jack Tessier, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Shing Chi Leung, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Jennifer Shloming, Fashion Institute of Technology
Laurie Lacey, Schenectady County Community College
Thalia MacMilllan, SUNY Empire State College
Kjrsten Keane, SUNY Empire State College
Pamela Kimbrough, SUNY Empire State College
Jason Cash, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Pamela Furline, Rockland Community College
Mary Roth, Orange County Community College
Marsha Greene, Fashion Institute of Technology
Elena Smirnova, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Bill Harcleroad, SUNY Oneonta
John O’Connell, Schenectady County Community College
Brian Lowe, SUNY Oneonta
Certificate Recipients
Erin Boss, State University of New York at New Paltz
Maralyn Schlange, Rockland Community College
Takashi Crum, Rockland Community College
Violet Tiema, Rockland Community College
Cheryl Novins, Nassau Community College
Kimberly Wells-Bernard, Nassau Community College
Jeannine Kennedy, Rockland Community College
Vanesa Canete Jurado, SUNY at Binghamton
Deborah Vinecour, Rockland Community College
Kerry McNerney, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Forney, Jamestown Community College
Oylum Akkus Ispir, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Kristopher Baker, Rockland Community College
Jeff Lolley, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Cayla Gaworecki, Schenectady County Community College
Randall Cone, Salisbury University
Vitus Ozoke, Salisbury University
Karen Schaffer, Rockland Community College
Preeti Samudra, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Kathryn Kein, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Brooks Winchell, Quinsigamond Community College
Carolyn McGrath, Quinsigamond Community College
John Luke Parker, Quinsigamond Community College
Lori Lamothe, Quinsigamond Community College
Shrinda Trudell, Quinsigamond Community College
Steven Gambino, Quinsigamond Community College
Susan Amos, Quinsigamond Community College
Teina Lochan-Dodd, Quinsigamond Community College
Xaide Campbell, Quinsigamond Community College
Amber Pfeiffer,Quinsigamond Community College
Monique Brooks, Quinsigamond Community College
Lili Nizankiewicz, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Thomas Rowley, University at Buffalo
Christine Alexander, University of Maryland-College Park
Suhana Chattopadhyay, University of Maryland-College Park
Jennie Lee-Kim, University of Maryland-College Park
Jennifer Hadden, University of Maryland-College Park
Angela Katenkamp Shiplet, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Jennifer Schermerhorn, Salisbury University
Veronica Murphy, Rockland Community College
Angela Northrup, Rockland Community College
Sara Annunziato, Rockland Community College
Patricia Zodda, Rockland Community College
Monica VanKlompenberg, University of Maryland-College Park
Erin Moody, University of Maryland-College Park
Madeline Crocitto, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Patricia Szobonya, Rockland Community College
Wendy Gordon, Rockland Community College
Nicole Townsend, Lone Star College System
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Fotini Anagnostopoulos-King, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Isabel Rambob, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Violet Kulo, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Robert Bennett, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Certificate Recipients
Jessica Harris, SUNY Oswego
Emily Hegarty, Nassau Community College
Peter Marino, Rockland Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
April Crenshaw, Chattanooga State Community College
Anita Polk-Conley, Chattanooga State Community College
Jillian Decker, Rockland Community College
Mihai Paraschiv, SUNY College at Oswego
Sara Macel, Rockland Community College
Jiayue Shen, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Katherine Copp Brown, Rockland Community College
Carol Van Zile-Tamsen, University at Buffalo
Rosa Perez, College of Southern Nevada
Michelle Monsourf, Morrisville State College
Hilton Lasalle, LSC-Houston North
Lei Huang, SUNY at Fredonia
Mary Beth Sievens, SUNY at Fredonia
Kelly Soczka Steidinger, SUNY at Fredonia
Jessica Finkeldey, SUNY at Fredonia
Angela McGowan-Kirsch, SUNY at Fredonia
Nancy Jager, SUNY at Fredonia
Ivani Vassoler, SUNY at Fredonia
Destiny Sanvido, Lone Star College System
Certificate Recipients
Lena Shaqareq, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kathleen Locklear, SUNY College at Oswego
Jennifer Adjodha-Evans, Herkimer County Community College
Christine Van Namee, Mohawk Valley Community College
Patricia Mason-Williams, SUNY College at Brockport
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Christina Teresi, Dutchess Community College
Ann Geisendorfer, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Sharon Peck, SUNY College at Geneseo
Melinda Fredenburg, North Country Community College
Christine Morris, Nashua Community College
Danielle Richards, College of Southern Nevada
Eileen Metcalfe, College of Southern Nevada
Certificate Recipients
Jessica Hutchison, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Suk-Young Kang, SUNY at Binghamton
Krystle Chalich, Adirondack Community College
Jill Johnson, Eastern Iowa Community Colleges
Gregory Van Den Berg, Rockland Community College
Radha Ganesan, Stony Brook University
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Dae Sung Han, Rockland Community College
Elizabeth Tolman, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Ashley Seager-Cecchini, Finger Lakes Community College
Kimberly Wild, Farmingdale State College
Robert Morris, Community College System of New Hampshire
Shannon Daoust, Nashua Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, Rockland Community College
Stephanie Poplock, SUNY Oneonta
Sukbin Song, Rockland Community College
Marty Kellum, Calhoun Community College
Xin Ye, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Gerster, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Kathleen Gradel, SUNY at Fredonia
Certificate Recipients
Peter Marino, Rockland Community College
Maryalice Citera, State University of New York at New Paltz
Marybeth Heyden, Stony Brook Medicine
Kimberly Wild, Farmingdale State College
Stephanie Ortel, Genesee Community College
Nicole Schiffmacher, Nassau Community College
Jill Amati, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Jennifer Shloming, Fashion Institute of Technology
Cheryl Novins, Nassau Community College
Benjamin Williamson, Binghamton University
Richard Marcoux, Morrisville State College
Caitlin Lapine, Nassau Community College
Dorothy Hartigan, Nassau Community College
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Jessica Hutchison, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Michitake Aso, SUNY at Albany
Wendy Johnston, Adirondack Community College
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Santucci-Spero, Rockland Community College
Stephanie Andrews, Lone Star College System
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Shamsul Arefeen, Morrisville State College
Keith Pardini, Suffolk County Community College
Augusta Williams, SUNY Upstate Medical University
Melanie Medeiros, SUNY College at Geneseo
Sabrina Lopez, State University of New York at New Paltz
Cindy Shireman, ICCOC Iowa Community Colleges Online Consortium
DianeAliprandi, Southeastern Community College – IA
PatrickDickey, Northwest Iowa Community College
Connie Richardson, Dana Center
Christopher Closson, SUNY at Fredonia
Michelle Monsourf, Morrisville State College
Mitali Pradhan, Farmingdale State College
Savita Hanspal, SUNY College at Potsdam
Sharon Peck, SUNY College at Geneseo
Parvaneh Sheikh, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kathleen Locklear, SUNY College at Oswego
Lena Shaqareq, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Timothy Strode, Nassau Community College
David Rondeau, Nashua Community College
Certificate Recipients
Alicia Briganti, Dalton State College
Ann Geisendorfer, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Kamil Hamaoui, SUNY Westchester Community College
James Hansen, Alfred University
Catherine Lewis, Nassau Community College
Elizabeth Congdon, SUNY Broome Community College
Shushawna DeOliveira, SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Monika Espinasa, Ulster County Community College
Anisa Hansen, Drake University
Nancy Kane, SUNY Cortland
Jeffery McMinn, Hudson Valley Community College
Sangeeta Nischal, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Jillian Nissen, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Jessica Sarauer, Morrisville State College
Brian Schwartz, Columbus State University
Nisha Varghese, Binghamton University
Marion Ben-Jacob, Rockland Community College
David Borreggine, Rockland Community College
Beatrice Bridglall, Rockland Community College
Stacy Casden, Rockland Community College
Jenny Frank, Morrisville State College
Bobbie Harman, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Khader Humied, Rockland Community College
Zhiging Teng, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Catherine Willis, Hudson Valley Community College
Jennifer Tripp, Nashua Community College
Chelsea McCracken, SUNY Oneonta
Peter Arvanites, Rockland Community College
Kevin Dames, SUNY Cortland
Lindsay Farrar, Adirondack Community College
Peter Fiore, Rockland Community College
Elyse Fuller, Rockland Community College
Dae Sung Han, Rockland Community College
Cynthia Lasman, Rockland Community College
Dino Lucido, Rockland Community College
Ingrid Montgomery, Rockland Community College
Krista Quinn, Rockland Community College
Kelli Rodriguez, North Country Community College
Naftali Rottenstreich, Adirondack Community College
Rene Arnold, Lone Star College System
Bethzabeth Berrios, Rockland Community College
Dr. Nicholas Dianuzzo, Rockland Community College
Suzanne DiRenno, Rockland Community College
Pamela Furline, Rockland Community College
Matthew Matcovich, Rockland Community College
Shamika Mitchell, Rockland Community College
Shamsad Parvin, Morrisville State College
Erin Ranft, LSC-North Harris
Nancy Rosen, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Santucci-Spero, Rockland Community College
Ralph Swain, Western Iowa Tech Community College
Gregory Van Den Berg, Rockland Community College
Xin Ye, Rockland Community College
Luis Cuesta, SUNY at Albany
Irina Holden, SUNY at Albany
Michael Jones, Western Iowa Tech Community College
Janita Moricette, Tompkins Cortland Community College
Katya Stanislavskaya, State University of New York at New Paltz
Denisa Talovic, SUNY Broome Community College
Tanja Darden, Towson University
Ayanna Lynch, Bowie State University
Ioan Marginean, University of Baltimore
Maureen Sullivan, Bowie State University
Sarah Archibald, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Carlen Bini, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Angelica Fernandez-Dizon, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Soraya Green, University of Maryland Global Campus
Heather Hall, Frostburg State University
Audra Houser, Frostburg State University
Tanner Kilpatrick, University of Maryland-College Park
Mary Bondy, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Negin Fouladi, University of Maryland-College Park
Karen Gordes, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Lindsey Leeds, University of Maryland Global Campus
Melissa McClean, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Elias Snyder, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Sylvette Latoche-Howard, University System of Maryland
