Lumen’s new Principles of Marketing course will be delivered in Lumen One, a new platform that brings together the best of Lumen’s teaching & learning solutions including teaching resources to support evidence-based teaching.
The course presents students with modern inclusive marketing practices and empowers them with the skills and confidence they need to succeed in today’s dynamic marketplace. Students will learn from relevant real-life examples and have the opportunity to apply that knowledge in simulations.
The language of the text is conversational, explaining concepts that might be unfamiliar to students due to their life experiences and making them more relevant. The Lumen One Principles of Marketing course strives to offer examples and content that students can relate to, no matter what their backgrounds are.
Designed to Support Equity
Combining the best features across Lumen, Lumen One is the first courseware product built with a focus on equity. With support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Lumen One was developed to promote equitable outcomes in gateway courses. Lumen One’s unique features are specifically designed to boost participation, engagement, and overall learning to ensure success for all students.
Highlight features of Lumen One:
- Tools to create and foster connection between faculty and students.
- A Faculty Engagement center that provides faculty with easy-to-access actionable data to enable timely interventions when students need it the most.
- Varied, relevant content designed to engage students.
- Personalized study plans with immediate feedback to reinforce strong study skills.
- Easy-to-use automated messaging tools to better support students.
- Supported peer community to provide students with meaningful help from subject matter experts and peers.
- Embedded resources to support faculty to use effective teaching practices and easily do their best work.
Marketing and Customer Value
- The benefits of marketing
- The components of the marketing process
- Introducing the 4Ps of marketing
- Marketing concepts
- Satisfying consumer needs and wants
- Traditional vs. sustainable marketing
Strategic Planning in Marketing
- Steps in the strategic planning process
- Vision statement vs. mission statement
- SMART objectives
- The role of marketing in strategic planning
- Using SWOT analysis to inform marketing strategies
- Essential elements of a marketing plan
- Metrics and key performance indicators
Markets and Purchasing Behavior
- Types of consumer behavior
- Factors that influence consumer buying behavior
- Stages in the consumer purchasing decision process
- Characteristics of B2B vs. B2C markets
- Types of buyers and buying situations in the B2B market
- Influences on B2B buying behavior
- Stages in the B2B buying process
Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
- Benefits of market segmentation for consumer, B2B, and international markets
- Methods of segmenting consumer, B2B, and international markets
- Essential factors in effective market segmentation
- Target market strategies
- Product positioning
- The use of perceptual maps
Marketing Research and Market Intelligence
- Using marketing information to understand consumers and the marketplace
- Sources and categories of marketing information
- Steps in a market research plan
- Methods of quantifying market research
Marketing in an International Environment
- The role of international marketing
- Assessing opportunities in global markets
- The significance of culture in international marketing
- Use of adaptation strategies in international markets
- The role of marketing research in international marketing
- Culturally sensitive communication in international marketing campaigns
Inclusivity in Marketing
- Benefits of inclusive marketing practices
- Marketing to multicultural segments
- The role of representation in inclusive marketing
- Adaptation strategies
- Acculturation vs. appropriation
- The role of language, tone, and context in inclusive marketing campaigns
- Inclusive review processes for marketing campaigns
- Goods, services, and experiences
- Classifying consumer, business, and industrial products
- Product items, lines, and mixes
- Product line length, depth, filling, and stretching
- Marketing strategies during the product life cycle
- Branding strategies
- Measuring brand effectiveness
- Packaging as a marketing tool
Maintaining a Competitive Edge with New Products
- “Newness” from the customer’s perspective
- Risks and benefits of developing new products
- Stages of product development
- Intellectual property considerations in new product development
- Evaluating the success of new products
- Stages of new product adoption
- Categories of new product adopters
Services: The Intangible Product
- Classification of services
- Characteristics of services
- The service-profit chain model
- The gap model of service quality
- The RATER framework for service quality
Pricing Products
- The role of pricing in the marketing mix
- The psychology of pricing
- The five critical Cs of pricing
- Establishing pricing policies and objectives
- Pricing strategies for new and existing products
Integrated Marketing Communications in the Digital Age
- The elements of the promotion mix
- Steps in the IMC planning process
- The 5A framework for understanding customers
- Traditional direct marketing
- The influence of the digital age on direct marketing
- Social media and mobile marketing opportunities and challenges
- Evaluating the success of online marketing
Advertising and Public Relations
- The role of advertising in the promotion mix
- Steps in developing an advertising plan
- Evaluating the effectiveness of advertising
- KPIs for measuring the success of advertising
- The role of public relations in the promotion mix
- The tools of public relations
Personal Selling and Sales Promotion
- The role of personal selling in the promotion mix
- Steps in the personal selling process
- Structuring and managing a sales force
- Recruiting, training, and compensating a sales force.
- Evaluating a sales force
- The role of sales promotion in the promotion mix
- Consumer-oriented vs. trade-oriented sales promotion
Delivering Customer Value
- Marketing channels for consumers vs. business/industrial products
- Vertical, horizontal, multichannel, and omnichannel marketing systems
- Types of target market coverage
- Factors that influence channel choice
- Selection, management, motivation, and evaluation of channel members
- Resolving channel conflict
- The role of supply chain management in marketing
Retailing and Wholesaling
- The role of retailing in the distribution channel
- Types of store and non-store retailers
- The influence of pricing, location, and merchandise in retail strategy
- Trends in retailing
- Types of wholesalers and their major challenges
Teaching with Lumen Course Materials

- Replace expensive textbooks | Ready-to-adopt open educational resources (OER) include text, videos, simulations, self-checks, and other interactives.
- Choose affordability | Low cost to students.
- Use better content | Continuous, data-driven improvements make OER content more effective at supporting learning.
- Simplify access | Easy access to course materials in your LMS (Blackboard, Canvas, D2L, and Moodle) plus automatic grade return.
- Improve student outcomes | Research shows Lumen course materials can improve academic performance, passing rates, and course completion.
- Connect with students | Instructor and student tools designed to help strengthen communication.
- Save time | Start with curated, outcome-aligned OER and supplemental instructor resources like quiz banks, assignments, slide decks, etc.
- Customize your course | Freedom to tailor course content to fit your learning outcomes and instructional approach.
- Enjoy awesome support | Faculty-friendly onboarding, training, and support.

- Learn by doing | Online homework, self-check activities, and other interactive tools strengthen learning.
- Engage from day one | Avoid falling behind with access to course materials from the first day of class.
- Retain materials | Download a digital copy of course content to keep forever.
- Become a better learner | Real-time feedback guides students on where to focus and how to improve.
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