Next Steps:
Intermediate Algebra
This Intermediate Algebra course provides a friendly yet in-depth review of algebra skills and concepts in preparation for college-level math courses. Content coverage includes: real numbers and algebraic expressions; linear inequalities and graphing of linear equations and inequalities; functions and function notation; linear functions; linear systems; exponents; polynomials and polynomial functions; factoring; rational expressions and equations; roots and rational exponents; quadratic equations and complex numbers; exponential and logarithmic functions; and exponential and logarithmic equations.
This course offers a complete set of resources including editable e-text with embedded videos and practice, along with online assessments and powerpoint slides.
Course materials are curated from a variety of sources. Primary sources include the NROC Network’s Developmental Math Open Textbook Units, tutorials by James Sousa and the OpenStax textbooks, and Precalculus by Jay Abramson, et al.
Lumen OER courses apply learning science insights to engage students and better support the learning process. Content includes text, images, videos, assessments, directed feedback, practice questions, and other interactives that invite students to apply their knowledge and improve their understanding. Lumen’s online homework system, OHM, provides frequent practice, machine grading, and immediate feedback to help students learn and master math and other quantitative subjects.
Additional Course Features
These course materials include:
- Online Homework Manager (OHM): A flexible, user-friendly math homework system with customizable learning content, assessments, and activities you can tailor to fit your needs. Request an OHM instructor account.
- Outcome-aligned OER: Designed to replace expensive textbooks, this course curates open educational resources (OER) aligned with learning outcomes. Teach as-is or customize to fit your needs.
- LMS Integration: This course may be delivered with seamless LMS integration and automatic grade return for Canvas, Blackboard, Brightspace, and Moodle.
- Accessibility: Lumen is 100% committed to providing learning materials that are accessible to all learners. Lumen course materials are mobile-friendly.
What People Are Saying
“I just love the ease of use and ability to edit what I need in a course.” – Shirley Sinacore, Sullivan County Community College
“Since using OHM, I have time to help a larger number of students pass the course. It’s also easy for students to understand how to use.” – Jean Greear, Wytheville Community College
Teaching with Lumen Course Materials

- Replace expensive textbooks | Ready-to-adopt open educational resources (OER) include text, videos, simulations, self-checks, and other interactives.
- Choose affordability | Low cost to students.
- Use better content | Continuous, data-driven improvements make OER content more effective at supporting learning.
- Simplify access | Easy access to course materials in your LMS (Blackboard, Canvas, D2L, and Moodle) plus automatic grade return.
- Improve student outcomes | Research shows Lumen course materials can improve academic performance, passing rates, and course completion.
- Connect with students | Instructor and student tools designed to help strengthen communication.
- Save time | Start with curated, outcome-aligned OER and supplemental instructor resources like quiz banks, assignments, slide decks, etc.
- Customize your course | Freedom to tailor course content to fit your learning outcomes and instructional approach.
- Enjoy awesome support | Faculty-friendly onboarding, training, and support.

- Learn by doing | Online homework, self-check activities, and other interactive tools strengthen learning.
- Engage from day one | Avoid falling behind with access to course materials from the first day of class.
- Retain materials | Download a digital copy of course content to keep forever.
- Become a better learner | Real-time feedback guides students on where to focus and how to improve.
Are you ready to get started with Lumen Learning digital courseware?
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