Certificate Recipients
Nana Ankrah, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Tejpreet Chadha, Binghamton University
Lekisha Griffin, SUNY College at Brockport
Kevin Hofmann, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Gloria Morgan, SUNY College at Brockport
Eric Paner, Erie Community College
Michelle Saavedra, Suffolk County Community College
Mehwish Sarwari, SUNY Buffalo State
Certificate Recipients
Amanda Couitt, River Valley Community College
Bridget Conley, River Valley Community College
Shing Chi Leung, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Zoë Misiewicz, SUNY College at Oswego
Daniel Holz, Schenectady County Community College
Caitlin Parzych, Suffolk County Community College
Katherine Griffes, SUNY Oneonta
Mary Arenberg, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Christopher Stavisky, University at Buffalo
Certificate Recipients
Jayne Barnes, Nashua Community College
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
John Carlisle, Nashua Community College
Tin Chi Solomon Chak, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Mark D’Arcy, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Matthew Doggett, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Jennifer Forney, Jamestown Community College
Aimee Jahn, River Valley Community College
Eileen MacAvery Kane, Rockland Community College
Carol Anne Kozik, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Talia Lipton, Rockland Community College
Audrey Nasar, Fashion Institute of Technology
Francia Reed, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Michelle Sweeney, River Valley Community College
Certificate Recipients
Yuda Anriany, Prince George’s Community College
Jeffrey Clark, Adirondack Community College
Stacy Constantin, Bowie State University
Mary Cunill, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Natasha Daniels, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Patience Ebuwei, Coppin State University
Robert Faivre, Adirondack Community College
Glenn Gebler, Prince George’s Community College
Elizabeth Hansen, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Lilia Juele, Rockland Community College
Kelly Marcus, Southwestern Community College (ICCOC)
Lizette Martinez, SUNY Westchester Community College
Ornella Mazzuca, Dutchess Community College
Judy Naber, Iowa Lakes Community College
Brandye Nobiling, Salisbury University
Danica Nowosielski, Hudson Valley Community College
Jennifer Nyland, Salisbury University
Deirdre Ourso, Ulster County Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, Rockland Community College
Brian Schmidt, College of Southern Nevada
Karen Silverstrim, Salisbury University
Sonya Smith, Community College of Baltimore County
Angela Spires, College of Southern Nevada
Shirin Sultana, SUNY College at Brockport
Felicia Wider Lewis, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kimberly Yadon, Western State Colorado University
Chance Lee Joyner, Nashua Community College
Certificate Recipients
Maralyn Schlanger, SUNY Rockland Community College
Sanjib Dey, Stony Brook University
Kimberly Wells-Bernard, Nassau Community College
Sundeep Venkatesan, SUNY Binghamton University
Reethee Antony, SUNY Binghamton University
Peter Fiore, SUNY Rockland Community College
Lesley Vandermark, SUNY University at Buffalo
Alexander Jackson, SUNY Cortland
Lena Shaqareq, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Talia Lipton, SUNY Rockland Community College
Jacqueline Dyke, SUNY Cortland
Steven Murphy, SUNY Binghamton University
Sukbin Song, SUNY Rockland Community College
Shamika Mitchell, SUNY Rockland Community College
Latoya Collins, Monroe Community College
Dong Yang, Fashion Institute of Technology
Yogesh Malhotra, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Amy DiRenzo, SUNY Cortland
Nicholas Benson, SUNY Oneonta
Jason Van Staveren, SUNY Hudson Valley Community College
Brian May, Fulton-Montgomery Community College
Cynthia Lasman, SUNY Rockland Community College
Amy London, SUNY Rockland Community College
Elizabeth Bojsza, Stony Brook University
Certificate Recipients
Candace Boesiger, College of Southern Idaho
Bethany White, College of Southern Idaho
Terina Konrad, College of Southern Idaho
Amy Burgess, SUNY Rockland Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Bill Harcleroad, SUNY Oneonta
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Kamil Woronowicz, SUNY Rockland Community College
Benjamin Grange, SUNY Rockland Community College
Samuel Spellman, SUNY Albany
Subhalakshmi Gooptu, Fashion Institute of Technology
Christopher Ortega, SUNY Cortland
Quaid Iqbad, SUNY at Binghamton
James Agbo, SUNY at Binghamton
Koenraad Gieskes, SUNY at Binghamton
Kelly Catron, SUNY Empire State College
Alison Robey, SUNY Empire State College
Melissa VanWinkle, SUNY Empire State College
Dongho Kim, SUNY Empire State College
Bradford Nelson, SUNY Empire State College
Michael Zias, SUNY Empire State College
Heather Bennett, SUNY Empire State College
Himanee Gupta, SUNY Empire State College
Jake Feldman, SUNY Empire State College
Alena Rodick, SUNY Empire State College
Nichole Jakaub, SUNY Empire State College
Maree Michaud-Sacks, SUNY Empire State College
Scott Silverman, SUNY Empire State College
Shannon Pritting, SUNY Empire State College
Susanne Oaks, SUNY Empire State College
Certificate Recipients
Karen Schaffer, SUNY Rockland Community College
Cristina Cardona, Community College of Baltimore County
Kimberly Wild, Farmingdale State College
Renee Arnold-Oregan, SUNY Orange County Community College
Veronica Murphy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Miriam Cajuste, SUNY Schenectady County Community College
Cailyn Green, SUNY Empire State College
Derek Richardson, University of Maryland-College Park
Certificate Recipients
Mitali Pradhan, SUNY Farmingdale State College
Peter Marino, SUNY Rockland Community College
Donna Crapanzano, SUNY Stony Brook University
Michelle Saavedra, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
Jennifer Bremser, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Nayelee Villanueva, College of Southern Nevada
Brendan Shapiro, College of Southern Nevada
Youngjoo Kim, SUNY Old Westbury
Lara Mitofsky Neuss, SUNY Oneonta
Michael Walters, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Certificate Recipients
Jeannine Kennedy, SUNY Rockland Community College
Angela Northrup, SUNY Rockland Community College
Keith Klostermann, SUNY at Fredonia
Gregory VanDenBeg, SUNY Rockland Community College
Pamela Furlne, SUNY Rockland Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, SUNY Rockland Community College
Andrew Knapp, SUNY Monroe Community College
Lisa Lewin, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Melissa Wells, SUNY Empire State College
Stephen Ray Santa-Ramirez, SUNY University at Buffalo
Kirsten DiCarlo, SUNY at Fredonia
Brian Merrill, College of Southern Nevada
Certificate Recipients
Youngjoo Kim, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Justin Thompson, Herkimer County Community College
Nancy Jager, SUNY at Fredonia
Maja Krzyston, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Turquessa Francis, University at Buffalo
Paula McLarren-Johnson, SUNY Westchester Community College
Staci Ganson, Nassau Community College
Certificate Recipients
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Scott Silverman, SUNY Empire State College
Doreen Decorah, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Amanda Heilman, Western Iowa Tech Community College
Laura Bailey, Onondaga Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Heather Larkin, SUNY at Albany
Nicole Schiffmacher, Nassau Community College
Sabrina Lopez, Dutchess Community College
Cindy Bates, SUNY Empire College
Kelly Marcus, Southwestern Community College (ICCOC)
Brian Cocolicchio, SUNY Westchester Community College
Carrie Jackson, Eastern Iowa Community Colleges
Holly DeGrote, Northwest Iowa Community College
Catherine Lewis, Nassau Community College
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Beth Dubeck, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Deirdre Ourso, SUNY Ulster County Community College
Heather Leary, Brigham Young University
Certificate Recipients
Amy Ryan, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Donna Crapanzano, Stony Brook University
Peter Marino, SUNY Rockland Community College
Patrick Dickey, Northwest Iowa Community College
Thomas Rowley, SUNY University at Buffalo
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Certificate Recipients
Raquel Schmidt, SUNY Buffalo State
Stacey Shipe, SUNY at Binghamton
Jacob McPherson, University at Buffalo
Jason Page, SUNY Cortland
Lindsay Farrar, Adirondack Community College
Fiordaliza Ippolito, SUNY at Albany
Naftali Rottenstreich, Adirondack Community College
Desiree Keever, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Eileen MacAvery Kane, Rockland Community College
Ronnie O’Neill, Rockland Community College
Melissa Tracy, SUNY at Albany
Eduardo Millet, State University of New York at New Paltz
Talia Lipton, Rockland Community College
Jeffree Ware, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Peter Fiore, Rockland Community College
Catherine Lewis, Nassau Community College
Laurie Sanders, College of Southern Nevada
Anne Ruszkiewicz, Sullivan County Community College
Jonathan Auyer, SUNY College at Geneseo
Michael Stark, Community College System of New Hampshire
Nancy Eckert, River Valley Community College
Sonya Kuykendall, River Valley Community College
Heather Newfield, River Valley Community College
Kim-Laura Boyle, River Valley Community College
Christopher Stavisky, University at Buffalo
M Vorpahl, University at Buffalo
Eunette Gentry, College of Southern Nevada
Katherine Croom, Niagara County Community College
Michelle Saavedra, Suffolk County Community College
Ann Healy, Nashua Community College
Michael Youngs, Fulton-Montgomery Community College
Elizabeth Bojsza, Stony Brook University
Marie Dufay-Verbie, University at Buffalo
Shuang Zhao, Lone Star College System
Marie Cuillier, Lone Star College System
Jenita Thomas, LSC-University Park
DeeAndrea Phillips, Lone Star College System
Charles McNeil, Lone Star College System
Emanuela Ene, Lone Star College System
Larrissa Roberts, Lone Star College System
Daniel Thompson, Langston University
Sandra Brown, Langston University
Ruben Herron, Langston University
Kelly O’Bryan, Langston University
Bobby Fields, Langston University
Kathleen Jonas-Papile, Hudson Valley Community College
Nicole Bravo, Lone Star College System
Certificate Recipients
Kelly Shevlin, SUNY College at Brockport
Stephanie Ortel, Genesee Community College
Rebecca Eliseo-Arras, SUNY Empire State College
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Jack Tessier, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Shing Chi Leung, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Jennifer Shloming, Fashion Institute of Technology
Laurie Lacey, Schenectady County Community College
Thalia MacMilllan, SUNY Empire State College
Kjrsten Keane, SUNY Empire State College
Pamela Kimbrough, SUNY Empire State College
Jason Cash, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Pamela Furline, Rockland Community College
Mary Roth, Orange County Community College
Marsha Greene, Fashion Institute of Technology
Elena Smirnova, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Bill Harcleroad, SUNY Oneonta
John O’Connell, Schenectady County Community College
Brian Lowe, SUNY Oneonta
Certificate Recipients
Erin Boss, State University of New York at New Paltz
