Next Steps:
*Coming Soon: Principles of Management
Lumen’s new Principles of Management course will be delivered in Lumen One, a new platform that brings together the best of Lumen’s teaching & learning solutions including a full suite of professional development resources to support evidence-based teaching.
The Lumen One Principles of Management course is designed to prepare students for strategic leadership in the modern business world. Students will learn how to think like managers who are involved in organizational decision making for a constantly evolving global business environment.
Students will engage in strategies to:
- Responsibly use A.I. as strategic leaders in management
- Describe effective practices around organizational planning, decision making, and culture
- Differentiate between common theories of leadership and foundational management principles
- Explore the primary functions of managers and different strategies within organizations
- Address complex topics in business such as ethics, team conflicts, financial and nonfinancial controls, and the global business management
- Construct a working knowledge of human resource management, effective team building, theories of motivation, communication strategies, and organizational culture
The course utilizes interactive content and practice with immediate feedback to maximize student understanding and retention. Every learning outcome includes practice questions that help engage students with management principles. The instructor resources package is robust and includes easy-to-use, engaging slide decks, and in-class activities, with suggested modifications based on the modality of the course.
Designed to Support Equity
Combining the best features across Lumen, Lumen One is the first courseware product built with a focus on equity. With support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Lumen One was developed to promote equitable outcomes in gateway courses. Lumen One’s unique features are specifically designed to boost participation, engagement, and overall learning to ensure success for all students.
Highlight features of Lumen One:
- Tools to create and foster connection between faculty and students.
- A Faculty Engagement center that provides faculty with easy-to-access actionable data to enable timely interventions when students need it the most.
- Varied, relevant content designed to engage students.
- Personalized study plans with immediate feedback to reinforce strong study skills.
- Easy-to-use automated messaging tools to better support students.
- Supported peer community to provide students with meaningful help from subject matter experts and peers.
- Embedded resources to support faculty to use effective teaching practices and easily do their best work.
(Subject to minor changes prior to course release)
Introduction to Management
- What is Management?
- Primary Functions of Management
- Levels of Management
- Management Roles
- Scientific Management (Taylor, Gilbreths, Gantt)
- Early Management Theories (Weber, Spaulding, and Fayol)
- Humanistic Management (Follett, Mayo)
- Current Developments in Management Practices
Planning and Mission
- Mission, Vision, and Values
- Pros and Cons of Planning
- The Planning Cycle
- Types of Plans and Common Planning Tools
Strategic Management
- Strategic Analysis vs. Strategic Management
- Competitive Advantage
- Common Frameworks for Evaluating the Business Environment (PESTLE, Porter’s Five Forces)
- Common Frameworks for Situational Analysis (SWOT, resource-based view)
- Stages and Types of Strategy
- How Environment Affects Strategy
Organizational Structures
- Characteristics of Organizational Structures
- Common Organizational Structures
- Factors Impacting Organizational Design
- Business Growth Cycle and Organizational Choices
- Leadership vs. Management
- Traits of Effective Leaders
- Leadership Styles (autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, transformational, transactional)
- Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Model
- Goleman’s Model of Situational Leadership
- Vroom and Yetton’s Normative Decision Theory
- What Is Control and Why Do We Need It?
- Benefits and Costs of Control
- The Control Process
- Levels and Types of Control
- A Balanced Scorecard
- Financial and Nonfinancial Controls
Decision Making
- Barriers to Decision Making
- Styles of Decision Making
- Types of Decision Making (rational, bounded rationality, heuristics, evidence-based, data-driven)
- Descriptive and Predictive Analytics
- Using a Decision Tree
- Benefits and Challenges of Group Decision Making
- Techniques for Managers to Reach Consensus
Human Resource Management
- Purpose of Human Resource Management
- Laws Affecting Human Resource Practices (discrimination, workplace safety, collective bargaining)
- Recruiting and Selecting Qualified Job Applicants
- Employee Orientation, Training, and Development
- Employee Performance Evaluations
- Employee Compensation, Incentive, and Benefits Strategies
- Employee Separation and Termination
Employee Performance
- Goldberg’s Big Five Personality Traits vs. MBTI
- Predicting Employee Performance
- Common Management Biases
- Employee Attitudes that Affect Job Performance
- Job Alignment and Factors Affecting Job Performance
- Work-Life Balance
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Part-Time Employees
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Teams
- Common Group Behaviors
- Types of Teams
- Building Effective Teams
- Large vs. Small Teams
- The Five Stages of Team Development
- Conflict Within Teams
- The Importance of Employee Motivation
- Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation
- Needs-Based Theories of Motivation (Maslow, Alderfer, Herzberger, McClelland)
- Process-Based Theories of Motivation (equity theory, procedural justice, interactional justice, expectancy theory)
- Job Rotation vs. Job Enlargement vs Job Enrichment
- Goal-Setting vs. Reinforcement Theory
- Manager’s Role in Motivating Employees
Organizational Culture and Diversity
- What Is Organizational Culture?
- Levels of Culture
- Key Dimensions of Organizational Culture
- Sources of Organizational Culture
- Cultural Change
- Advantages and Challenges of Employee Diversity
Ethics in Business
- The Need for Ethics in the Workplace
- Legal Consequences and Compliance with U.S. Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations
- Ethical Intensity
- Common Principles of Ethical Decision Making
- How Managers Can Encourage Ethical Behavior
- Whistleblower Protection
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Role of Communication in Management
- Social Communication Model
- Formal vs. Informal Communication Networks
- Typical Communication Flows within an Organization
- Barriers to Effective Communication
- Active listening
- Channels of Business Communication
Globalization and Business
- Characteristics of Globalization
- Benefits and Risks of Global Market Entry Strategies
- The Dimensions of Cultural Difference and Their Effect
- Global Business Strategies for Responding to Cultural Differences
- Training Employees for International Assignments
Teaching with Lumen Course Materials

- Replace expensive textbooks | Ready-to-adopt open educational resources (OER) include text, videos, simulations, self-checks, and other interactives.
- Choose affordability | Low cost to students.
- Use better content | Continuous, data-driven improvements make OER content more effective at supporting learning.
- Simplify access | Easy access to course materials in your LMS (Blackboard, Canvas, D2L, and Moodle) plus automatic grade return.
- Improve student outcomes | Research shows Lumen course materials can improve academic performance, passing rates, and course completion.
- Connect with students | Instructor and student tools designed to help strengthen communication.
- Save time | Start with curated, outcome-aligned OER and supplemental instructor resources like quiz banks, assignments, slide decks, etc.
- Customize your course | Freedom to tailor course content to fit your learning outcomes and instructional approach.
- Enjoy awesome support | Faculty-friendly onboarding, training, and support.

- Learn by doing | Online homework, self-check activities, and other interactive tools strengthen learning.
- Engage from day one | Avoid falling behind with access to course materials from the first day of class.
- Retain materials | Download a digital copy of course content to keep forever.
- Become a better learner | Real-time feedback guides students on where to focus and how to improve.
Are you ready to get started with Lumen Learning digital courseware?
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