Maralyn Schlange, Rockland Community College
Takashi Crum, Rockland Community College
Violet Tiema, Rockland Community College
Cheryl Novins, Nassau Community College
Kimberly Wells-Bernard, Nassau Community College
Jeannine Kennedy, Rockland Community College
Vanesa Canete Jurado, SUNY at Binghamton
Deborah Vinecour, Rockland Community College
Kerry McNerney, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Forney, Jamestown Community College
Oylum Akkus Ispir, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Kristopher Baker, Rockland Community College
Jeff Lolley, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Cayla Gaworecki, Schenectady County Community College
Randall Cone, Salisbury University
Vitus Ozoke, Salisbury University
Karen Schaffer, Rockland Community College
Preeti Samudra, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Kathryn Kein, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Brooks Winchell, Quinsigamond Community College
Carolyn McGrath, Quinsigamond Community College
John Luke Parker, Quinsigamond Community College
Lori Lamothe, Quinsigamond Community College
Shrinda Trudell, Quinsigamond Community College
Steven Gambino, Quinsigamond Community College
Susan Amos, Quinsigamond Community College
Teina Lochan-Dodd, Quinsigamond Community College
Xaide Campbell, Quinsigamond Community College
Amber Pfeiffer,Quinsigamond Community College
Monique Brooks, Quinsigamond Community College
Lili Nizankiewicz, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Thomas Rowley, University at Buffalo
Christine Alexander, University of Maryland-College Park
Suhana Chattopadhyay, University of Maryland-College Park
Jennie Lee-Kim, University of Maryland-College Park
Jennifer Hadden, University of Maryland-College Park
Angela Katenkamp Shiplet, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Jennifer Schermerhorn, Salisbury University
Veronica Murphy, Rockland Community College
Angela Northrup, Rockland Community College
Sara Annunziato, Rockland Community College
Patricia Zodda, Rockland Community College
Monica VanKlompenberg, University of Maryland-College Park
Erin Moody, University of Maryland-College Park
Madeline Crocitto, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Patricia Szobonya, Rockland Community College
Wendy Gordon, Rockland Community College
Nicole Townsend, Lone Star College System
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Fotini Anagnostopoulos-King, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Isabel Rambob, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Violet Kulo, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Robert Bennett, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Certificate Recipients
Jessica Harris, SUNY Oswego
Emily Hegarty, Nassau Community College
Peter Marino, Rockland Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
April Crenshaw, Chattanooga State Community College
Anita Polk-Conley, Chattanooga State Community College
Jillian Decker, Rockland Community College
Mihai Paraschiv, SUNY College at Oswego
Sara Macel, Rockland Community College
Jiayue Shen, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Katherine Copp Brown, Rockland Community College
Carol Van Zile-Tamsen, University at Buffalo
Rosa Perez, College of Southern Nevada
Michelle Monsourf, Morrisville State College
Hilton Lasalle, LSC-Houston North
Lei Huang, SUNY at Fredonia
Mary Beth Sievens, SUNY at Fredonia
Kelly Soczka Steidinger, SUNY at Fredonia
Jessica Finkeldey, SUNY at Fredonia
Angela McGowan-Kirsch, SUNY at Fredonia
Nancy Jager, SUNY at Fredonia
Ivani Vassoler, SUNY at Fredonia
Destiny Sanvido, Lone Star College System
Certificate Recipients
Lena Shaqareq, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kathleen Locklear, SUNY College at Oswego
Jennifer Adjodha-Evans, Herkimer County Community College
Christine Van Namee, Mohawk Valley Community College
Patricia Mason-Williams, SUNY College at Brockport
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Christina Teresi, Dutchess Community College
Ann Geisendorfer, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Sharon Peck, SUNY College at Geneseo
Melinda Fredenburg, North Country Community College
Christine Morris, Nashua Community College
Danielle Richards, College of Southern Nevada
Eileen Metcalfe, College of Southern Nevada
Certificate Recipients
Jessica Hutchison, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Suk-Young Kang, SUNY at Binghamton
Krystle Chalich, Adirondack Community College
Jill Johnson, Eastern Iowa Community Colleges
Gregory Van Den Berg, Rockland Community College
Radha Ganesan, Stony Brook University
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Dae Sung Han, Rockland Community College
Elizabeth Tolman, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Ashley Seager-Cecchini, Finger Lakes Community College
Kimberly Wild, Farmingdale State College
Robert Morris, Community College System of New Hampshire
Shannon Daoust, Nashua Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, Rockland Community College
Stephanie Poplock, SUNY Oneonta
Sukbin Song, Rockland Community College
Marty Kellum, Calhoun Community College
Xin Ye, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Gerster, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Kathleen Gradel, SUNY at Fredonia
Certificate Recipients
Peter Marino, Rockland Community College
Maryalice Citera, State University of New York at New Paltz
Marybeth Heyden, Stony Brook Medicine
Kimberly Wild, Farmingdale State College
Stephanie Ortel, Genesee Community College
Nicole Schiffmacher, Nassau Community College
Jill Amati, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Jennifer Shloming, Fashion Institute of Technology
Cheryl Novins, Nassau Community College
Benjamin Williamson, Binghamton University
Richard Marcoux, Morrisville State College
Caitlin Lapine, Nassau Community College
Dorothy Hartigan, Nassau Community College
Mahla Zare Mehrjerdi, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Jessica Hutchison, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Michitake Aso, SUNY at Albany
Wendy Johnston, Adirondack Community College
Sofia Rafi, SUNY Westchester Community College
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Santucci-Spero, Rockland Community College
Stephanie Andrews, Lone Star College System
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Shamsul Arefeen, Morrisville State College
Keith Pardini, Suffolk County Community College
Augusta Williams, SUNY Upstate Medical University
Melanie Medeiros, SUNY College at Geneseo
Sabrina Lopez, State University of New York at New Paltz
Cindy Shireman, ICCOC Iowa Community Colleges Online Consortium
DianeAliprandi, Southeastern Community College – IA
PatrickDickey, Northwest Iowa Community College
Connie Richardson, Dana Center
Christopher Closson, SUNY at Fredonia
Michelle Monsourf, Morrisville State College
Mitali Pradhan, Farmingdale State College
Savita Hanspal, SUNY College at Potsdam
Sharon Peck, SUNY College at Geneseo
Parvaneh Sheikh, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kathleen Locklear, SUNY College at Oswego
Lena Shaqareq, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Timothy Strode, Nassau Community College
David Rondeau, Nashua Community College
Certificate Recipients
Alicia Briganti, Dalton State College
Ann Geisendorfer, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Kamil Hamaoui, SUNY Westchester Community College
James Hansen, Alfred University
Catherine Lewis, Nassau Community College
Elizabeth Congdon, SUNY Broome Community College
Shushawna DeOliveira, SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Monika Espinasa, Ulster County Community College
Anisa Hansen, Drake University
Nancy Kane, SUNY Cortland
Jeffery McMinn, Hudson Valley Community College
Sangeeta Nischal, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Jillian Nissen, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Jessica Sarauer, Morrisville State College
Brian Schwartz, Columbus State University
Nisha Varghese, Binghamton University
Marion Ben-Jacob, Rockland Community College
David Borreggine, Rockland Community College
Beatrice Bridglall, Rockland Community College
Stacy Casden, Rockland Community College
Jenny Frank, Morrisville State College
Bobbie Harman, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Khader Humied, Rockland Community College
Zhiging Teng, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Catherine Willis, Hudson Valley Community College
Jennifer Tripp, Nashua Community College
Chelsea McCracken, SUNY Oneonta
Peter Arvanites, Rockland Community College
Kevin Dames, SUNY Cortland
Lindsay Farrar, Adirondack Community College
Peter Fiore, Rockland Community College
Elyse Fuller, Rockland Community College
Dae Sung Han, Rockland Community College
Cynthia Lasman, Rockland Community College
Dino Lucido, Rockland Community College
Ingrid Montgomery, Rockland Community College
Krista Quinn, Rockland Community College
Kelli Rodriguez, North Country Community College
Naftali Rottenstreich, Adirondack Community College
Rene Arnold, Lone Star College System
Bethzabeth Berrios, Rockland Community College
Dr. Nicholas Dianuzzo, Rockland Community College
Suzanne DiRenno, Rockland Community College
Pamela Furline, Rockland Community College
Matthew Matcovich, Rockland Community College
Shamika Mitchell, Rockland Community College
Shamsad Parvin, Morrisville State College
Erin Ranft, LSC-North Harris
Nancy Rosen, Rockland Community College
Jennifer Santucci-Spero, Rockland Community College
Ralph Swain, Western Iowa Tech Community College
Gregory Van Den Berg, Rockland Community College
Xin Ye, Rockland Community College
Luis Cuesta, SUNY at Albany
Irina Holden, SUNY at Albany
Michael Jones, Western Iowa Tech Community College
Janita Moricette, Tompkins Cortland Community College
Katya Stanislavskaya, State University of New York at New Paltz
Denisa Talovic, SUNY Broome Community College
Tanja Darden, Towson University
Ayanna Lynch, Bowie State University
Ioan Marginean, University of Baltimore
Maureen Sullivan, Bowie State University
Sarah Archibald, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Carlen Bini, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Angelica Fernandez-Dizon, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Soraya Green, University of Maryland Global Campus
Heather Hall, Frostburg State University
Audra Houser, Frostburg State University
Tanner Kilpatrick, University of Maryland-College Park
Mary Bondy, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Negin Fouladi, University of Maryland-College Park
Karen Gordes, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Lindsey Leeds, University of Maryland Global Campus
Melissa McClean, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Elias Snyder, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Sylvette Latoche-Howard, University System of Maryland
Certificate Recipients
Nana Ankrah, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Tejpreet Chadha, Binghamton University
Lekisha Griffin, SUNY College at Brockport
Kevin Hofmann, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Gloria Morgan, SUNY College at Brockport
Eric Paner, Erie Community College
Michelle Saavedra, Suffolk County Community College
Mehwish Sarwari, SUNY Buffalo State
Certificate Recipients
Amanda Couitt, River Valley Community College
Bridget Conley, River Valley Community College
Shing Chi Leung, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Zoë Misiewicz, SUNY College at Oswego
Daniel Holz, Schenectady County Community College
Caitlin Parzych, Suffolk County Community College
Katherine Griffes, SUNY Oneonta
Mary Arenberg, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Christopher Stavisky, University at Buffalo
Certificate Recipients
Jayne Barnes, Nashua Community College
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
John Carlisle, Nashua Community College
Tin Chi Solomon Chak, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Mark D’Arcy, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Matthew Doggett, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Jennifer Forney, Jamestown Community College
Aimee Jahn, River Valley Community College
Eileen MacAvery Kane, Rockland Community College
Carol Anne Kozik, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Talia Lipton, Rockland Community College
Audrey Nasar, Fashion Institute of Technology
Francia Reed, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Michelle Sweeney, River Valley Community College
Certificate Recipients
Yuda Anriany, Prince George’s Community College
Jeffrey Clark, Adirondack Community College
Stacy Constantin, Bowie State University
Mary Cunill, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Natasha Daniels, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Patience Ebuwei, Coppin State University
Robert Faivre, Adirondack Community College
Glenn Gebler, Prince George’s Community College
Elizabeth Hansen, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Lilia Juele, Rockland Community College
Kelly Marcus, Southwestern Community College (ICCOC)
Lizette Martinez, SUNY Westchester Community College
Ornella Mazzuca, Dutchess Community College
Judy Naber, Iowa Lakes Community College
Brandye Nobiling, Salisbury University
Danica Nowosielski, Hudson Valley Community College
Jennifer Nyland, Salisbury University
Deirdre Ourso, Ulster County Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, Rockland Community College
Brian Schmidt, College of Southern Nevada
Karen Silverstrim, Salisbury University
Sonya Smith, Community College of Baltimore County
Angela Spires, College of Southern Nevada
Shirin Sultana, SUNY College at Brockport
Felicia Wider Lewis, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kimberly Yadon, Western State Colorado University
Chance Lee Joyner, Nashua Community College
Certificate Recipients
Mallory Branco, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Jim Hokanson, SUNY Cortland
Laurie Lacey, Schenectady County Community College
Marina Layvand, SUNY Empire State College
Patricia Mason-Williams, SUNY College at Brockport
Maureen McCormick, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Amy Salvati, Adirondack Community College
Nisha Varghese, Binghamton University
Tim Vatovec, State University of New York at New Paltz
Certificate Recipients
Jean Amato, Fashion Institute of Technology
Marlene Camacho, SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Bret Carpenter, Oregon State University
Stellina Chapman, State University of New York at New Paltz
Theresa Curtis, SUNY Cortland
John Damino, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Cynthia Deleon Guerrero, Lone Star College System
Chiara DeSanti, Farmingdale State College
Carla Dubose, SUNY Westchester Community College
Marty Kellum, Calhoun Community College
Christina Knopf, SUNY Cortland
Laura Lewis, University at Buffalo
Ann Liao, SUNY Buffalo State
Carol Lowe, SUNY College at Potsdam
Rebha Sabharwal, Rockland Community College
Mehwish Sarwari, SUNY Buffalo State
Arlesa Shephard, SUNY Buffalo State
Sukbin Song, Rockland Community College
Cheryl Spulecki, University at Buffalo
Richard Wates, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Chris Widdall, SUNY Cortland
Certificate Recipients
Ahmad Almomani, SUNY College at Geneseo
Audrey Antee, Florida State College at Jacksonville
John Berry, Calhoun Community College
Christi Bisson, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Antoine Blanc, SUNY Oneonta
Melissa Boyd, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Allison Bryant, Howard University
Flordeliz Bugarin, Howard University
Sabrina Casucci, University at Buffalo
Elizabeth Clizbe, University at Buffalo
Jannefer Coleman, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Jillian Crocker, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Lisa D’Adamo-Weinstein, SUNY Empire State College
Marina del Sol, Howard University
Erzsebet Fazekas, SUNY at Albany
Amy Fenwick, Finger Lakes Community College
Yuvay Ferguson, Howard University
Richard Fletcher, College of Southern Nevada
Cayla Gaworecki, Schenectady County Community College
Jennifer Gerster, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Lennox Graham, Howard University
Marissa Green Francescon, Eastern Iowa Community College District
Tracii Friedman, Colorado Mesa University
Kristel Guimara, North Country Community College
Moises Hassan, Stony Brook University
Michele Holden, Farmingdale State College
Tara Holmes, SUNY at Albany
Eliseo Jacob, Howard University
Orval Jewett, Nassau Community College
Nancy Kane, SUNY Cortland
Alexandra Kay, Orange County Community College
Clarice Kelleher, Binghamton University
Kimberly Koch, Calhoun Community College
Kayla Koehler, Hudson Valley Community College
Amol Kulkarni, Howard University
Wuri Kusumastuti, SUNY at Albany
Luye Li, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Esther Lisanza, Howard University
Brian Lowe, SUNY Oneonta
Kyndra Middleton, Howard University
Beverley Moses, Orange County Community College
Jody Nedley Newcomb, Southwestern Community College (ICCOC)
Patricia Noone, Howard University
Paige O’Neill, Harford Community College
Krista Rivera, Adirondack Community College
Laura Roots, College of Southern Nevada
Naftali Rottenstreich, Adirondack Community College
Dana Salkowsky, Orange County Community College
Christopher Scalzo, Morrisville State College
Gillian Silver-Rodis, College of Southern Nevada
Jessica Sniatecki, SUNY College at Brockport
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Shirin Sultana, SUNY College at Brockport
Christina Teresi, Dutchess Community College
John Thompson, SUNY Buffalo State
Cynthia Travers, Niagara County Community College
Assia Wade, College of Southern Nevada
Frederick Ware, Howard University
Margaret Wehrer, Mohawk Valley Community College
Donna Whitelaw, North Country Community College
Jennifer Withington, SUNY Oneonta
Anna Woodworth, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Albert Wu, College of Southern Nevada
Certificate Recipients
Diane Alonso, University of Maryland-Baltimore County
Anushka Aqil, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Shamim Arastu, Lone Star College System
Jessica August, Quinsigamond Community College
Theresa Baginski, Jamestown Community College
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Mallory Blanco, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Vanessa Lago Barros, Rockland Community College
Shelby Bercu, Lone Star College System
Anthony Bess, Lone Star College System
Jennifer Bluma, State University of New York at New Paltz
Farid Bouya, Oregon State University
Alexander Brown, Rockland Community College
Brett Burkhardt, Oregon State University
Anna Byrd, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Andrea Cantora, University of Baltimore
Shanna Cawley, Quinsigamond Community College
Tin Chi Solomon Chak, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Gargi Chug, Quinsigamond Community College
Sheryl Clark, Lone Star College System
Holly Currie, Frostburg State University
Magdalena (Maggie) Cohen, Rockland Community College
Balencia Sariah Crosby, Lone Star College System
Chelsea Daggett, Frostburg State University
Annie Danzi, Frostburg State University
Okianer Christian Dark, Howard University
Amlan Datta, Lone Star College System
Jeni Davis, Salisbury University
Josephine Dawuni, Howard University
Jillian Decker, Rockland Community College
Naveen Dixit, University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Nancy Donohue-Berthiaume, Quinsigamond Community College
Melanie Dozier, Lone Star College System
Lauren Dubell, Lone Star College System
Ernest Dupree lll, Lone Star College System
Laura Dupree, Lone Star College System
Tanya Swanson Easley, Lone Star College System
Tammy Ellis-Robinson, SUNY at Albany
Brunilda Lugo de Fabritz, Howard University
Shani Fleming, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
James Fox, Salisbury University
Ela Freeman, Oregon State University
Maria Gabryszewska, Lone Star College System
Tasha Galardi, Oregon State University
Ruth Ann Gallagher, Eastern Iowa Community Colleges
Lucy Gichaga, Bowie State University
Rachel Golland, Rockland Community College
Jodilynn Greico, Rockland Community College
Ina Griffin, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Ricci Hall, Quinsigamond Community College
Shane Hall, Salisbury University
Anne Harris, Lone Star College System
Susan Henry, SUNY at Albany
Keith Hirst, Quinsigamond Community College
Brandon Hogan, Howard University
Daniel Holz, Schenectady County Community College
Orin Howard, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Lori Hughes, Lone Star College System
Altaf Husain, Howard University
Alicia James, Lone Star College System
Shelia Jennings, Lone Star College System
Tenni John-Idiagbonya, Bowie State University
Melissa Johnson, Cayuga County Community College
Brandolyn Jones, Lone Star College System
Penina Kamina, SUNY Oneonta
Carolyne King, Salisbury University
Derya Kulavuz-Onal, Salisbury University
Kwasi Kwakye-Nuako, Howard University
Kwema Ledbetter, Bowie State University
Shan Lei, Salisbury University
Melissa Livingston, Oregon State University
John Lombardi, Atlantic Broadband
David Lucander, Rockland Community College
Thalia MacMilllan, SUNY Empire State College
Sara Macel, Rockland Community College
Andrew Mangle, Bowie State University
Peter Marino, Rockland Community College
Esmeralda Martinez, Lone Star College System
Kiara Massar, SUNY College at Geneseo
Laurie Mawyer, Lone Star College System
Jason McCartney, Salisbury University
Edward McDermott, Salisbury University
Diane McMahon, Frostburg State University
Nancy Chiocchi McMorrow, Rockland Community College
Lacy Moreno, Lone Star College System
My Nguyen, Quinsigamond Community College
Janice Nilsen, National Louis University
Connie Noeller, Lone Star College System
Rhea Nowak, SUNY Oneonta
Robert O’Brien, Lone Star College System
Stephen Oby, Salisbury University
Stephanie Ortel, Genesee Community College
Jenny Owens, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Marilyn Painter, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Sukhmani Pal, Quinsigamond Community College
Mosadi Porter, Lone Star College System
Catherine Quinlan, Howard University
Eduardo Ramirez, Quinsigamond Community College
Bhavna Rawal, Lone Star College System
Kathy Rentsch, Quinsigamond Community College
Alicia Richardson, Schenectady County Community College
Zenya Richardson, Rockland Community College
Yusuf Rimawi, Rockland Community College
Konstadinos Ritsatos, Rockland Community College
Eduardo Rivas, Quinsigamond Community College
Axel Saenz Rodriguez, Oregon State University
Laura Rose, University of Maryland-Baltimore County
Mary Roth, Orange County Community College
Raquel J. Schmidt, SUNY Buffalo State
Elizabeth Sharp, National Louis University
Corey Shdaimah, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Egbert Shillingford, Rockland Community College
Kristin Shimmin, Frostburg State University
Anne Silva, Salisbury University
Alayna Smiley, Howard University
Sheryl Span, Oregon State University
Christopher Stavisky, University at Buffalo
Carrie Steinman, SUNY Empire State College
Emily Story, Salisbury University
Liberty Stanavage, SUNY College at Potsdam
Erin Stutelberg, Salisbury University
John Sy, Oregon State University
Kara Rogers Thomas, Frostburg State University
Morris Thomas, Howard University
Rita Thomas, Frostburg State University
Jamelyn Tobery-Nystrom, Frostburg State University
Malaika Turner, Howard University
Joerg Tuske, Salisbury University
Chris Twiggs, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Christine Vassallo-Oby, Salisbury University
Lane Victorson, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Heather Wagner, State University of New York at New Paltz
Melissa Wells, SUNY Empire State College
Donna Willingham, Lone Star College System
Jennifer Wood, SUNY College at Brockport
Isabel Quintana Wulf, Salisbury University
Tingting Xiong, Howard University
Julie Zwart, Oregon State University
Certificate Recipients
Jordan Bell, Dutchess Community College
Ahmed Benkhalti, Howard Community College
Cristina Butler, Montgomery College
Jessica Clark, Salisbury University
Nicole Clarke, Prince George’s Community College
Allison Collins, Wor-Wic Community College
Daniela Coman, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Mark D’Arcy, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Doreen Decorah, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Max Dehne, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Angelea Dukes, Mount St. Mary’s University
Ashanti Bryant Foster, Prince George’s Community College
Sevvtap Frantz, Prince George’s Community College
Jonathan Fredericks, Rockland Community College
Sophia Georgiakaki, Tompkins Cortland Community College
Maureen Peters Gittleman, Dutchess Community College
Maria Gomez-Rubio, University of Maryland-Baltimore County
Mary Holden-Musser, Anne Arundel Community College
Darshna Katwala, Nassau Community College
Frederic Lang, Howard Community College
Christopher Mascolo, Hudson Valley Community College
Kendra Miller, Prince George’s Community College
Jennifer Shloming, Fashion Institute of Technology
James Smith, Montgomery College
Gro Torsethaugen, University of Maryland Global Campus
Sharon Uskokovich, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Krista White, Anne Arundel Community College
Erin Witte, Towson University
Tracy Worley, University of Baltimore
Certificate Recipients
Lanh Bloodworth, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Stacy Fisher, College of Southern Nevada
Karen Getman, Mohawk Valley Community College
Wilson Kaiser, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Linghong Li, SUNY College at Potsdam
Yibin Liu, University at Buffalo
Jeffery McMinn, Hudson Valley Community College
Diana Najjar, SUNY Westchester Community College
Carol Neil, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Nainika Patnayakuni, Calhoun Community College
Mary Ryder, Suffolk County Community College
Azure Thompson, SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Lue Turner, SUNY Empire State College
Certificate Recipients
Rachelle Allen McFarlane, Howard University
Michelle Alonso, Miami Dade College
Laura Bailey, Onondaga Community College
Oscar Blanco, Miami Dade College
Elizabeth Bojsza, Stony Brook University
Mary Ann Hughes Butts, College of Southern Nevada
Julio Capo, Florida International University
Michael Creeden, Florida International University
Maria C Cumana, Miami Dade College
Lisa D’Adamo-Weinstein, SUNY Empire State College
Carlton Daley, Miami Dade College
Alaina Davis, Howard University
Rebecca Eliseo Arras, SUNY Empire State College
Maru Etta Nkwelle, Howard University
Barbara Fears, Howard University
John Frazier, Miami Dade College
Jahaira Galvez, Florida International University
Emily Gerace, Rockland Community College
Marta Gierczyk, Florida International University
Christine Gregory, Florida International University
Daniel Guernsey, Florida International University
Stephen Hampe, SUNY Empire State College
Theresa Hollaway, Howard University
Sheree Johnson, Howard University
Colleen Kaminski, Corning Community College
Rachael Karugu, Binghamton University
Danielle Kloster, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Dawn Kollasch, Iowa Lakes Community College
Carol Anne Kozik, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Alexander Kuhn, Stony Brook University
Lucy Lim, Howard University
Jackie Loftus, Miami Dade College
Carmen Lopez, Miami Dade College
Nea Maloo, Howard University
Judith Mansilla, Florida International University
Lorena Mathien, SUNY Buffalo State
Christine Martorana, Florida International University
Lindsey Maxwell, Florida International University
Yousi Mazpule, Miami Dade College
Ray Morales, Miami Dade College
Patricia Ayuk Noumedem, Howard University
Silvia Pease, Florida International University
Jennifer Printz, Florida International University
Simeon Richardson, Miami Dade College
Dan Royles, Florida International University
Thomas Scicluna, Florida International University
Katrina Smith, Miami Dade College
Angela Spires, College of Southern Nevada
Maria Helena Thevenot, Miami Dade College
Nick Vagnoni, Florida International University
Chantalle Verna, Florida International University
Cayce Wicks, Florida International University
Benjamin Williamson, Binghamton University
Kamilah Wilson, National Louis University
Cynthia Winston Proctor, Howard University
Certificate Recipients
Roiann Baskin, Lone Star College System
Charlotte Clark Rowe, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Anne Ginnett, Lone Star College System
Jeniah Jones, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Stephanie Krueger, Lone Star College System
Tiffany Martin, Lone Star College System
Georgina Palencia, Lone Star College System
Carla Tierney, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Alanna Tynes, Lone Star College System
Annette Zapata, Lone Star College System
Certificate Recipients
EJ Cha, College of Southern Nevada
Jen Eaton, Hudson Valley Community College
Berrin Kilicarslan, Wor Wic Community College
Tina Martin, College of Southern Nevada
Getachew Wendim, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Felicia Wider Lewis, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Certificate Recipients
Lynn Classon, Jamestown Community College
Brianne Lawton, Niagara County Community College
Robert Matarazzo, Suffolk County Community College
Heather Ostman, SUNY Westchester Community College
Diana Siberio-Perez, SUNY Empire State College
Sheila Stepp, Orange County Community College
Margret Wehrer, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Jenna Wintemberg, University of Missouri
Certificate Recipients
Jennifer Adojodha-Evans, Herkimer County Community College
Thomas Bagwelll, University of Mississippi
Meg Barnes, University of Mississippi
Anna Biel, Fulton-Montgomery Community College
Elizabeth Bojsza, Stony Brook University
Mellissa Boles, Columbia-Greene Community College
Mallory Branco, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Vera Case, Towson University
Kate Centellas, University of Mississippi
Stephanie Clark, Santa Ana College
Samantha Cohen-Winans, University of Mississippi
Erica Cope, SUNY Buffalo State
Katherine Copp Brown, Rockland Community College
Sophia Georgiakaki, Tompkins Cortland Community College
Amber Henslee, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Carolyn Higdon, University of Mississippi
Ilka Kressner, SUNY at Albany
Echo Leaver, Salisbury University
Nicole Lewis, University of Mississippi
Yibin Liu, University at Buffalo
Christine Marchese, Nassau Community College
Kris McGee, Frostburg State University
Elizabeth Mosser, Harford Community College
Hannah Nelson, University of Mississippi
Lori Overstreet, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kisha Rasband, Odessa College
Chilton Reynolds, SUNY Oneonta
Jen Siddall, Harford Community College
Jason Solinger, University of Mississippi
Kathryn Stam, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Jessica Traylor, Gordon State College
Ebru Ulusou, Farmingdale State College
Marc Watkins, University of Mississippi
John Wiginton, University of Mississippi
Anna Woodworth, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Certificate Recipients
Stephanie Blowe, Lone Star College
Mark Bowman, Lone Star College
Adriana Bryant, Lone Star College
Melissa Resnick, Cuyahoga Community College
Jay Wesserman, Santa Ana College
Certificate Recipients
Ivetta Abramyan, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Zahid Akhtar, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Renu Balyan, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Lanh Bloodworth, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kathleen Borbee, Monroe Community College
Serena Cooke, Genesee Community College
Lisa Crawford, Calhoun Community College
Shahida Dar, Mohawk Valley Community College
Matthew Doggett, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Rebecca Eliseo-Arras, SUNY Empire State College
Allen Farina, National Louis University
David San Filippo, National Louis University
Thomas Flesher, Suffolk County Community College
Elizabeth Fosnight, Sullivan County Community College
Sophia Georgiakaki, Tompkins Cortland Community College
Laura Geraci, SUNY Fredonia
Sheneka Gioffredi, Colorado Technical University
Megan Glenn, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Ryan Irwin, SUNY at Albany
Natalie Johnson, National Louis University
Wilson Kaiser, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Marty Kellum, Calhoun Community College
Andrew Kennon, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Michael Krause, National Louis University
Alexander Kuhn, Stony Brook University
Joseph LaBarbera, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Christopher Lee, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Scott Lyons, Orange County Community College
Debidatta Mahapatra, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Jason Matthews, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Peggy McCartt, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Fabio Montella, Suffolk County Community College
Marcie Newton, SUNY Albany
Kenneth Nichols, SUNY College at Oswego
Holly Powell, Calhoun Community College
Jessica Powers, Harford Community College
Shebuti Rayana, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Susan Reilly, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Claire Rhodes, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Paula Risko, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kathleen Rogers, Stony Brook University
Kimberly Rombach, SUNY Cortland
Brian Schwartz, Columbus State University
Elizabeth Sharp, National Louis University
Marta Szpak, Suffolk County Community College
Jamie Tabone, SUNY Buffalo State
Guangyu Tan, SUNY Fredonia
Elaine Taylor-Wilde, North Country Community College
Zhiging Teng, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Catherine Titus, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Jillian Walkowiak, SUNY Buffalo State
Brett Winkelhake, Rider University
Xin Ye, Rockland Community College
Virginia Zeitlin, National Louis University
Certificate Recipients
Sarah A Solley, SUNY College at Potsdam
Nalini Addanki, Westchester Community College
Audrey Antee, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Jonathan Auyer, Monroe Community College
Laura Bailey, Onondaga Community College
Kathryn Barrett-Gain, University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Jordan Bell, Dutchess Community College
Mark Berczynski, University of Maryland-Baltimore
Jim Booth, University of Maryland Global Campus
Stacie Bradshaw, Roane State Community College
Maurice Brown, Southwest Tennessee Community College
Jessica Brown, The University of Maryland, Baltimore
Kelly Bubp, Frostburg State University
Lis Buchanan, Northeast State Community College
Tyesha Burks, Bowie State University
David Burns, Salisbury University
Jason Cash, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Scott Cason, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Tracie Clifford, Chattanooga State Community College
Maurice Crawford, University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Mary Lee Cunill, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Jessica Curran, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Danna Prather Davis, Suffolk County Community College
Kathleen Davis, University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Jung-Whan de Jong, Fashion Institute of Technology
Laurie Dentinger, Erie Community College
Nicole Dombrowski, Towson University
Sydney Duncan, Frostburg State University
Michael English, University of Maryland Global Campus
Jenna Epstein, Frostburg State University
Elizabeth Fonseca, Nassau Community College
Eugene Francis, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Rawlslyn Francis, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Andrea Franckowlak, Dyersburg State Community College
Caroline Froc, Northeast State Community College
Radha Ganesan, Stony Brook University
Rebecca Garcia, Stony Brook University
Emily Gerace, Rockland Community College
Christina Goodell, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Patricia Goslee-Contee, University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Tracey Graney, Monroe Community College
Debora Faccion Grodzki, Binghamton University
Alana Hackshaw, University of Maryland-College Park
Stefanie Hay, Frostburg State University
Adrienne Hinds, Columbia State Community College
Nicole Hollywood, University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Anne Marie Hubbell, University of Maryland Global Campus
Candace Johnson, University of Maryland Global Campus
Iona Johnson, Towson University
Wendy Johnston, SUNY Adirondack
Tamara Jones, Motlow State Community College
Evelyn Jones, University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Julia Keller, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Murph Kinney, Suffolk County Community College
Kristi Leach, Pellissippi State Community College
Joni Lenig, Columbia State Community College
Tammira Lucas, Harford Community College
Heidi Marshall, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Craig Mealman, National Louis University
Zoë Misiewicz, SUNY College at Oswego
Dawnsha Mushonga, University of Baltimore
Susan Mythen, University of Maryland Global Campus
Barbara Nolan, SUNY at Fredonia
Nkem P. Nonyel, University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Ekateryna O’Meary, Pellissippi State Community College
Katherine Orlando, Towson University
Landa Palmer, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
David Parfitt, SUNY College at Geneseo
Karen Perrin, Jackson State Community College
Ada Pinkston, Towson University
Anita Polk-Conley, Chattanooga State Community College
Tammy Prater, Jackson State Community College
Miriam Purnell, University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Sarah Reiter, Binghamton University
Michael Restivo, SUNY College at Geneseo
Trenna Richardson, Dyersburg State Community College
Erin Rogers, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Gracie Rossie, Binghamton University
Amany Rostom, National Louis University
Susan Russell, Columbia State Community College
Donna Satterlee, University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Reynolds Scott-Childress, State University of New York at New Paltz
Christopher Seitz-Brown, University of Maryland-College Park
Adriel Slaughter, Northeast State Community College
Joshua Sokoloski, Salisbury University
Karen Sorensen, Pellissippi State Community College
John Strong, Niagara County Community College
Sarah Stuart, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Andrea Suk, Salisbury University
Shirin Sultana, SUNY College at Brockport
Jacquelyn Sweeney, Bowie State University
Cindy Tallent, Volunteer State Community College
Teri Terranova, Volunteer State Community College
Cara Tuzzolino, Nassau Community College
Rachelle Wadsworth, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Jackie Watson, Dyersburg State Community College
C. Jenise Williamson, Bowie State University
Holly Wood, Volunteer State Community College
Sarah Young, Binghamton University
Stephanie Zeto, Jackson State Community College
Certificate Recipients
David Abbott, SUNY Buffalo State
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Anna Byrd, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Mathew Cantore, Hudson Valley Community College
Elizabeth Clizbe, University at Buffalo
Mandy Colosimo, Jamestown Community College
Doreen Decorah, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Maxwell Dehne, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Amy Fenwick, SUNY at Fredonia
Edward Freer, Dutchess Community College
Elizabeth Gaudino-Goering, Nassau Community College
Pazanta Goolsby, Colorado Technical University
Darshna Katwala, Nassau Community College
Heather Lieb, Monroe Community College
Anndrea Mathers, Tompkins Cortland Community College
Jeanette Reinhardt, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Mary Roth, Orange County Community College
Naftali Rottenstreich, SUNY Adirondack
John Thompson, SUNY Buffalo State
Certificate Recipients
Andrea Amos, Northeast State Community College
Maria Avollo, Chattanooga State Community College
Sofyan Azaizeh, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Doreen Bailey, SUNY Albany
Christi Bisson, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Deborah Brabham, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Sheela Brachey, Volunteer State Community College
Valetta Brinson, Southwest Tennessee Community College
Kerry Carlson, Suffolk County Community College
Carma Cook, Chattanooga State community College
April Crenshaw, Chattanooga State Community College
Eva Davis, Walters State Community College
Dustin Fincher, Walters State Community College
Madeline Hibbard, Roane State Community College
Ton Hoerl, Harford Community College
Mary Johnson, Motlow State Community College
Tremaine Leslie, National Louis University
Kamal Malik, Walters State Community college
Paul Mclester, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Donna Nasso, Dyersburg State Community College
Cheryl Novins, Nassau Community College
Tonya Parham, Jackson State Community College
Tara Privette, Jackson State Community College
Christine Schmitt, SUNY System Office
Millie Sefranek, SUNY College at Brockport
Andrea Stephenson, Dyersburg State Community College
Amber Sullivan, Volunteer State Community College
Zora Thomova, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Joshua Tucker, Chattanooga State Community College
Patrick Ward, Chattanooga State Community College
Robin Ward, Motlow State Community College
Rhonda Watson, Nashville State Community College
Susanna Webb, Walters State Community College
John Woodward, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Christy Young, Jackson State Community College
Certificate Recipients
Carole Champagne, University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Alison Cope, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Susan Damon, Santa Ana College
Sara Gibson, Ivy Tech Community College
Erin Gomez, Ivy Tech Community College
Carl Jorgensen, Santa Ana College
Aaron Lauver, Lone Star College System
Kellye Makamson, University of Mississippi
Derek Marchman, Gordon State College
Tiffany Martin, Lone Star College System
John McMullen
Christine Nortz, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Marilyn Painter, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Eliot Parker, University of Mississippi
Mary Ann Parker, University of Mississippi
Kathrine Pine, Ivy Tech Community College
Hannah Salazar, Ivy Tech Community College
Rachel Sult, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Melissa Thomas, Mohawk Valley Community College
Carla Tierney, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Christine Tuaillon, Nassau Community College
Lindsay Wheeler, Ivy Tech Community College
Beverly Wolf, Gordon State College
Certificate Recipients
Farzana Ali, Stony Brook University
Gumble Andrea, SUNY Broome Community College
Jennifer Austin, Hudson Valley Community College
Jan Baum, Towson University
Amy Betti, Monroe Community College
Russell Burchill, Harford Community College
Andrew Cotonea, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Lisa D’Adamo-Weinstein, SUNY Empire State College
Darlene Del Prato, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Rachael Karugu, Binghamton University
Diane McMahon, Allegany College of Maryland
In Hak Moon, SUNY Maritime College
Daniel Powell, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Susan Schulman, SUNY Buffalo State
Julia Shaw, SUNY Empire State College
Amanda Trainham, SUNY College at Oswego
Benjamin Wilson, Stevenson University
Daniel Wolman, Nassau Community College
Andrew Wood, SUNY College of Technology at Canton
Certificate Recipients
Monika Champion, Ivy Tech South Bend
Asha Chavoya
Mark D’Arcy, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Monina Deang, College of Southern Nevada
Karen Howard, Ivy Tech Community College
Penny Jahna, Warner University
Robert Lamar, Warner University
Joshua Luckhaupt, Ivy Tech Community College
Rachel Morgan, Ivy Tech Community College
Suzie Pickle
Jody Stein, College of Southern Nevada
Linda Sung, Santa Ana College
Daniel Tripamer, College of Southern Nevada
Stephanie Ward, Chipola College
Getachew Wendim, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Certificate Recipients
Kaite Anderson, Harford Community College
Patrick Anderson, Miami Dade College
Bindu Arya, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Stacey Baez, Stony Brook University
Laura Bailey, Onondaga Community College
Ildiko Barsony, Miami Dade College
Sarahemla Barth, Upstate Medical University
Minette Beabes, SUNY College at Geneseo
Lisa Berardino, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Misty Bermudez, Miami Dade College
Terry Bianchi, SUNY Orange
Yvonne Bustamante, Alfred State College
Langtao Chen, Missouri University of Science & Technology
Fran Cherkis, Farmingdale State College
Ruth Childs, SUNY College at Brockport
Erica Cope, SUNY Buffalo State
Jessica Curran, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Max Dehne, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Brigitte Desport, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University
Christina Machado Dillon, Miami Dade College
Darrel Elmore, Florida International University
Joan Erickson, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Robert Faivre, Adirondack Community College
Mahelet Fikru, Missouri University of Science & Technology
Rebecca Ford, Florida State College at Jacksonville
John Frazier, Miami Dade College
Garth Frizzell, College of New Caledonia
Jahaira Gálvez, Florida International University
Maria Alina Garcia, Miami Dade College
Elise Gervais, SUNY at Albany
Kathleen Gillespie, SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
Andrew Golden, Florida International University
Laurie Gorman, Nassau Community College
Katherine Griffes, SUNY Oneonta
Gina Guarente, Dutchess Community College
Lorie Holt, University of Missouri-Kansas City
Cheryl Huff, Germanna Community College
Robert Humphrey, Cayuga County Community College
Delma Iles, Miami Dade College
Jennifer Jones, Westchester Community College
Elana Karshmer, Florida International University
Ron Keeney, Alfred State College
Melissa Lammey, Miami Dade College
Melanie Law, College of New Caledonia
Heather Lieb, Monroe Community College
Tania Lopez, Florida International University
Lorena Mathien, SUNY Buffalo State
Lindsey Maxwell, Florida International University
Emily Miethner, Fashion Institute of Technology
Jania Moricette, Tompkins Cortland Community College
Erin Newton, Onondaga Community College
Jillian Nissen, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Cheryl Novins, Nassau Community College
Silvia Pease, Florida International University
Diane Perilli, SUNY Empire State College
Monica Plata, Miami Dade College
Kinning Poon, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Jennifer Printz, Florida International University
Crystal Quillen, Middlesex County College
Caitlin Richardson, Miami Dade College
Marina Rodriguez, Miami Dade College
Julio Rodriguez-Rentas, Westchester Community College
Mehwish Sarwari, SUNY Buffalo State
Sally Sayles-Hannon, Cayuga County Community College
Sukbin Song, SUNY Rockland Community College
Michelle Speach, Mohawk Valley Community College
Hongyue Sun, University at Buffalo
Nahid Taheri, College of New Caledonia
Luke Thominet, Florida International University
Cara Tuzzolino, Nassau Community College
Chantalle Verna, Florida International University
Carolina Villalba, Florida International University
Kate Votaw, University of Missouri-St Louis
Risheng Wang, Missouri University of Science & Technology
Shelley Wick, Florida International University
Andrew Wood, SUNY College of Technology at Canton
Certificate Recipients
Mahmoud Aly, SUNY College of Technology at Canton
Jeffrey Baker, Monroe Community College
Melissa Beck, Wagner College
Adrian Carr, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Nur Cayirdag, Mohawk Valley Community College
Tin Chi Solomon Chak, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Tom Hoerl, Harford Community College
Angela Hull, University of Missouri
Wendy Johnston, Adirondack Community College
Dorina Kosztin, University of Missouri
Jessica Kruger, University at Buffalo
Thalia MacMillan, SUNY Empire State College
Steven Murphy, Binghamton University
Mandy Newcomb, College of New Caledonia
Kenneth Nichols, SUNY College at Oswego
Daphne Powell, College of Southern Maryland
Sarah Reiman, Harford Community College
Alena Rodick, SUNY Empire State College
Patricia Swanson, Stony Brook University
Zhijing Teng, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Valerie Buckley, National Louis University
Bilge Cerezci, National Louis University
Angela Elkordy, National Louis University
Parker Hall, National Louis University
Kimberlee Hendricks, National Louis University
Nur Karatas, National Louis University
Mary Kelly, National Louis University
Angiemil Pérez Peña, National Louis University
Jaclyn Rivard, National Louis University
Natasha Schnell, National Louis University
Elizabeth Teahan, National Louis University
Certificate Recipients
Sheryl Aaron-Tristani, Harford Community College
Oluwakemi Adeola, Howard University
Maryan Ali, Howard University
Antija Allen, Pellissippi State Community College
Nancy Almann, Tompkins Cortland Community College
Jesus Alonso-Regalado, SUNY at Albany
Sara Amato, Cleveland State Community College
Renee Arnold-O’Regan, SUNY Orange
Jennifer Austin, Hudson Valley Community College
Melissa Barna, College of New Caledonia
Silvia Bliss, Morrisville State College
Erin Bloom, Volunteer State Community College
Beth Boyd, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Casey Brown, Cuyahoga Community College
Jennifer Brown, Harford Community College
Luke Brown, Howard University
Florie Bugarin, Howard University
Melanie Carter, Howard University
Tracie Clifford, Chattanooga State Community College
Melynda Conner, Tennessee Board of Regents
April Coughlin, SUNY at New Paltz
Shilpa Desai, Southwest Tennessee Community College
Dominque Douglas, Howard University
Oline Eaton, Howard University
Elvira Eivazova, Columbia State Community College
Angela Elkins, Walters State Community College
Anna Esquival, Jackson State Community College
Jane Fleming, Harford Community College
Kevin Fleming, Harford Community College
Brian Gerber, Cleveland State Community College
William Gillis, Missouri University of Science & Technology
Aaron Gray, Northeast State Community College
Misty Griffith, Motlow State Community College
Wanda Grimes, Volunteer State Community College
Marie Hannon-Mandel, Corning Community College
Kay Heck, Walters State Community College
Lisa Heimbauer, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Derek Hiley, Cuyahoga Community College
David Houston, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Syeda Hyder, Florida State College at Jacksonville
JohnPatrick Ifedi, Howard University
Fatimah Jackson, Howard University
Eliseo Jacob, Howard University
Nicole Jenkins, Howard University
Sandy Jennings-Hammond, Southeastern Community College
Melissa Johnson, Cayuga County Community College
Candace Justice, Walters State Community College
Kristine Keay, Harford Community College
Jim Kelly, Northeast State Community College
April Kidd, Cleveland State Community College
Benjamin Lawrence, Jackson State Community College
Jialing Li, Jackson State Community College
Julie Manley, Coppin State University
Chris Marchese, Nassau Community College
Shaquille Marsh, Pellissippi State Community College
Christopher Mascolo, Hudson Valley Community College
Salahuddin Masum, Southwest Tennessee Community College
Michele McCarthy, Chattanooga State Community College
Jessica McClure, Walters State Community College
Arti Mehta, Howard University
Rick Merritt, Northeast State Community College
Orquidea Morales, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Gilaine Nettles, Howard University
Liz Norell, Chattanooga State Community College
Ekateryna O’Meary, Pellissippi State Community College
Michael Pagel, Northeast State Community College
Sean Pears, Howard University
Rachel Perri, Motlow State Community College
Alexis Petri, University of Missouri-Kansas City
Muhammad Rahman, College of New Caledonia
Paul Ramp, Pellissippi State Community College
Maria Randazzo-Davis, Farmingdale State College
Jennifer Reaves, Jackson State Community College
Melanie Ribaric, Chattanooga State Community College
Rebecca Riggs, Cleveland State Community College
Amelia Rinehart, Nashville State Community College
Kimberly Rombach, SUNY Cortland
Jesse Rungkitwattanakul, Howard University
Roberta Schlehr, Erie Community College
Tanya Shanklin, Howard University
Alyxandra Sherwood, SUNY College at Geneseo
Girija Shinde, Volunteer State Community College
Sidra Smith, Howard University
Marina del Sol, Howard University
Suzanne Stephens, Walters State Community College
Rick Stoody, Cleveland State Community College
Ingrid Sturgis, Howard University
Jamie Tabone, SUNY Buffalo State
Malina Thiede, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
John Thompson, SUNY Buffalo State
Lue Turner, SUNY Empire State College
Liana Valente, Howard University
Mesi Walton, Howard University
Thomas Webb, Erie Community College
Bobbie West, Columbia State Community College
Nathan Widener, Pellississippi State Community College
Donna Williams, Harford Community College
Sandra Wills, Nashville State Community College
Daniel Wolman, Nassau Community College
Angie Wood, Chattanooga State Community College
Mark Zabawa, Iowa Lakes Community College
Certificate Recipients
Felix Afolabi, Morgan State University
Sheila Aird, SUNY Empire State College
Misty Anderson, Roane State Community College
Heidi Baez, Westchester Community College
Kimberly Bailey, Erie Community College
Darleen Braunshweiger, Nassau Community College
Amanda Bryan, Morrisville State College
Mechel Camp, Jackson State Community College
Sara Cano, College of Southern Maryland
Marla Cartwright, Columbia State Community College
Angelique Carson, Howard University
Sabrina Cassuci, University at Buffalo
Jessica Chambers, Roane State Community College
Nakiea Cook, Erie Community College
Salem Elsaiah, SUNY Maritime College
Lakisha Ferebee, College of Southern Maryland
Katharine Fernstrom, Towson University
Matthew Franke, Howard University
Elizabeth Gaudino-Goering, Nassau Community college
Cayla Gaworecki, Schenectady County Community College
Tracey Graney, Monroe Community College
Emerita Hamdan, Binghamton University
Jennifer Hawley, Chesapeake College
Amanda Hinojosa, Howard University
Stefanie Holmes, Roane State Community College
Jane Honeycutt, Northeast State Community College
Trudi Jacobson, SUNY at Albany
Daniel Kelley, Columbia State Community College
Murph Kinney, Suffolk County Community College
Trayle Kulshan, Independent Adjunct Faculty
Robert Ladd, Nashville State Community College
Stuart Lenig, Columbia State Community College
Thierry Lienou, Howard University
John Lombardi, Frostburg State University
Christina Loucks, Columbia State Community College
Theresa Mastrodonato, Frostburg State University
Colleen McCready, Columbia State Community College
Patsy McKenzie, Allegany College of Maryland
John McMullen, Frostburg State University
Landa Palmer, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi
Tony Podlaski, Hudson Valley Community College
Tara Privette, Jackson State Community College
Kyunghee Pyun, Fashion Institute of Technology
Lisa Rafferty, SUNY Buffalo State
Petita Rentz, College of Southern Maryland
Rachel Rigolino, State University of New York at New Paltz
Mary Robinson, Montgomery College
Mary Roth, SUNY Orange
Natasha Schnell, National Louis University
Pamela Schuetze, SUNY Buffalo State
Nancy Schurr, Chattanooga State Community College
Brendan Shapiro, College of Southern Nevada
Alexsa Silva, Binghamton University
Kelsey Solomon, Walters State Community College
Lynette Nickleberry Stewart, SUNY Empire State College
Timothy Strout, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Morris Thomas, Howard University
Bill Turner, Southwest Tennessee Community College
Mari-jo Ulbricht, University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Scott Walton, Harford Community College
Nathan Weber, Northeast State Community College
Margaret Wehrer, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Sueann Wells, Genesee Community College
Clare Whitney, Stony Brook University
Certificate Recipients
Stephanielyn Blowe, Lone Star College System
Ashly Bootman, Santa Ana College
Mallory Branco, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kristen Brock, Ivy Tech Community College
Adriana Bryant, Lone Star College System
Jennifer Carey, Santa Ana College
Carole Champagne, University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Iris Chao, Santa Ana College
Kasyapa Chitta, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Tim Collins, SUNY Buffalo State
Tonya Corbett, Gordon State College
Maria Farina, Schenectady County Community College
Lauren Foster, Germanna Community College
Stephanie Grossman, Wake Technical Community College
Dacia Haralson, Gordon State College
Heather Hardman, Gordon State College
Gregory Heinlein, Santa Ana College
Sara Kelley, Santa Ana College
Erica Madoni, Gordon State College
Anita Mandal, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Maria Manni, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Lawanda Maxwell, Lone Star College System
Jane Marie McKinney, Gordon State College
Kathy Norton, Howard Community College
Christine Nortz, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Lisa Korman, Nassau Community College
Jodell Raymond, Monroe Community College
Doreen Sterling, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Amanda Thompson, Ivy Tech Community College
Ryran Traylor, Gordon State College
Chris Twiggs, Florida State College at Jacksonville
William Villyard, Lone Star College System
Denise Ware, Prince George’s Community College
Helen Wittmann, Suffolk County Community College
Certificate Recipients
Jesse Clark-Stone, SUNY College of Technology at Canton
Marc Freed, Hudson Valley Community College
Tracii Friedman, Colorado Mesa University
Chi Giang, Westchester Community College
Heath Hillman, Colorado Mesa University
Petero Kwizera, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Laurie Lacey, Schenectady County Community College
In Hak Moon, SUNY Maritime College
Kathleen Speicher, Corning Community College
Christina Teresi, Dutchess Community College
Zora Thomova, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Skip Townsend, College of Southern Maryland
Dave Usinski, Erie Community College
Felicia Wider-Lewis, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Certificate Recipients
Peter Carroll, Massachusetts Maritime Academy
Ariel Goodman, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Odessa Jordan, Calhoun Community College
Amanda Miller, Mohawk Valley Community College
Orquidea Morales, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Rachael Mulvihill, SUNY College at Brockport
Steven Murphy, Binghamton University
Andrew Perron, Massachusetts Maritime Academy
Tony Podlaski, Hudson Valley Community College
Pat Rind, SUNY at Purchase College
Paul Szwed, Massachusetts Maritime Academy
Certificate Recipients
Robert Faivre, Adirondack Community College
Trudi Jacobson, SUNY at Albany
Ron Keeney, SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
Yibin Liu, University at Buffalo
Bhakti Sharma, SUNY Buffalo State
Andrew Wood, SUNY College of Technology at Canton
Certificate Recipients
Christopher Ankney, College of Southern Maryland
Emily Bailey, Towson University
Paul Bernhardt, Frostburg State University
Peggy Biser, Frostburg State University
Sam Bloom, Fashion Institute of Technology
Jacqueline Bollinger, Erie Community College
Tammy Bowers, Towson University
Sara Cano, College of Southern Maryland
David “Forrest” Caskey, Anne Arundel Community College
Stephanie Chacon, Monroe Community College
Ruth Childs, SUNY College at Brockport
Michelle Christian, College of Southern Maryland
Rhonda Coffelt, Calhoun Community College
LaPorchia Davis, Morgan State University
Danna Prather Davis, Suffolk County Community College
Barbara Delano, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University
Gauri Desai, University at Buffalo
Brigitte Desport, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University
Deborah Devlin, Frostburg State University
Thane Doubet, Tompkins Cortland Community College
Christine Dubowy, Hagerstown Community College
Lakisha Ferebee, College of Southern Maryland
Katharine Fernstrom, Towson University
Matthew Fox, SUNY College at Brockport
Heather Gable, Frostburg State University
Debora Faccion Grodzki, Binghamton University
Pallavi Guha, Towson University
Mary Guzzy, Corning Community College
Jennifer Hawley, Chesapeake College
Christopher Hollister, University at Buffalo
Karen Huffman, Erie Community College
Steve Hymowech, Fulton-Montgomery Community College
Jennifer Jones, SUNY Westchester Community College
Eileen MacAvery Kane, Rockland Community College
Jessica Kruger, University at Buffalo
Lauren Liburd, Suffolk County Community College
John Lombardi, Frostburg State University
Katie Lynch, Rockland Community College
Thalia MacMillan, SUNY Empire State College
Theresa Mastrodonato, Frostburg State University
Lorena Mathien, SUNY Buffalo State
Patsy McKenzie, Allegany College of Maryland
John McMullen, Frostburg State University
Kenneth Nichols, SUNY College at Oswego
Jillian Nissen, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Kristin Osborne, Massachusetts Maritime Academy
Marjorie Paoletti, Anne Arundel Community College
Kinning Poon, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Daphne Powell, College of Southern Maryland
Petita Rentz, College of Southern Maryland
Mary Robinson, Montgomery College – Germantown Campus
Christine Robinson-Cooley, Hudson Valley Community College
Julio Rodriguez, SUNY Westchester Community College
Nazik Roufaiel, SUNY Empire State College
Duncan RyanMann, SUNY Empire State College
Doris Santamaria-Makang, Frostburg State University
Roberta Schlehr, Erie Community College
Jennifer Scott, Towson University
Alyxandra Sherwood, SUNY College at Geneseo
Grace Sikorski, Anne Arundel Community College
Nicole Simon, Nassau Community College
Michelle Speach, Mohawk Valley Community College
Kathleen Speicher, Corning Community College
Jeff Stueber, Moraine Park Community College
Patricia Szobonya, Rockland Community College
Jamie Tabone, SUNY Buffalo State
Judi Salsburg Taylor, Monroe Community College
Trang Thai, SUNY College at Brockport
John Thompson, SUNY Buffalo State
Sonja Thomson, SUNY Empire State College
Lynwood (Skip) Townsend, College of Southern Maryland
LaToya Trowers, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University
Mari-jo Ulbricht, University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Diantha Watts, SUNY College at Brockport
Brandy Whitlock, Anne Arundel Community College
Sarah Young, Binghamton University
Jie Zhang, SUNY College at Brockport
Certificate Recipients
Sheryl Aaron-Tristani, Harford Community College
Kaite Anderson, Harford Community College
Karen Arnold, Massachusetts Maritime Academy
Renee Arnold-O’Regan, SUNY Orange
Laura Bailey, Onondaga Community College
Jennifer Brown, Harford Community College
Sarah Chojnacki, Moraine Park Community College
Jessica Curran, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Jane Fleming, Harford Community College
Kevin Fleming, Harford Community College
Mike Gutierrez, Massachusetts Maritime Academy
Thomas Hoerl, Harford Community College
Anne Marie Holler, Niagara County Community College
Stephanie Huffnagle, Erie Community College
Jung-Whan de Jong, Fashion Institute of Technology
Laila Kadi, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kristine Keay, Harford Community College
Richard Lee, SUNY Oneonta
Christine Marchese, Nassau Community College
Julianne Messia, Hudson Valley Community College
Becky Norton, Massachusetts Maritime Academy
Sarah Reiman, Harford Community College
Mark Schmidt, Moraine Park Community College
Kadi Simmons, Harford Community College
Gail Stephens, Massachusetts Maritime Academy
Victoria Vieira-Potter, University of Missouri-Columbia
Scott Walton, Harford Community College
Donna Williams, Harford Community College
Certificate Recipients
Minette Beabes, SUNY College at Geneseo
Silvia Bliss,Morrisville State College
Laura Dohner,SUNY Oneonta
Elizabeth Gaudino-Goering,Nassau Community College
Elise Gervais,SUNY at Albany
Steven Greenlaw, University of Mary Washington
Lisa Korman, Nassau Community College
Keith Landa, SUNY at Purchase College
Julie Manley,Coppin State University
Maria Manni, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Crystal Quillen,Middlesex County College
Jodell Raymond,Monroe Community College
Rachel Rigolino,SUNY at New Paltz
Stacey Souther, Cuyahoga Community College
Timothy Strode, Nassau Community College
Jessica Traylor, Gordon State College
Certificate Recipients
Debbie Fries, Wor-Wic Community College
Sophia Georgiakaki,Tompkins Cortland Community College
Heather Lieb, Monroe Community College
Alketa Nina, Wor-Wic Community College
Ronald Olszewski, SUNY Westchester Community College
Thomas Peebles,SUNY at Albany
Program Achievements
In order to earn a Lumen Circles certificate, faculty fellows met the following criteria associated with their Lumen Circles program. In addition, they completed at least 80% of their assigned fellowship activities including weekly reflections and peer feedback.
Certificate of Effective Teaching with Lumen Courseware
- Expanded understanding of how to use Lumen courseware in support of student success using evidence-based teaching practices
- Explored the Lumen Circles framework of evidence-based teaching practices to make the learning environment more a) supportive, b) challenging, c) varied, and d) organized, in support of student success
- Applied reflective teaching methods to plan, apply, and analyze the impact of evidence-based teaching strategies using Lumen courseware
- Engaged in a virtual community of practice to share ideas and feedback with peers
- Completed a pedagogical inventory about familiarity and use of evidence-based teaching practices
Certificate of Effective Teaching Practice: Teaching with OER & Open Pedagogy
- Expanded understanding of how to use OER and open pedagogy in support of student success using evidence-based teaching practices
- Explored the Lumen Circles framework of evidence-based teaching practices to make the learning environment more a) supportive, b) challenging, c) varied, and d) organized, in support of student success
- Used reflective teaching methods to identify, apply, and analyze the impact of evidence-based teaching strategies using OER and/or open pedagogy
- Engaged in a virtual community of practice to share ideas and feedback with peers
- Completed a pedagogical inventory about familiarity and use of evidence-based teaching practices
Certificate of Effective Teaching Practice: Online Teaching Foundation
- Expanded understanding of how to support student success in online instruction using evidence-based teaching practices
- Explored the Lumen Circles framework of evidence-based teaching practices to make the learning environment more a) supportive, b) challenging, c) varied, and d) organized, in support of student success
- Used reflective teaching methods to identify, apply, and analyze the impact of evidence-based teaching strategies using best practices in online teaching
- Engaged in a virtual community of practice to share ideas and feedback with peers
- Completed a pedagogical inventory about familiarity and use of evidence-based teaching practices
Certificate of Effective Teaching Practice: Evidence-based Teaching
- Expanded understanding of how to create an evidence-based teaching environment in order to support student success
- Explored the Lumen Circles framework of evidence-based teaching practices to make the learning environment more a) supportive, b) challenging, c) varied, and d) organized, in support of student success
- Used reflective teaching methods to identify, apply, and analyze the impact of evidence-based teaching strategies on instruction and student engagement
- Engaged in a virtual community of practice to share ideas and feedback with peers
- Completed a pedagogical inventory about familiarity and use of evidence-based teaching practices
Certificate of Effective Teaching Practice: Active Learning
- Expanded understanding of how to support student success by applying active learning strategies grounded in evidence-based teaching practices
- Explored the Lumen Circles framework of evidence-based teaching practices to make the learning environment more a) supportive, b) challenging, c) varied, and d) organized, in support of student success
- Used reflective teaching methods to identify, apply, and analyze the impact of evidence-based teaching strategies using principles of active learning
- Engaged in a virtual community of practice to share ideas and feedback with peers
- Completed a pedagogical inventory about familiarity and use of evidence-based teaching practices